Investigation of the novel concept of hybrid concentrated photovoltaics / bifacial Silicon solar module under real operational conditions
Bachelor research project
Conversion of direct, diffuse, and albedo solar irradiance into electricity is one of the most challenging tasks in photovoltaics. This task can be achieved with the highest efficiency by a
a new kind of hybrid bifacial high-concentration photovoltaic module. It consists of Fresnel lenses that concentrate the direct onto Ge-GaAs-GaInP 3-junction solar cells that are mounted on the front surface of bifacial Si modules. Thus, the Si absorbs the front and rear diffuse irradiance. 3-junction and and Si cells are electrically isolated, and their photovoltaic efficiency and power generation can be characterized independently.
The aim of the project is to perform such characterization under real outdoor solar conditions in Sede Boker in parallel with monitoring of direct, diffuse and global solar irradiance. The experimental data should be compared with modeling results.
Scientific concepts to be studied during the project:
Photovoltaics, Solar Concentration, Bifacial Solar Cells, direct, diffuse, and albedo solar irradiance.
Research skills (experimental and modeling): Measurements of Current-Voltage Curve of solar cells: Determination of the cell efficiency, fill factor, short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage; Measurements of of direct, diffuse and global solar irradiance; modeling of photovoltaic power generation as a function of direct and diffuse sunlight intesitites.
Requirement: experimental work in Sede Boker for at least one day a week.
For more information please contact Avi Niv [email protected]