Papers by Akkoyun, B.

Internet ve buna bagli teknolojilerin gelismesine bagli olarak kuresellesme ve dolayisi ile pazar... more Internet ve buna bagli teknolojilerin gelismesine bagli olarak kuresellesme ve dolayisi ile pazara hakim olmak icin elektronik ticaret kavrami da hizli bir sekilde gelismistir. Elektronik ticaret sayesinde herkes oturdugu yerden alis veris yapabilir hale gelmis ve hic akliniza gelmeyecek ulkelerden alis veris yapilmaktadir. Boylece artik dunyada sinir denen kavram ortadan kalkmistir. Elektronik ticaret ile yasanan gelismeler sayesinde dunya capindaki tum kurum ve kuruluslar bu konuya ilgi duymak zorunda kalmis, bunu tum yonleri ile inceleyerek arastirmalar yapmis ve yapmaya da devam etmektedirler. Cunku isletmeler artik olaylara bakarken dis cevrelerini inceleyerek bir yaklasim sergilemeleri gerekmektedir. Bu gelismeler isletmeleri devlet, tuketici, ekonomi, tedarikciler, pazarlama ve rekabet gibi sartlara bagli olarak adim atmasini gerektirmistir. Bu calismada ise isletme disindaki bu kavramlar uzerinde durulmustur
Turkish Studies-Economics,Finance,Politics

Technium Social Sciences Journal
After the pandemic of COVID-19 and refugee problems that took hold of the world, the citizens and... more After the pandemic of COVID-19 and refugee problems that took hold of the world, the citizens and administrations of each country have been trying to survive by becoming nearly closed systems. This situation brought forward the societies that create the countries and their culture, which is the most important element of the societies, and deeply affected them. For this reason, it has been inevitable to examine the theoretical studies carried out so far. In this study, which has an interdisciplinary feature, it is aimed to reveal the effects of societies, which is the most extensive and widest one among organized structures and cultural differences, which constitute the basic building blocks of societies on the refugee and pandemic crisis management of countries. For this purpose, after making a theoretical evaluation of some societies in the light of studies conducted based on cultural differences, it has been revealed that these differences have strong effects on refugee and pandem...

After the pandemic of COVID-19 and refugee problems that took hold of the world, the citizens and... more After the pandemic of COVID-19 and refugee problems that took hold of the world, the citizens and administrations of each country have been trying to survive by becoming nearly closed systems. This situation brought forward the societies that create the countries and their culture, which is the most important element of the societies, and deeply affected them. For this reason, it has been inevitable to examine the theoretical studies carried out so far. In this study, which has an interdisciplinary feature, it is aimed to reveal the effects of societies, which is the most extensive and widest one among organized structures and cultural differences, which constitute the basic building blocks of societies on the refugee and pandemic crisis management of countries. For this purpose, after making a theoretical evaluation of some societies in the light of studies conducted based on cultural differences, it has been revealed that these differences have strong effects on refugee and pandemic crisis management. On the other hand, communities and their cultures were also significantly affected by predicting that it would be permanent. To reach this result, a method with the lowest margin of error and art discipline was used as a methodology.

Özet Örgütsel güvenin işletmeler için taşıdığı önemden hareket ile örgütü oluşturan bireylerin ör... more Özet Örgütsel güvenin işletmeler için taşıdığı önemden hareket ile örgütü oluşturan bireylerin örgüt içerisindeki demografik dağılımlarının örgüte etkisi kaçınılmazdır. Bu yönü ile yalın bir çalışma olmasının yanısıra, konuya bu açılardan dikkat çekilmesi de farklı bir önem arz etmektedir. Araştırmada, çalışanların demografik özellikleri ile örgütlerine karşı hissettikleri güven duyguları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, Malatya Organize Sanayi bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren ve personel sayısı açısından büyük ölçekli işletme kategorisinde yer alan bir tekstil üretim firmasında uygulanmıştır. Bu amaç kapsamında anket yöntemi ile elde edilen veriler, Nicel araştırmalar için uygun olan SPSS İstatistik Programında çeşitli analizlere tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilerin analizi ve yorumu sonunda ise cinsiyet, medeni durum ve çalışılan süre bağımsız değişkenleri ile örgüt imajı arasında; eğitim bağımsız değişkeni ile hem örgüt politikası hem de örgüt imajı bağımlı değişkenleri arasında çeşitli düzeylerde ilişkilere rastlanmıştır. Bu sonuçlar arasından özellikle cinsiyet değişkeninde vurgulanan bayan potansiyel iş gücünün çalışma hayatına aktif olarak kazandırılması çalışmanın yaygın etkisi olarak kabul edilebilir. Abstract Forms of organization and action from the importance for businesses of organizational trust influence the organization of the demographic distribution of the individuals in the organization are inevitable. In addition to being a lean work with this aspect of the issue to draw attention in this respect it is also quite a different matter. In this study, we aimed to determine the demographic characteristics of the working relationship between the trust they feel towards their organization. The study, Malatya and the number of personnel operating in Organized Industrial Zone has been implemented in a textile manufacturing company located in terms of large-scale enterprises category. For this purpose the scope of the data obtained by the survey method is subjected to various analyzes in accordance with SPSS for quantitative research. At the end of the analysis and interpretation of data obtained from the study of gender, marital status and organization between image and arguments of time worked; education and policy organization with independent variables were found in the relationship between the dependent variable at various levels of both organization's image. This results from the work of women in particular to gain active labor highlighted the potential gender impact of the work life can be widely accepted.
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Elektronik Dergisi, 2013
The usage of information processing technology is among many development taking place in business... more The usage of information processing technology is among many development taking place in business
organizations future. Past decades, the world has been entered an era globalization, where local and national
economies, technological and social trends are quickly transcending regional and national boundries. Advanced
information technologies became absolutely necessary part ofthe companies in today’s competition and velocity
environment. On this study description and extent of information technologies emphasised, the effects of information
technologies to the businesses’s performance was examined and frequency analysis are done for results. For
businesses, it can be offered to set a way by using the effects of this study.
Key Words: İnformation, Business, Performance, Technology

Journal of Economics Administrative Sciences Faculty Dicle University, 2014
The concept of the electronic commerce develops quickly to globalisation and dominate the markets... more The concept of the electronic commerce develops quickly to globalisation and dominate the markets depending
on the internet and on the development of related technologies. Everybody can do shopping without going
markets, and they can do shopping different countries. So the notion of ‘limit’ disappear in world anymore.
Institutions and organizations must interested in the subject thanks to electronic commerce, and they investigate
all features of this and also they will contunie searching all around the world. Because the managements need to
search their external environment to look into the cases. This develeopments are required to move depending on
the conditions of government, consumer, economy, supplier, marketing and rivalry. In this work is focused on
these concepts other than the entity.
Keywords: The electronic commerce, the external environment, rivalry
Journal of Economics Administrative Sciences Faculty Dicle University, 2014
The concept of the electronic commerce develops quickly to globalisation and dominate the markets... more The concept of the electronic commerce develops quickly to globalisation and dominate the markets depending
on the internet and on the development of related technologies. Everybody can do shopping without going
markets, and they can do shopping different countries. So the notion of ‘limit’ disappear in world anymore.
Institutions and organizations must interested in the subject thanks to electronic commerce, and they investigate
all features of this and also they will contunie searching all around the world. Because the managements need to
search their external environment to look into the cases. This develeopments are required to move depending on
the conditions of government, consumer, economy, supplier, marketing and rivalry. In this work is focused on
these concepts other than the entity.
Conference Presentations by Akkoyun, B.

Turgut Özal Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Siyaset Kongresi -III , 2015
Private banks operating in the province of Malatya in our research efforts to investigate the rel... more Private banks operating in the province of Malatya in our research efforts to investigate the relationship between institutionalization and technology management practices, 45 private bank branches on the staff working in a total of 400 surveys were administered. Evaluation of the data is used SPSS 20 Statistics Program, the technology management practices to determine the impact of institutionalization efforts "multiple linear regression" analysis was performed. Accountability of the size scale institutionalization of strategic management, protection from technology and technology
acquisition sizes; between social responsibility dimension of technology acquisition and technology define dimensions; the strategic management of technology and professionalism size management,
information management, technology identification, technology selection, technology acquisition, protection from the use of technology and technology dimensions have been found evidence that the
relationship at different levels.
6. Uluslararası Balkanlarda Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2014
Bu çalışmada, örgütsel güvenin boyutları olan örgüt politikaları ve örgüt imajının iş tatmini üze... more Bu çalışmada, örgütsel güvenin boyutları olan örgüt politikaları ve örgüt imajının iş tatmini üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonucu, örgütsel güven boyutlarının ile iş tatmini değişkeninin tüm boyutları üzerinde pozitif ve iş yerinden tatmin boyutunu yüksek, işin kendisinden tatmin ile yöneticiden tatmin boyutları üzerinde orta derecede etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Örgütsel güvenin bir diğer tanımlayıcısı olan örgüt imajının ise, iş tatmini boyutları olan iş yerinden tatmin ile işin kendisinden tatmini orta derecede ve pozitif yönde etkilemesine
rağmen yöneticiden tatmin üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
6. Uluslararası Balkanlarda Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2014
Bu çalışmada sağlık kurumlarında idari kadrolarda farklı statülerde çalışan personelin örgütsel g... more Bu çalışmada sağlık kurumlarında idari kadrolarda farklı statülerde çalışan personelin örgütsel güven algıları ile örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi ve bu ilişkinin demografik özellikler açısından farklılaşıp farklılaşmayacağının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla üniversite ve devlet Hastanesinde çalışanlar üzerinde örgütsel güven ile örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeyini belirlemeye yönelik anket uygulanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda örgütsel
güven algısı ile örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeyi arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin var olduğu belirlenmiştir. Örgütsel güven algısı ile örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeyinin cinsiyet ve medeni durum değişkenlerine göre farklılaşmadığı; yaş, statü farklılığı ve kıdem değişkenlerine ise göre iki kurum arasında farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir.

Turgut Özal Üniversitesi Ekonomi ve Siyaset Kongresi III, 2015
As in all areas, the process of globalization has led to changes in the economic sphere. Especial... more As in all areas, the process of globalization has led to changes in the economic sphere. Especially occurring developments in information and communication process, have affected target population of the businesses, this has led to the formation of a knowledgeable,
nvestigative, impatient and wanting more perfect audience. That change occurring in consumer behaviour business has led to new research by affecting the current behaviour of the businesses. The adaptation process to environmental changes or stable and unstable expressed as a loose organization which is disguised as a determined social structure to adapt to the external environment showing the process of institutionalization is one of those pursuits. This study aims to measure impact of institutionalization process on performance of small and
medium-sized businesses operating in Kars Province. As elements of institutionalization; the formalization, autonomy, professionalism, cultural power; operational performance as business performance, output performance, innovation and adaptation performance will be examined.
Papers by Akkoyun, B.
organizations future. Past decades, the world has been entered an era globalization, where local and national
economies, technological and social trends are quickly transcending regional and national boundries. Advanced
information technologies became absolutely necessary part ofthe companies in today’s competition and velocity
environment. On this study description and extent of information technologies emphasised, the effects of information
technologies to the businesses’s performance was examined and frequency analysis are done for results. For
businesses, it can be offered to set a way by using the effects of this study.
Key Words: İnformation, Business, Performance, Technology
on the internet and on the development of related technologies. Everybody can do shopping without going
markets, and they can do shopping different countries. So the notion of ‘limit’ disappear in world anymore.
Institutions and organizations must interested in the subject thanks to electronic commerce, and they investigate
all features of this and also they will contunie searching all around the world. Because the managements need to
search their external environment to look into the cases. This develeopments are required to move depending on
the conditions of government, consumer, economy, supplier, marketing and rivalry. In this work is focused on
these concepts other than the entity.
Keywords: The electronic commerce, the external environment, rivalry
on the internet and on the development of related technologies. Everybody can do shopping without going
markets, and they can do shopping different countries. So the notion of ‘limit’ disappear in world anymore.
Institutions and organizations must interested in the subject thanks to electronic commerce, and they investigate
all features of this and also they will contunie searching all around the world. Because the managements need to
search their external environment to look into the cases. This develeopments are required to move depending on
the conditions of government, consumer, economy, supplier, marketing and rivalry. In this work is focused on
these concepts other than the entity.
Conference Presentations by Akkoyun, B.
acquisition sizes; between social responsibility dimension of technology acquisition and technology define dimensions; the strategic management of technology and professionalism size management,
information management, technology identification, technology selection, technology acquisition, protection from the use of technology and technology dimensions have been found evidence that the
relationship at different levels.
rağmen yöneticiden tatmin üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
güven algısı ile örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeyi arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin var olduğu belirlenmiştir. Örgütsel güven algısı ile örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeyinin cinsiyet ve medeni durum değişkenlerine göre farklılaşmadığı; yaş, statü farklılığı ve kıdem değişkenlerine ise göre iki kurum arasında farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir.
nvestigative, impatient and wanting more perfect audience. That change occurring in consumer behaviour business has led to new research by affecting the current behaviour of the businesses. The adaptation process to environmental changes or stable and unstable expressed as a loose organization which is disguised as a determined social structure to adapt to the external environment showing the process of institutionalization is one of those pursuits. This study aims to measure impact of institutionalization process on performance of small and
medium-sized businesses operating in Kars Province. As elements of institutionalization; the formalization, autonomy, professionalism, cultural power; operational performance as business performance, output performance, innovation and adaptation performance will be examined.
organizations future. Past decades, the world has been entered an era globalization, where local and national
economies, technological and social trends are quickly transcending regional and national boundries. Advanced
information technologies became absolutely necessary part ofthe companies in today’s competition and velocity
environment. On this study description and extent of information technologies emphasised, the effects of information
technologies to the businesses’s performance was examined and frequency analysis are done for results. For
businesses, it can be offered to set a way by using the effects of this study.
Key Words: İnformation, Business, Performance, Technology
on the internet and on the development of related technologies. Everybody can do shopping without going
markets, and they can do shopping different countries. So the notion of ‘limit’ disappear in world anymore.
Institutions and organizations must interested in the subject thanks to electronic commerce, and they investigate
all features of this and also they will contunie searching all around the world. Because the managements need to
search their external environment to look into the cases. This develeopments are required to move depending on
the conditions of government, consumer, economy, supplier, marketing and rivalry. In this work is focused on
these concepts other than the entity.
Keywords: The electronic commerce, the external environment, rivalry
on the internet and on the development of related technologies. Everybody can do shopping without going
markets, and they can do shopping different countries. So the notion of ‘limit’ disappear in world anymore.
Institutions and organizations must interested in the subject thanks to electronic commerce, and they investigate
all features of this and also they will contunie searching all around the world. Because the managements need to
search their external environment to look into the cases. This develeopments are required to move depending on
the conditions of government, consumer, economy, supplier, marketing and rivalry. In this work is focused on
these concepts other than the entity.
acquisition sizes; between social responsibility dimension of technology acquisition and technology define dimensions; the strategic management of technology and professionalism size management,
information management, technology identification, technology selection, technology acquisition, protection from the use of technology and technology dimensions have been found evidence that the
relationship at different levels.
rağmen yöneticiden tatmin üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
güven algısı ile örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeyi arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin var olduğu belirlenmiştir. Örgütsel güven algısı ile örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeyinin cinsiyet ve medeni durum değişkenlerine göre farklılaşmadığı; yaş, statü farklılığı ve kıdem değişkenlerine ise göre iki kurum arasında farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir.
nvestigative, impatient and wanting more perfect audience. That change occurring in consumer behaviour business has led to new research by affecting the current behaviour of the businesses. The adaptation process to environmental changes or stable and unstable expressed as a loose organization which is disguised as a determined social structure to adapt to the external environment showing the process of institutionalization is one of those pursuits. This study aims to measure impact of institutionalization process on performance of small and
medium-sized businesses operating in Kars Province. As elements of institutionalization; the formalization, autonomy, professionalism, cultural power; operational performance as business performance, output performance, innovation and adaptation performance will be examined.