Nice interview and profile; when I read it, I remembered how much I enjoyed _Grafts_.
Some properly gnarly games maths, laid out. I understood some of it? But always nice to see what goes into things, even when you don't enjoy them, especially at that technical-art conjunction.
This feels really familiar. I roughly agree with a lot of it (I miss straight up server-side MVC, the reactive pattern is a winner, React makes a lot of sense for PWAs, I feel old). But it's well written and covers some good ground.
(I do like how Dan Abramov writes about code).
These are very good – and clearly stated.
"At the turn of the millennium, the internet seemed full of heartfelt pitches. Millions of users singing the praises of their favourite things – crowding around them, talking about them, calling for others to recognize their charms. Not the sturm und drang of social media: just clear-throated whoops, and echoes. Strangers like Pedro logging on to share their passions, not just once but every week, long after they had earned their Into the Grove membership rights, as if they couldn't help themselves."