
From IndieWeb

Tailwind is a CSS framework introduced in 2017 that replicates similar functionality as the standard HTML style attribute, though using abbreviated cryptic class names. Despite which, some in the IndieWeb community have found useful in designing their sites.


Conflict with microformats

There is a potential for the Tailwind height styles to interfere with microformats parsing.


Tailwind can make use of CSS variables, while the HTML style attribute cannot. This is done by specifying said variables in one's overriding CSS attributes for Tailwind. After generation, depending on how one configures PostCSS, said variable references remain for conventional CSS to make use of.


Takes more time

Like many CSS frameworks, it requires learning multiple things, both CSS and the framework itself, thus takes more time to learn, which tends to require more privilege.

Ephemeral utility

Like most web frameworks, Tailwind is likely to be useful for only a brief period of time (maybe a year or two) before it is replaced or obsoleted by some other new framework, and thus is of ephemeral utility as compared to directly learning and using web standards, in this case, CSS properties and values.


  • Loss of community. As a framework dies, so dwindles and disappears any community associated with it, thus requiring anyone using it to rely completely on self-maintenance.
  • Need to keep learning new frameworks. The ephemeral nature of web frameworks like Tailwind mean that if you don't do self-maintenance, you instead have to continuously (every year or two) learn new frameworks to replace the old ones. This is another example of costing more time, though over the long run, and thus also tends to require more privilege.

Reinvents style attribute

Tailwind’s cryptic short class names appear to be a naive and less human-readable reinvention of the standard HTML style attribute and CSS properties & values which you can directly use instead, and have been supported for over 20 years.

  • Tantek Çelik: Criticism: IMO Tailwind is mostly just inline style attribute styling dressed up in a more cryptic syntax pretending to be meaningful class names.
  • Criticism thread: https://twitter.com/jaredcwhite/status/1571236676789506048
    • "The "workflow of styling directly in your markup" was rightly rejected by the creators of web specs and a thoughtful dev community decades ago.

      This entire project is setting the web back, all because of one man's ego and a corporation built around it." @jaredcwhite September 17, 2022

Exception: Tailwind may be able to use CSS "variables" (see Advantages section) which the style attribute cannot. This may or may not outweigh the other criticisms, up to the developer to evaluate if this trade-off is worth it.

Tailwind is an expansion of the utility class model to the whole framework - it is just short of this parody.

Illusion of avoiding naming

Tailwind (and other inline-style directives CSS frameworks, utility classes etc.) don’t actually solve the problem of avoiding naming things (as they claim to), because you actually do need to name things to communicate in teams. e.g.


See Also