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viral is an adjective used to describe posts that are shared very broadly very rapidly, usually on silos, often due to some timely aspect of the post, like humor related to current events, or a well explained summary of an otherwise complex issue, or both, almost always eliciting a strong emotional response which motivates rapid sharing.
See Also
- Criticism: 2021-03-26 No more platforms please
Despite its obviously ominous name, "viral" has long served as the top trophy for the platform people. Has there been a better year than this to attempt a cure? Virality is a bug not a feature. […] This constant quest for virality might make good ideas burn 10x as bright, but also 10x as short.
- repost
- Criticism: misinformation is often designed to "go viral", e.g. about vaccines (unironically) 2021-03-25 NPR: Few Facts, Millions Of Clicks: Fearmongering Vaccine Stories Go Viral Online