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Search the Indieseek.xyz directory:  Tip: Use one or two keywords. Keep them broad.

Indieseek.xyz is a small human curated, searchable, directory of web links to both websites and to individual web pages. We try and list pages that are informative, fun, classic and useful.

Instructions on how to add your blog, website or web page can be found in here.  By doing that you help us grow and help yourself as well.  Of course, we will continue to hunt down new listings on our own.


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Indieseek.xyz directory is intended to help navigate the Web.  Specifically, we list websites and articles from the independent web or about the independent web.  These websites include: personal blogs, topical blogs, older HTML web pages left over from Web 1.0 days, new HTML “web revival” websites plus a list of links to resources that you may find useful in starting your own personal independent website, blog or even establish your own directory, like this one.

The Independent Web is about breaking out of the corporate silos and the corporate monopolies that act as gatekeepers to the Web.  Our mission is to help you find interesting and useful websites and/or to help your website be found by others.

If you like what you see, please use our directory as one of your search engines and tell others about us.

Thank you.