Imperial Black Alumni Network at a social event

Welcome to the Imperial Black Alumni Network

The Imperial Black Alumni Network (IBAN) was established towards the end of 2022 and aims to: 

  1. Support the personal and professional development and life-long learning of Black heritage alumni through peer-to-peer support, networking, and events.
  2. Build on the unique shared experience of Imperial alumni and promote the exchange of inspirational ideas, know-how, resources and insights.
  3. Leverage and celebrate the achievements of its community to inspire and support other Black heritage alumni and students to advance in their careers.
  4. Provide a source of support for relevant initiatives and programmes at the College.

Join the Imperial Black Alumni Network on LinkedIn.

Meet the IBAN Committee:

Why get involved?

Committee member Ansu Bai-Marrow shares his hopes for the Imperial Black Alumni Network:

Why did you decide to volunteer as an IBAN committee member?

Black inclusion is a topic close to my heart, given my humble beginnings on inner-London council estates, raised by a single mum who initially worked as a nurse. Over time this desire to help those who have or can break through their circumstances to succeed, has mingled with a sense of pride in being Black, and African, as I have increasingly embraced the shared culture and appreciation of culture that people of African, Caribbean and mixed heritage often have. "

What does IBAN mean for you?

"I see the Imperial Black Alumni Network as an opportunity to bring together those who are of Black heritage as well as allies to achieve multiple goals and aims. Helping those in need of help, celebrating success, creating a forum to bring about change, and creating a safe place, where those involved don’t need to put up barriers, apply filters, or pretend to be what you are not."

What is the benefit of a network like IBAN?

"Confidence. In many ways there are members of the Black community who do not feel as empowered or as confident to go out into the world and change it as they should, or climb the career ladder as they see others doing. But I have found that being in an aspirational group of people who are similar to you can do the world of good to both the psyche of the individual as well as the collective. It is through groups such as IBAN that meaningful change can be inspired, nurtured and delivered."

What would you like the network to achieve in the next few years? 

"There are many things I hope the network can help with, just a few of them are: 

  • Raising the number of Black students attending the university.
  • Raising the number of Black teaching staff at the university.
  • Hosting lectures and presentations involving successful doctors, engineers, and champions of industry etc from Black-heritage backgrounds.
  • Suggest case studies from Africa, the Caribbean and other parts of the world for inclusion in certain course modules.
  • Hosting an annual conference/ get together for the network and its allies."

Contact us about professional interest networks

Kellianne Bartley
Alumni Engagement Officer
+44 (0)20 7594 2870
[email protected]

Agents for change

"It is through groups such as IBAN that meaningful change can be inspired, nurtured and delivered."

Ansu Bai-Marrow (Global MBA 2023