2015/Edinburgh/Guest List
IndieWebCamp Edinburgh 2015
IndieWebCamp Edinburgh 2015 is:
- When: to
- Where: NCR, 1pj, 10 Kittle Yards, Edinburgh, Scotland. http://ncredinburgh.com/
- URL: http://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Edinburgh
The canonical signup for this event is the wiki Guest List page. To add yourself, you need to:
- Sign into the wiki with indieauth (two-step instructions, screenshots)
- Then edit the Guest List to fill in your details.
- OR if that's not an option for you (eg. if you don't have your own domain yet) ping
Amy Guy (by email, twitter or IRC) and she'll be happy to add you to the guest list on your behalf.
- Alternatively sign up on Attending.io, which will have the same effect.
If you have dietary requirements or preferences, let me know, we want to be able to feed everyone :)
Official Guest List
Create your account, then add yourself using the attendee template:
- Your name linked to your wiki user page
- Your profile photo
- Your personal, IndieWeb URL
- Your organization and URL (optional)
- Links to IndieWeb projects that you have running on your site, are working on, or have contributed to.
- Links to your other web profiles (optional)
Then consider adding IndieWebCamp buttons to your website.
Want to help? Sign up to volunteer!.
Alphabetically sorted by full display name.
Sign up for IndieWebCamp 2015 in Edinburgh!
Venue Capacity: 30
- signed-up: 19
- spots remaining: 11
Personal URL: http://rhiaro.co.uk
Elsewhere: @rhiaro, github.com/rhiaro
Name: Grant Richmond
Personal URL: http://grant.codes
Elsewhere: @terminalpixel, github.com/terminalpixel
Name: Hamish Hutchings
Personal URL: http://hamhut1066.com
Elsewhere: @hamhut1066
Name: Harry Reeder
Personal URL: http://www.harryreeder.co.uk
Elsewhere: @harry_reeder
Name: James Baster
IndieWeb Projects: OpenTechCalendar
Personal URL: http://jarofgreen.co.uk
Elsewhere: @jarofgreen, github.com/jarofgreen
Name: River
IndieWeb Projects: https://mm0hai.net
Personal URL: https://mm0hai.net
Elsewhere: @macleodan
Name: Tim Retout
Personal URL: https://retout.co.uk
Elsewhere: @timretout
Name: Kit Barnes
Personal URL: https://www.kitb.pw
Elsewhere: github.com/kitb
Name: Francesco
Personal URL: http://fran.fi
Name: Gordon Gray
Organization: Abertay Ethical Hacking Society
Personal URL: http://kim.gorzilla.co.uk
Elsewhere: github.com/gorzilla
Name: Freya
Apprentice Of: Amy Guy
Personal URL: —
Personal URL: —
Elsewhere: https://github.com/lvgeng
Personal URL: —
Personal URL: —
Elsewhere: https://github.com/Kegsay
Name: Peixue Li
Apprentice Of: Amy Guy
Personal URL: —
Name: Philip Igbaro
Apprentice Of: Amy Guy
Personal URL: —
Name: Raymond Lapin
Apprentice Of: Amy Guy
Personal URL: http://proflapin.wordpress.com/
Name: Saloni Vyas
Apprentice Of: Amy Guy
Personal URL: —
Name: Yaqin Mao
Apprentice Of: Amy Guy
Personal URL: —
Name: Ben Werdmülller
IndieWeb Projects: Known
Personal URL: http://werd.io
Elsewhere: @benwerd
Name: Ewan Klein
Organization: Edinburgh Living Lab
Personal URL: http://raw-text.io
Elsewhere: @ewanhklein , github.com/ewan-klein
Remote Participants
As with past IndieWebCamps, we'll setup remote participation for folks who can't be there in person but can still participate during the camp over IRC and hopefully live video.
Personal URL: http://aaronparecki.com/
Elsewhere: @aaronpk, github.com/aaronpk
Personal URL: http://alexkearney.com
Elsewhere: @AlexKKearney, github.com/Kongaloosh
Name: David Shanske
IndieWeb Projects: Various Indieweb Plugins for WordPress
Personal URL: https://david.shanske.com
Elsewhere: @dshanske, github.com/dshanske
Name: Dora
Personal URL: http://indiewebcat.com/
Elsewhere: @indiewebcat, instagram.com/indiewebcat
Name: Tigo
Personal URL: http://tigo.rhiaro.co.uk
Elsewhere: @tigobirdtweets
Folks that can't make it (but hopefully can participate before/after remotely!)
Name: Halsted M. Bernard
Personal URL: http://www.cygnoir.net
Elsewhere: @cygnoir
Name: Tim Krins
Personal URL: http://timkrins.com
Elsewhere: github.com/timkrins