Edited vols. - Church History / Ecumenism by Kirsten Van Der Ham
Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zui... more Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zuidoost, including serving free meals for everyone who wanted them. When this was no longer possible because of the Covid-19 measures, the international church, Treasures International Ministries, and Diaconie Evangelisch Lutherse Gemeente Amsterdam decided to work together and start delivering meals to people’s houses. Some of these recipients were enlisted through the network of one of the churches, but most were enlisted by care organizations. As one, relatively small project, operating alongside other aid initiatives, the meals project soon received many more enlistments than anticipated, and the Covid-19 crisis lasted longer than expected, which raised questions regarding the underlying needs and how to proceed in the long term. Together with the Protestant Theological University, they decided to research the question:
How does the meals project of Treasures and Lutherse Diaconie expose structural needs in Amsterdam Zuidoost, and how can these needs be addressed in a sustainable manner?
Papers by Kirsten Van Der Ham
Journal of World Christianity
After Indonesia’s war of independence, a flow of migration was triggered to the Netherlands, the ... more After Indonesia’s war of independence, a flow of migration was triggered to the Netherlands, the former colonizer. Some of the Christians who migrated to the Netherlands founded their own congregations in Dutch society. The present article regards how these Indonesian congregations shaped their use of the Bible, in light of their community formation under the influence of migration, through a heuristic comparison with the results of research conducted by Foppen et al. on Bible readers in the Netherlands at large. The empirical study of three Indonesian congregations shows that one of the key elements of the Bible usage of ordinary readers in the three respective congregations is that they view the Bible as a guide to life. They further appreciate the polyphony of biblical texts, since it enables contextual theologies. Further results regard preferred language, Bible translation, and digitalization.
PThU Research Report, Feb 18, 2021
Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zui... more Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zuidoost, including serving free meals for everyone who wanted them. When this was no longer possible because of the Covid-19 measures, the international church, Treasures International Ministries, and Diaconie Evangelisch Lutherse Gemeente Amsterdam decided to work together and start delivering meals to people’s houses. Some of these recipients were enlisted through the network of one of the churches, but most were enlisted by care organizations. As one, relatively small project, operating alongside other aid initiatives, the meals project soon received many more enlistments than anticipated, and the Covid-19 crisis lasted longer than expected, which raised questions regarding the underlying needs and how to proceed in the long term. Together with the Protestant Theological University, they decided to research the question: How does the meals project of Treasures and Lutherse Diaconie expose structural needs in Amsterdam Zuidoost, and how can these needs be addressed in a sustainable manner?
Religie & Samenleving, 2021
Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in church building, De Nieuwe Stad... more Before the Covid-19 crisis, churches organized many activities in church building, De Nieuwe Stad in Amsterdam Zuidoost, including serving free meals for everyone who wanted them. When this was no longer possible because of the Covid-19 measures, the international churches Treasures International Ministries and Maranatha Community Transformation Centre and Diaconie Evangelisch-Lutherse Gemeente Amsterdam decided to work together and start delivering meals to people’s houses. As one, relatively small project, operating alongside other aid initiatives, the meals project soon received many more enlistments than anticipated, and the Covid-19 crisis lasted longer than expected, which raised questions regarding the underlying needs and how to proceed in the long term. Together with researchers, they started a practical theological research project. On the basis of this project, that included action research, this article describes the meals project, its context and the research method tha...
International Review of Mission, 2020
Wie Bijbel en 'beperking' serieus neemt, krijgt een nieuwe toegang tot de Schrift... more Wie Bijbel en 'beperking' serieus neemt, krijgt een nieuwe toegang tot de Schrift. Je gaat eigen blinde vlekken zien, bijvoorbeeld. Je kunt ook merken hoe meelezen met een blinde je zicht op de Bijbel verdiept. Want wiens perspectief telt er eigenlijk mee? Dat van de 'normale, gezonde' mens? Wie is dat dan? Of ook het perspectief van iemand die blind, doof, of mentaal beperkt is? Hoe lees je dan verhalen over genezing? Of over licht en horen? Aandacht voor dit thema maakt ook bewust van beperking op zich: waar en wat is het? Wie is er op welke manier beperkt, zichtbaar of onzichtbaar? Wat is het belang hiervan voor theologie, missie en kerk-zijn in Nederland, en daarbuiten? Het vierde NZR-Cahier Bijbel en 'beperking'. Contextuele en missiologische perspectieven is voortgevloeid uit de Dom Hélder Câmara-lezing 2018, een samenwerking tussen de Nederlandse Zendingsraad, Kerk in AcAe en het Centrum voor Contextuele Bijbelinterpretatie (PThU/VU). Aan het woord komen o.a. Louise Lawrence (hoogleraar Nieuwe Testament aan de Universiteit van Exeter, VK), Marcel Broesterhuizen (emeritus hoogleraar Pastorale Theologie aan de KU Leuven) enBèe Woord (predikant-pionier in Almere-Poort). Het cahier biedt zo een breed perspecAef: vanuit de wetenschap, uit de pastorale en theologische praktijk in Nederland en internationaal en, met name, van mensen die leven met een beperking. Bijbel en 'beperking'. Contextuele en missiologische perspectieven is de vierde uitgave in de serie reflectie en toerusting op missionaire en missiologische thema's die de Nederlandse Zendingsraad uitbrengt onder de titel NZR-Cahiers. Voor meer informatie en nummers bestellen (€9,95 per stuk) kunt u contact opnemen met: Nederlandse Zendingsraad, [email protected]
Edited vols. - Church History / Ecumenism by Kirsten Van Der Ham
How does the meals project of Treasures and Lutherse Diaconie expose structural needs in Amsterdam Zuidoost, and how can these needs be addressed in a sustainable manner?
Papers by Kirsten Van Der Ham
How does the meals project of Treasures and Lutherse Diaconie expose structural needs in Amsterdam Zuidoost, and how can these needs be addressed in a sustainable manner?