A number of College Departments already provide support and assistance in respect of legally-related matters. If you need advice in relation to one of the niche areas listed below, in the first instance you should contact the individual or department responsible for that area, who will then, if necessary, liaise directly with the Legal Department on your behalf.
- Advancement
- Research
- Copyright
- Insurance
- Purchasing
- College Property
- Health and Safety
- Tax
- Employment
- Consultancies
- Contacting us
If your query relates to an advancement matter (philanthropic income including regular giving and legacies), you should contact your Advancement contact
For legal queries relating to advancement matters, please contact:
- In-House Lawyer (Advancement): Liam Macrae
If you query relates to research, you should contact your representative in Research Services.
In particular, if your query relates to:
- research funding or developing research related agreements you should first refer to Grants, Contracts and Agreements
- European funding please refer to European Funding
- material transfer agreements you should first refer to Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
- managing your award please refer to What you need to do post-award
- any form of intellectual property you should first refer to the Intellectual Property information page or the Research Support contact page.
You can also contact Emma Toumi, Senior IP Executive in the Intellectual Property Team, at [email protected]
- For general queries regarding copyright, please refer to the Library's Guide to Copyright which can be found here: Library Services
- If your query relates to copyright licenses (CLA, NRA or ERA) held by the College, please see the Copyright licenses information page on the Central Secretariat website or contact the College's Licensing Co-ordinator, Riccardo Feasey at [email protected]
If your query relates to the College's insurance policies, in the first instance please refer to the Finance Department's insurance page.
If your query relates to the supply of goods or services, including tendering for goods or services please refer to the Purchasing department website or contact the Purchasing Helpdesk.
If your query relates to:
- College property facilities, please direct your query to your Building Manager
- a construction project, please direct your query to the relevant Buildings Projects contact
If your query relates to health and safety refer to the Safety Department or contact the Director of Safety Surrinder Johal.
If your query relates to Value Added Tax, please see the Finance department information page or contact Graham Conner at [email protected]
All other tax related queries should be directed to Martin Mason at [email protected]
Please direct any employment related queries to your Human Resources contact. If you are unsure who your contact is, please see HR contact list
- If you are a member of staff and are providing consultancy services to a third party you may wish to arrange this through Imperial Consultants. For further information, please see Imperial Consultants. If you do not wish to use Imperial Consultants, we suggest you obtain independent legal advice with respect to any consultancy agreement you enter into.
If your matter falls outside the categories listed above, please contact the Legal Department for advice.