Archive of 2017 Planning and organizing.
What keynotes shall we have? Brainstorm below (subjects, and speaker suggestions optional but also ok)
- What is the IndieWeb -
Aaron Parecki
- State of the IndieWeb -
Tantek Çelik
- A Brief History of My Website -
Lillian Karabaic
- Indie Map -
Ryan Barrett
- tantek and aaronpk site demos
Leaders Summit
Similar to 2016/Leaders, the Leaders Summit sessions are open to everyone who has co-organized an IndieWebCamp from 2015-2017 or at least two Homebrew Website Club meetups during those years, and posted at least one meetup photo. If you're not sure, ask an organizer.
🤓 Have you helped organize an IndieWebCamp or series of Homebrew Website Clubs and want to help out with our annual IndieWebSummit? Add yourself below, and what you'd like to / are available help do to make the summit happen:
Aaron Parecki - onsite in Portland
Tantek Çelik - all kinds of wiki things (like this page and subpages), outreach, possibly cross-promotion with related events
- ...
🤗 Participated in an IndieWebCamp and want to help out new folks? Or just passionate to help out any way you can? Add yourself here!
Martijn van der Ven - talk to Zegnat on IRC to have stuff get done.
- ...
Sorry to miss you!
funwhilelost 13:28, 18 April 2017 (PDT)
Onsite Considerations
- food - vegetarian default
- onsite childcare (was asked about the week before 2016, so we should look into options, costs, possible sponsorship thereof etc.) note: we did not put this together in time for 2017 so will have to try again for next year
Additional Event Links
Need to add IndieWeb Summit 2017 to:
- Lanyrd
- W3C Other Events: https://www.w3.org/participate/otherevents/
- ...
Notes afterwards
Post-summit notes to keep in mind for future events.
- This year we had 50 registrations, and ordered food for 40.
- 31 people attended on day 1, and 21 attended on day 2.
- Hot breakfast on day 1 was great, and many people ate the leftovers for lunch that day. We still had too much left over though.
- We consistently have people drop out the second day, so we can likely order less food for the second day than the first.
- We had way too many bagels for day 2 breakfast. We can probably order 1 bagel for every 2 people.
- The afternoon coffee refresh was a good idea, but it should have come around 2pm instead of 3pm. Also we didn't need as much as was ordered. The 4 coffees in the morning was a good amount, and probably needed only 2 more in the afternoon.
- An external sign out on the street would have made it easier to find.
- Several remote attendees filled out the ti.to registration, so we should make sure it's clear that the ti.to registration is just for in-person attendance.
- Some people registered on ti.to twice, a month apart. Not sure what the problem there was or how to fix it.
- We lost the beginning of the demos because Wirecast on the computer that was recording/streaming to youtube crashed. In the future, we should record the Vidyo stream in the main room as well as a backup.
- We forgot to take a group photo on day 2.
- Designate a camera-free area for people to use to type in passwords when they want to make sure they aren't being livestreamed and filmed at multiple angles
Initial Planning
This is an archive of the initial planning for IndieWeb Summit 2017, originally found here.
- 2017 - IndieWebSummit 2017 now planned! Save the dates and start planning your Portland travel.
Previously: planning/brainstorming
Can help co-organize:
gRegor Morrill
David Shanske can work around any date that month as long as notice to arrange time off.
Grant Richmond
Wm Salt Hale
Marty McGuire
Shane Becker
Michael Bishop - if nothing else, would like to attend remotely, no preference as to date.
Eddie Hinkle - if nothing else, would like to attend remotely, no preference as to date.
Ben Roberts - most likely just remotely attending
Chris Aldrich - flexible on June/July dates, no strong preferences
Erin Jo Richey - no objection to either date
- ...
Possible dates (Saturday+Sunday unless otherwise indicated)
- June 3-4
- +0
Tantek Çelik pretty sure I can make this, but I'd prefer a date that benwerd can be there
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- +1
Wm Salt Hale
- +1
Marty McGuire
- +1
gRegor Morrill
- +1
Shane Becker
- +0 Template:karaemurphy maybe could make it
- -1
Ben Werdmüller for sure cannot make it
- +0
- ...
- June 24-25 (weekend after OSBridge, like we did in 2011, 2012, and 2014!)
- +1
Tantek Çelik
- +1
Aaron Parecki (slightly less preference for this since I will be coming back from amsterdam on the wednesday before this)
- +1
Ben Werdmüller - can make this but cannot make June 23rd (the day before)
- +0.5
Wm Salt Hale
- +0
Marty McGuire (conflicts with an event in NYC)
- +1
gRegor Morrill
- +1
Shane Becker
- ...
- +1
Rejected dates (all well below two candidate dates above)
- June 10-11
- -0
Tantek Çelik I *may* have a conflict, so just putting 0 for now.
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- -1
Ben Werdmüller I'll be with the new Matter class
- +1
Wm Salt Hale
- +1
Marty McGuire
- +0.5
gRegor Morrill dates work, but would be nice to have
Ben Werdmüller there
- ...
- -0
- June 17-18 just for June completeness
- -1
Tantek Çelik because
Aaron Parecki will be away
- -1
Aaron Parecki I will be out of town
- -1
Wm Salt Hale
- -1
gRegor Morrill because
Aaron Parecki will be away
- ...
- -1
- July 15-16
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- -1
Ben Werdmüller
- +0.5
Wm Salt Hale
- +1
Marty McGuire
- +0.5
gRegor Morrill dates work, but would be nice to have
Ben Werdmüller there
- +1
- ...
Vague date related thoughts:
- 2.5 days again (half day leaders summit, 1 day intro/brainstorming, 1 day hackday)
- ...
Other events with similar audiences:
- 06-20…23 Open Source Bridge, Portland, OR
- ...
Other events / possible conflicts:
- 06-08…09 Personal Democracy Forum, NYC
- 06-10…11 The North Face Endurance Challenge MA (AKA NPSummit 5.0), near Boston, MA
- 06-15...21
Aaron Parecki in Amsterdam
- 06-21…22 W3C Advisory Board f2f, Cambridge, MA
- 06-27…07-01 Mozilla All Hands, SF, CA
- 07-01…04 US July 4th Holiday Weekend, United States
- 07-07…11 YxYY005, Palm Springs, CA
- 07-23 San Francisco Marathon, SF, CA
- 08-01…04 W3C CSS Working Group meeting, Paris, France
- ...