SW7 is our purpose-built functional gym space, filled with the very latest in equipment to help you train in strength, balance and coordination, power, range of motion, and mobility. Functional fitness is designed to replicate movements in everyday life and increase the comfort and ease with which you approach these. SW7 is also perfect for HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and small group workouts.
Access to SW7 comes included with most of our memberships. Memberships begin from just £65 per year for students and £31 per month for staff. Pay-as-you-go sessions are available from £7 a day for staff.
Booking and Cancellation Information
Due to an an ongoing issue with users booking sessions and then not attending without cancelling beforehand, we have introduced a non-cancellation penalty. Any members who miss multiple sessions within a 7-day period will have their booking ability suspended for the following 7 days. Any pre-booked sessions for this timeframe will be cancelled and fully refunded.
Please note: all sessions can be cancelled up until they are due to start via MyLeisureHub. Pay-as-you go members can cancel via ASK (Imperial Staff and Students) or by emailing [email protected] (Other Members).