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- 2018 - 2nd meeting UK SIG on non-equilibrium turbulence
- 2018 - UKTC Incompact3d User Group Meeting
- 2017 - New Challenges in Wall Turbulence, 14–16 June, Lille, France
- 2017 - 1st meeting UK SIG on non-equilibrium turbulence
- 2015 - EUROMECH-ERCOFTAC Workshop "Turbulence Cascades"
- 2014 - Incompact3d User Group Meeting
- 2014 - 3rd EPSRC-ERCOFTAC WORKSHOP: Turbulent flows generated/designed in multiscale/fractal ways:fundamentals and applications
- 2013 - 2nd ERCOFTAC SIG44 Workshop: Turbulent flows: fundamentals and applications
- 2012 -2nd UK-Japan bilateral / 1st ERCOFTAC Workshop: Turbulent flows generated/designed in multiscale/fractal ways: fundamentals and applications
- 2011 - 1st UK-Japan bilateral Workshop: Turbulent flows generated/designed in multiscale/fractal ways: fundamentals and application
- 2010: 6th IMS Turbulence Workshop: Qualitative Universality, Large- and Small-Scale Coherent Structures and Long-Range Memory in Turbulent Flows
- 2009 - 5th IMS Turbulence Workshop: Navier-Stokes: analysis, experiments and computations
- 2009 - 4th IMS Turbulence Workshop: Clouds and Turbulence
- 2008 - 3rd IMS Turbulence Workshop: Informal discussions on fractal-generated turbulence
- 2007 - 2nd IMS Turbulence Workshop: Accelerations in Turbulent Flows
- 2007 - 1st IMS Turbulence Workshop: Interscale energy transfers in various turbulent flows
See below the programme of the meeting which will be held in room CAGB 300, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London.
More details about the SIG can be found here.
09:30-10:00 Coffee
10:00-10:15 Welcome Prof. Christos Vassilicos, Imperial
10:15-11:00 Invited Presentation: Prof. Pierre Sagaut, Marseille
11:00-11:30 “Cole-Hopf transforms”for the Navier-Stokes equations and their applications Prof. Koji Ohkitani, Sheffield
11:30-12:00 Two stories on attached eddies in wall turbulence: invariant solutions and scale interactions Dr Yongyun Hwang, Imperial
12:00-12:30 Spatiotemporal intermittencies in turbulent channel flow close to transition Dr Richard Whalley, Newcastle
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:45-14:30 Invited Presentation: Detecting singularities in turbulent flows: a modern vision of energy transfers Dr Denis Kuzzay, Meudon
14:30-15:00 The effect of non-equilibrium turbulence on turbomachinery performance Dr Andrew Wheeler, Cambridge
15:00-15:30 Evolution of a superfluid vortex filament tangle driven by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation Dr Davide Proment, UEA
15:30-16:00 Coffee
16:00-16:30 Influence of coherent structures on the evolution of an axisymmetric turbulent jet Dr Oliver Buxton, Imperial
16:30-17:00 Discussion: Next steps for the Nonequilibrium Turbulence SIG
Incompact3d is an open source code originating from the University of Poitiers, France and developed there as well as, more recently, in the Turbulence, Mixing and Flow Control Group at Imperial College London and in Porto Alegre in Brazil. It is dedicated to Direct and Large Eddy Simulations using High Performance Computing (HPC) to simulate turbulent flows at the interface between academic research and upstream industrial R&D.
UK Turbulence Consortium
(In)Compact3d User Group Meeting
Wednesday 28th March 2018
Imperial College London
City and Guilds Building, Room 300
Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London,
South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ
10.00 – 10.20: Eric Lamballais (University of Poitiers, France)
LES of turbulent pipe flow using coarse meshes: is it possible to bypass the near-wall production zone
without any modelling?
10.20 – 10.40: Ricardo Frantz (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Comparison of LES models for density currents at high Reynolds numbers
10.40 – 11.00: Yorgos Deskos (Imperial College London, UK)
Simulations of horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) wakes using the implicit SVV-LES method
11.00 – 11.20: Pranav Chandramouli (University of Rennes, France)
Variational Data Assimilation (4DVAR) using Large Eddy Simulation with Incompact3d
11.20 – 11.40: Paul Bartholomew (Imperial College London, UK)
Simulations of variable-density flows in the low Mach number limit
11.40 – 12.00: Charles Moulinec (Daresbury Lab, UK)
Adapting incompact3d to simulations in square or rectangular ducts
12.00 – 13.20 LUNCH in room CAGB 309
13.20 – 13.40: Tai Wada (Imperial College London, UK)
DNS of a planar jet and the local entrainment velocity of the turbulent / non-turbulent interface
13.40 – 14.00: Felipe Schuch (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Deposition layers of plunging turbidity currents
14.00 – 14.20: Feng Xie (University of Sheffield, UK)
The challenge of simulating spanwise jets ejecting from immersed boundaries using Incompact3d
14.20 – 14.40: Ilkay Solak (University of Lille, France)
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer using Incompact3d
14.40 – 15.00: Paolo Olivucci (University of Sheffield, UK)
Turbulent drag reduction by a combination of wall-normal vorticity and velocity actuation
15.00 – 15.20: Robin Sebastian (University of Poitiers, France)
Spatial simulations of compressible channel flows
15.20 – 15.40: Leonardo Romero Monteiro (Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Air-water multiphase flow simulations with Incompact3d
15.40-16.15: Coffee/Tea
16.15-17.00: Discussion and launch of the new version of Incompact3d
UK Turbulence Consortium:
Contact to register: Sylvain Laizet, [email protected]
Workshop « New Challenges in Wall Turbulence »14–16 June 2017, Lille, France
The major aim of the workshop is to provide opportunities to stimulate exchanges about new development in theories and new experimental and numerical tools in order to face new challenges in wall turbulence.
The workshop will be the oppotunity to honor the scientific career of Michel Stanislas who has spanned transformative developments in optical measurement techniques and in the collection of unprecedented wall turbulence data over the past 30 years. He very significantly contributed to both, and his legacy includes one of the few advanced state-of-the-art wind tunnels worldwide for wall turbulence research. It is now time to reflect on these developments and to start addressing the new challenges which these developments have led us to, theoretically, computationally and experimentally.
More information -->
Registration -->
This SIG meeting will be held at Imperial College London on 23rd March 2017. There will be 9 speakers and significant emphasis will be placed on discussions and possibilities for cross-fertilisation between different approaches, flows and applications with a focus on non-equilibrium turbulence
LOCATION: Room ROH 266, Aeronautics Department, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, SW72AZ, London, UK
SESSION I: Chair, Carlo Barenghi
11:00-11:30: Joe Vinen (Birmingham): Quantum grid turbulence: what do we know from experiment?
11:30-12:00: David McComb (Edinburgh): Energy transfer in turbulence: ‘local cascade’ or ‘scale invariance’?
12:00-12:30: Yuri Sergeev (Newcastle): Regimes of quantum turbulence without an energy cascade.
12:30-13:00: Christos Vassilicos (Imperial): Laws of non-equilibrium cascades.
13:00-14:30: LUNCH BREAK
SESSION II: Chair, Chris Keylock
14:30-15:00: Elisabetta de Angelis (Cardiff ): Scale by scale budgets in wall bounded flows.
15:00-15:30: Bharath Ganapathisubramani (Southampton): A case study in nonequilibrium turbulent boundary layers.
15:30-16:00: Carlo Barenghi (Newcastle): A superfluid boundary layer.
16:00-16:30: TEA BREAK
SESSION III: Chair, Christos Vassilicos
16:30-17:00: Chris Keylock (Sheffield): Explicit consideration of shear processes for coherent flow structure identification in complex flows.
17:00-17:30: Arkady Tsinober (Tel Aviv): Considerations on non-equilibrium turbulence.
17:30-18:30: DISCUSSION
There have been a number of developments relating to turbulent cascades in various 3D flows over the past 10 years or so, including wall turbulence, boundary-free turbulent shear flows, stratified and/or rotating turbulence, periodic Navier-Stokes turbulence and even truncated incompressible Euler flows. The distinction between equilibrium and non-equilibrium cascades is now becoming pertinent as both types of cascade appear to have well-defined scaling laws. The -5/3 wavenumber scaling appears in many flows even when the conditions for its prediction by Kolmogorov's theory fail. The consequences for turbulence modelling of all types, including Large Eddy Simulations, are potentially far reaching and require intensified attention.
The emphasis and focus will be on hydrodynamic turbulence, but given the ubiquity of the cascade concept in general, connections with different systems such as weak turbulence will also be explored.
The workshop is funded by EUROMECH and ERCOFTAC (SIGs 35 & 44) through the H2020 project "e-CAERO 2".
Please see for more details.
Incompact3d User Group Meeting
Imperial College London, Department of Aeronautics, Lecture Room 266
24th April 2014
Incompact3d is an open source code originating from the University of Poitiers, France and developed there as well as, more recently, in the Turbulence, Mixing and Flow Control Group at Imperial College London. It is dedicated to Direct and Large Eddy Simulations using High Performance Computing (HPC) to simulate turbulent flows at the interface between academic research and upstream industrial R&D.
The first release of Incompact3d was launched in October 2012 and the code has now more than 100 regular users spread across 30 universities worldwide. To date, more than 50 papers have been published based on this code. Companies such as EDF Energy, both in France and in the UK, as well as PETROBRAS in Brazil are currently investing in research based on Incompact3d. It was recently the recipient of the HPC Innovation Excellence Award at the 2013 International Supercomputing Conference - the largest conference dedicated to supercomputing - thanks to its performance and versatility.
This User Group Meeting will be a good opportunity to learn about the code and its capabilities, and to discuss the code with its users.
LOCATION: Room ROH 266, Aeronautics Department, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, SW72AZ, London, UK
It is free to attend the meeting.
Programme available --> Incompact3d_programme.pdf
A map of the campus is available here:
Information about accomodation can be found here
Thibault Dairay (Imperial College London, UK) --> DAIRAY_INCOMPACT3D2014.pdf
"DNS/LES of a turbulent jet impinging on a heated plate"
Cedric Flageul (EDF Energy, France) --> FLAGEUL_INCOMPACT3D.pdf
"Conjugate fluid-solid heat transfer in a turbulent channel flow"
Sohrab Khosh Aghdam (Sheffield University, UK) --> SOHRAB_INCOMPACT.pdf
"Application of wall forcing methods in a turbulent channel flow using Incompact3d"
Eric Lamballais (University of Poitiers, France) --> LAMBALLAIS_INCOMPACT3D.pdf
"High-order numerical dissipation: why and how?"
Sylvain Laizet (Imperial College London, UK) --> LAIZET_INCOMPACT2014.pdf
"From fractal-generated turbulence to gravity currents: an overview of the versatility of Incompact3d"
Eric Lamballais and Sylvain Laizet --> TO_FIX_INCOMPACT3D.pdf
"Discussion session: Incompact3d: some problems to fix and further challenges"
Ning Li (NAG, UK) --> LI_INCOMPACT3D2014.pdf
"2DECOMP&FFT - the library behind Incompact3D"
3rd EPSRC-ERCOFTAC WORKSHOPTurbulent flows generated/designed in multiscale/fractal ways: fundamentals and applications
Imperial College London, Department of Aeronautics, Lecture Room 252
27th - 28th March 2014
Following the 1st UK-Japan bilateral Workshop (2011), the 2nd UK-Japan bilateral Workshop and 1st ERCOFTAC Workshop (2012) on "Turbulent flows generated/designed in multiscale/fractal ways: fundamentals and applications" and the 2nd ERCOFTAC SIG44 Workshop (2013) on "Turbulent flows: fundamentals and applications", we are pleased to announced the 3rd EPSRC-ERCOFTAC WORKSHOP "Turbulent flows generated/designed in multiscale/fractal ways:fundamentals and applications".
This workshop will be held at Imperial College London on the 27th and 28th March 2014. There will be 18 international speakers and significant emphasis will be placed on discussions and possibilities for cross-fertilisation between different approaches, flows and applications.
LOCATION: Room ROH 252, Aeronautics Department, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, SW72AZ, London, UK
It is free to attend the workshop. It will start on Thursday morning and will finish by Friday lunchtime.
A map of the campus is available here:
Information about accomodation can be found here
!!NEW!! Programme now available --> programme_fractal2014.pdf
S. Discetti (co authors: G. Cafiero, T. Astarita)
(Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain and Napoli University, Italy)
Fractal turbulence generation for impinging heat transfer enhancement
B. Geurts (co authors: T. Cardoso de Souza, A. Verbeek, T. van der Meer)
(Twente University and Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Turbulence modulation for intensified combustion
R. Gomes Fernandes (co authors: B. Ganapathisubramani, J.C. Vassilicos)
(Imperial College London and University of Southampton, UK)
Interscale transfers and -5/3 spectrum in inhomogeneous turbulence
S. Goto (co author: J.C. Vassilicos)
(Osaka University, Japan and Imperial College London, UK)
Statistics of energy dissipation rate of unsteady turbulence
Y. Ito (co authors: T. Watanabe, K. Nagata, Y. Sakai, K. Hoshino)
(Nagoya University, Japan)
Scalar mixing in fractal/regular grid turbulences with different configurations
C. Keylock
(Sheffield University, UK)
Gradual wavelet reconstruction of the velocity increments of turbulent wakes forced in different ways
S. Laizet (co author: J.C. Vassilicos)
(Imperial College London, UK)
Turbulent scalar transfer and stirring in grid-generatedturbulence and SSU mechanism for fractal grids
P. Lavoie
(University of Toronto, Canada)
Decay of turbulence downstream of a fractal-element grid:reconciling fractal and classical grid decay
P. Lindstedt (co authors: F. Hampp, V. Milosavljevic, S. Sivasegaram)
(Imperial College London, UK)
Fractal grid generated turbulence as a bridge to practical combustion applications
S. Morris
(University of Notre-Dame, USA)
Turbulence generation in Internal Flow Application
K. Nagata (co authors: Y. Sakai, T. Saiki, T. Inaba Y. Ito)
(Nagoya University, Japan)
The role of fractal iterations on the development of multiscale/fractal generated turbulence
J. Nedić (co author: J.C. Vassilicos)
(Imperial College London, UK)
title: A different angle of attack: from fractal plates to fractal wings
I. Neunaber & L. Kroeger (co authors: A. Fuchs, G. Kampers, N. Reinke, M. Holling, J. Peinke)
(Oldenburg University, Germany)
Applications of Multiscale Turbulence Generated with Active and Fractal Grids
F. Nicolleau (co authors: W. Wang, S. Lakhwani Navin, W.Brevis)
(Sheffield University, UK)
Profiles' evolution of flows generated by fractal orifices
P. Orlandi (co author: P. D’Addio)
(Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy)
DNS of transition from anisotropic to isotropic grid turbulence
Y. Sakai (co authors: Y. Zhou, K. Nagata, Y. Ito)
(Nagoya University, Japan)
On the evolution of turbulent flow generated by single/fractal-square grid
T. Ushijima
(Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
Dependence of iteration-number on energy decay in turbulence generated through Sierpinski tetrahedron
J.C. Vassilicos
(Imperial College London, UK)
Dissipation in turbulent flows
2nd ERCOFTAC SIG 44 WorkshopTurbulent flows: fundamentals and applications
Following the success of the 1st and 2nd UK-Japan Bilateral Workshops held in 2011/2012 (see our Conferences section) and the recent granting of the Marie-Curie Innovative Doctoral Programme on "Conceptually New Multiscale Solutions To Industrial Flow Problems", we are pleased to announce the ERCOFTAC SIG44 Workshop on "Turbulent flows: fundamentals and applications".
This workshop will be held at the University of Poitiers on the 15th and 16th April 2013. There will be significant emphasis on discussions and possibilities for cross-fertilisation between different approaches, flows and applications.
LOCATION: Salle des Conseils, Hôtel Pinet, Université de Poitiers, 15 rue de l'Hotel Dieu, 86034 Poitiers
D. Barros ,B. Noack, J. Borée, T. Ruiz, L. Cordier (P' Institute , Poitiers, France)
title: High frequency forcing for drag reduction of a three-dimensional blunt-body.
L. Brizzi (P' Institute , Poitiers, France)
title: Impinging jet heat transfer improvement using acoustic forcing --> BRIZZI.pdf
C. Cambon (Ecole Centrale Lyon, France)
title: Dynamics of three-point third-order correlations and phase coherence: From isotropic to anisotropic turbulence --> CAMBON.pdf
V. Dallas (LPS, Ecole Normale Supérieure , Paris, France)
title: Non-universal statistics of the flow topology in decaying MHD turbulence.
B. Dubrulle (CEA, Paris, France)
title: A zero-mode mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking in a turbulent von Kármán flow --> DUBRULLE.pdf
V. Fortuné (P' Institute , Poitiers, France)
title: Fractal-generated turbulence and acoustic predictions.
W.K. George (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Reconsidering the local equilibrium hypothesis and implications for 'K41'-based theories of turbulence --> GEORGE.pdf
R. Gomes Fernandes (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Velocity gradient invariants in a spatially developing turbulent flow.
S. Laizet (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Stirring and mixing by grid-generated turbulence in the presence of a mean scalar gradient --> LAIZET.pdf
L. Mydlarski (McGill, Canada)
title: Péclet number effects: ramifications for both fundamental and applied statistics in turbulent flows --> MYDLARSKI.pdf
W. Brevis (Sheffield University, UK)
title: Time averaged and spectral characteristics of a shallow porous cylinder wake --> BREVIS.pdf
J. Peinke (Oldenburg University, Germany)
title: Experimental and numerical investigation of a fractal grid turbulence --> PEINKE.pdf
P. Sagaut (Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Paris, France)
title: Isotropic turbulence decay : from classical to unclassical decay regimes.
J.C. Vassilicos (Imperial College London, UK)
title: What are the origins of -5/3 spectra and related dissipation scalings?
J. Westerweel (TU Delft, Netherland)
title: On the effect of turbulence on bubbles in a horizontal channel flow --> WESTERWEEL.pdf
2nd UK-Japan bilateral Workshop and1st ERCOFTAC WorkshopTurbulent flows generated/designed in multiscale/fractal ways: fundamentals and applications
26 and 27 March 2012
Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London
Organisers: Sylvain Laizet, Yasuhiko Sakai and Christos Vassilicos
The workshop will take place in the Department of Aeronautics,
Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 266.
A map of the campus is available here:
LIST OF SPEAKERS (alphabetic order):
J. Cardesa-Duenas (University of Cambridge, UK)
title: Scaling of turbulence statistics in the wake of conventional grids with different blockage ratios --> CARDESA.pdf
S. Discetti (University of Naples, Italy)
title: PIV study of fractal grid turbulence --> DISCETTI2012.pptx
V. Fortuné (P' Institute, Poitiers, France)
title: Acoustic signature of fractal-generated turbulence --> FORTUNE2012.pdf
W.K. George (Imperial College London, UK)
title: A critique of the application of Fourier analysis to finite domain measurements and numerical simulations
B. Geurts (Twente University, Netherlands)
title: Simulation of turbulent flow through a fractal orifice in a pipe --> GEURTS2012.pdf
R. Gomes Fernandes (Imperial College London, UK)
title: PIV study of turbulence generated by fractal grids in a water tunnel --> GOMESFERNANDES2012.pdf
J. Graham (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
title: Representing subgrid-scale drag forces in high-Re flow over fractal objects using Renormalized Numerical Simulation
J. Hunt (University College London, UK)
title: Roles of shear interfaces in turbulent flows
P.A. Krogstad (University of Trondheim, Norway)
title: Near field flow development behind two multi-scale grids and a conventional grid --> KROGSTAD2012.pdf
S. Laizet (Imperial College London, UK)
title: DNS of passive scalar mixing and transfers by grid-generated turbulence --> LAIZET2012.pdf
P. Lindstedt (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Conditional statistics in reacting flows with fractal fenerated turbulence
K. Nagata (Nagoya University, Japan)
title: Wind tunnel experiments on the spatial development of fractal-generated turbulence --> NAGATA2012.pdf
J. Nedic (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Drag and wake characteristics of flat plates with fractal edge geometries
F. Nicolleau (Sheffield University, UK)
title: Return to axi-symmetry for pipe flows generated after a fractal orifice
P. Orlandi (Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy)
title: Understanding rotating and non-rotating grid turbulence --> ORLANDI2012.pdf
N. Reinke and S. Weitemeyer (Oldenburg University, Germany)
title: Multi-scale generation of turbulence and its relevance for wind energy application --> ReinkeWeitemeyer2012.pdf
Y. Sakai (Nagoya University, Japan)
title: Development of scalar mixing layer in regular/fractal grid turbulence --> SAKAI2012.pdf
N. Sekishita (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)
title: Wind tunnel experiments of decay characteristics in large-scale isotropic turbulence
T. Sponfeldner (Imperial College London, UK)
title: On the structure of turbulent flames in fractal-grid generated turbulence --> SPONFELDNER2012.pdf
H. Suzuki (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan)
title: Numerical simulation of turbulence generated by the multiscale grid
O. Terashima (Nagoya University, Japan)
title: Simultaneous measurement of the velocity and pressure near the turbulent/non-turbulent interface
A. Tsinober (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
title: On the impact of massive use of decompositions on paradigmatic issues in turbulence --> TSINOBER2012.pdf
T. Ushijima (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
title: Development of turbulence properties of wake behind the Sierpinski tetrahedron --> USHIJIMA2012.pdf
P. Valente (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Towards a universal dissipation scaling for non-equilibrium turbulence? --> VALENTE2012.pdf
J.C. Vassilicos (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Kolmogorov and non-Kolmogorov scalings --> VASSILICOS2012_NEW.pdf
W. van de Water (Eindoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
title: Stirring turbulence with turbulence
1st UK-Japan bilateral WorkshopTurbulent flows generated/designed in multiscale/fractal ways: fundamentals and application
28 and 29 March 2011
Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London
Organisers: Sylvain Laizet, Yasuhiko Sakai and Christos Vassilicos
The workshop will take place in the Department of Aeronautics,
Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 266.
A map of the campus is available here:
J.C. Vassilicos (Imperial College London)
title: Introductory talk --> abla_japuk.pdf
W.K. George (Imperial College London)
title: Freeing turbulence from the tyranny of the past
B. Geurts (Twente University, Holland)
title: Turbulence modulation through broad-band forcing --> GEURTS.pdf
S. Goto (Okayama University, Japan)
title: Multi-scale self-similar coherent structures in developed turbulence --> 2011-03-28_goto.pdf
C. Keylock (Sheffield University, UK)
title: Aspects of the singularity structure of fractal and non-fractal forced flow
S. Laizet (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Direct Numerical Simulation of multiscale generated turbulence --> LAIZET.pdf
P. Lindstedt (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Fractal generated turbulence in isothermal and reacting opposed jet flows
K. Nagata (Nagoya University, Japan)
title: Reexamination of fractal-generated turbulence using a smaller wind tunnel --> Nagata.ppt
J. Nedic (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Aero-acoustic performance of fractal spoilers --> NEDIC.pdf
M. Oberlack (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
title: Beyond mean flow scaling laws – how to obtain higher order moment scaling from new statistical symmetries
J. Peinke (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
title: A new class of turbulence - insights from the perspective of n-point statistics --> PEINKE.pdf
M. Pettit (Imperial College London, UK)
title: LES/DNS of Opposed Jet Flows Employing Fractal Turbulence-Generating Plates --> PETTIT.pdf
Y. Sakai (Nagoya University, Japan)
title: Mixing of high-Schmidt number scalar in regular/fractal grid turbulence: Experiments by PIV and PLIF --> SAKAI.pdf
N. Sekishita (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)
title: Successful attempts of large scale-turbulence realization by a Makita-type turbulence generator and a buoyancy jet in a cross wind
N. Soulopoulos (Imperial College London, UK)
title: A turbulent premixed flame in fractal-grid generated turbulence --> Soulopoulos.pdf
T. Sponfeldner (Imperial College London, UK)
title: A parametric study of the effect of fractal-grid generated turbulence on the structure of premixed flames --> workshop Sponfeldner.pdf
H. Suzuki (Nagoya University, Japan)
title: DNS on spatially developing fractal generated turbulence with heat transfer
T. Ushijima (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
title: Mean flow development of wake behind the Sierpinski tetrahedron --> USHIJIMA.pdf
P. Valente (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Decay of homogeneous turbulence generated by a fractal square grid: wind tunnel experiments --> VALENTE.pdf
6th IMS Turbulence Workshop
Qualitative Universality, Large- and Small-Scale Coherent Structures and Long-Range Memory in Turbulent Flows
Monday 12 to Thursday 15 July 2010, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London
Jim Brasseur (Penn State University, USA)
title: Non-Kolmogorov Elements in Small-Scale Turbulence Dynamics: Bypassing the Cascade --> BRASSEUR.pdf
Carlo Massimo Casciola (University of Rome 1, Italy)
title: Memory effects in the transport of solid particles in the far field of turbulent jets --> CASCIOLA.pdf
Gary Coleman (Southampton, UK)
title: DNS of turbulent axisymmetric wakes - the question of universality --> COLEMAN.pdf
Carlos Da Silva (Institute Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal)
title: Coherent structures and their signature on the Q-R invariant map near a turbulence/non-turbulent interface --> DASILVA.pdf
Gerrit Elsinga (Technical University of Delft, Netherlands)
title: Universal aspects of small-scale motions in turbulence --> ELSINGA.pdf
Bill George (University of Lille, France)
title: Using equilibrium similarity as starting point for understanding the energetics of turbulent shear flows --> GEORGE.pdf
Susumu Goto (Kyoto University, Japan)
title: Turbulent energy cascade as a role of coherent vortical structures --> GOTO.pdf
Rainer Grauer (Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany)
title: Does a simple relation between Lagrangian and Eulerian fluctuations exists ? --> GRAUER.pdf
Kiyosi Horiuti (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
title: Energy cascade in multi-mode stretched spiral vortices --> HORIUTI.pdf
Julian Hunt (University College London, UK)
title: Thin layer coherent structure modelling of high Re turbulence --> HUNT.pdf
Takashi Ishihara (Nagoya University, Japan)
title:Interface structures and statistics in direct numerical simulations of turbulence --> ISHIHARA.pdf
Bob Kerr (University of Warwick, UK)
title: Vortex ring generation following vortex reconnection: classical versus quantum --> KERR.pdf
Sylvain Laizet (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulence generated by fractal grids --> LAIZET.pdf
Beat Luthi (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
title: Velocity Gradient Dynamics as Seen in the Q-wws-sss space --> LUETHI.pdf
Szymon Malinowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
title: Turbulent mixing on Stratocumulus top observed by means of high-resolution airborne measurements --> MALINOWSKI.pdf
Charles Meneveau (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
title: Short and long-range time correlations of velocity gradient tensor in turbulent flows --> MENEVEAU.pdf
Kouji Nagata (Nagoya University, Japan)
title: Experimental Study on Scalar Transfer in Regular and Fractal Grid Turbulence:Scalar Mixing Layer and Axisymmetric CO2 Jet --> NAGATA.pdf
Tim Nickels (Cambridge, UK)
title: 4D measurement of fine scale coherent structures in turbulence
Tim Palmer (ECMWF and University of Oxford, UK)
title: Climate prediction and large-scale coherent structures --> PALMER.pdf
Joachim Peinke (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
title: Stochastic analysis of multipoint correlations in turbulence --> PEINKE.pdf
Robert Stresing (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
title: How universal can turbulence be? --> STRESING.pdf
Federico Toschi (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Holland)
title: Universal intermittent properties of particle trajectories in highly turbulent flows --> TOSCHI.pdf
Daniela Tordella (Politecnico di To rino, Italy)
title: Turbulent diffusion in flat turbulence --> TORDELLA.pdf
Yoshiyuki Tsuji (Nagoya University, Japan)
title: Dissipation constant in high Re turbulence --> TSUJI.pdf
Willem van de Water (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Holland)
title: Response of turbulence to periodic and random modulation
Christos Vassilicos (Imperial College London, UK)
title: More than one class of small-scale turbulence? --> VASSILICOS.pdf
Maja Wanstrom (Chalmers, Sweden)
title: Spatial Decomposition of Homogenized Jet Turbulence Sampled with PIV --> WANSTROM.pdf
Zellman Warhaft (Cornell University, USA)
title: Turbulence and droplets in clouds and in the laboratory with emphasis on the effects of initial and boundary conditions --> WARHAFT.pdf
Jerry Westerweel (Technical University of Delft , Netherlands)
title: PIV applied to strongly inhomogeneous turbulence: turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces --> WESTERWEEL.pdf
5th IMS Turbulence Workshop
Navier-Stokes: analysis, experiments and computations
in honour of Prof John D. Gibbon on the occasion of his 60th birthday
May 11-13, 2009 - IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London
Organisers: Charlie Doering, Darryl Holm, Edriss Titi, Arkady Tsinober and Christos Vassilicos.
Click here to download the programme of the 5th IMS Turbulence Workshop
Clouds and Turbulence
March 23-25, 2009 - IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London
Sponsored by EPSRC Grant EP/H002774/1, IUGG Symposium Support, EPSRC Turbulence Platform Grant, Grantham Institute for Climate Change, UK Met Office, London Mathematical Society (LMS) and NERC via NCAS.
P. Bartello (Montreal)
B. Devenish (Met Office)
J.D. Haigh (Imperial)
J.C. Vassilicos (Imperial)
4th IMS Turbulence Workshop programme (pdf)
Programme theme:
The role of turbulence in cloud formation and precipitation is a controversial issue which divides the cloud physics community. Its precise effect is hard to quantify and makes an assessment of its importance difficult. But with both measurement and modelling of clouds becoming possible at ever finer scales, the question clearly needs to be addressed. The wealth of research on this issue in recent years is testament to this. The question has also attracted the attention of many in the turbulence community particularly in the role of the preferential concentration of droplets. Yet there are many other processes at work in clouds which, especially on large scales, could render turbulence at best a second order effect.
While the question of whether turbulence is important in cloud physics is central to the workshop, we are seeking as wide a range of interests and opinions as possible. Some of the questions we would
like to see addressed include: what are the interactions between small-scale turbulence and the mean flow (updraught/downdraught) and how does it affect condensation and evaporation?
What is the role of preferential concentration, and of large accelerations, during the 'explosive' stage of droplet formation? What is the effect of radiation on turbulence and vice-versa? Is the 3D structure of the radiation field important in cloud development? How does small-scale turbulence affect entrainment?
How does the precipitation field affect the velocity field? Does turbulence play a role in the collisional break-up of droplets? How do aerosols fit in? The aim of this workshop is to bring together physicists, engineers and mathematicians working in both cloud physics and turbulence to assess the current state of knowledge, plan future research and foster collaboration.
While observations are key to developing our understanding of clouds, there are many questions that can only be addressed at the moment with mathematical models or laboratory experiments. At a theoretical level there are considerable challenges in understanding the underlying equations, not least, in developing a rigorous framework for moist convection.
Within the engineering community there is considerable experience of both mathematical models and laboratory experiments of droplets in turbulent flows. Although clouds provide another example of a turbulent flow with droplets, the context is, of course, different. It is through the interaction of these diverse but overlapping disciplines that we hope to produce some answers to the questions posed above.
3rd IMS Turbulence Workshop
Informal discussions on fractal-generated turbulence
February 18-19, 2008, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London
Turbulence generated by Fractal Grids - D. Hurst, R.E. Seoud & J.C. Vassilicos
Broadband forcing of turbulence - Bernard J. Geurts, Arek K. Kuczaj
First experiments at ICL on Fractal Grid Turbulence using multi-hot-wire techniques - Michael Kholmyansky and Arkady Tsinober
Stochastic approach to turbulence – Joachim Peinke
Stochastic analysis of fractal-generated turbulence - R. Stresing, J. Peinke
2nd IMS Turbulence Workshop
Accelerations in Turbulent Flows
December 3-5, 2007, IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London
March | |
3/12/07 - 5/12/07 |
2nd IMS Turbulence Workshop |
Venue | Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College |
53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG Monday, December 3, 2007Registration and coffee 9:15- 10:00 10:00 - 10:40 Eberhard Bodenschatz (Germany) - [email protected] , Particle Tracking Measurements of Acceleration: A Review Lunch 12:00 – 14:00 14:00 - 14:40 Roger Simpson (USA) - [email protected] , Measurements of Instantaneous Acceleration in Turbulent Boundary Layers Coffee break 16:00 -16:30 16:30 – 17:10 Ascar Aringazin (Kazakhstan) - [email protected], Lagrangian acceleration statistics conditional on velocity: Problems of stochastic modeling Tuesday, December 4, 200710: 00 - 10:40 Christophe Baudet (France) - [email protected] , Lagrangian velocity measurements in a fully turbulent round jet: correlations, sweeping and intermittency Lunch 12:00 – 14:00 14:00 - 14:40 P.K. Yeung (USA) - [email protected] , Acceleration, intermittency and Reynolds number scaling in large numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence Coffee break 16:00 -16:30 16:30 – 17:10 Peter Bernard (USA) – [email protected] , Analysis of Particle Motions and Statistics in High Reynolds Number Vortex Method Simulations Wednesday, December 5, 2007 10:00 – 10:40 Reginald J. Hill(USA) - [email protected], Opportunities for quantifying acceleration statistics |
1st IMS Turbulence Workshop
Interscale energy transfers in various turbulent flows
in colaboration with ERCOFTAC SIG 35 and COST
March 26-28, 2007, Institue for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London
Organisers: Claude Cambon, Arkady Tsinober and Christos Vassilicos
- Programme
- Claude Cambon and Fabien S. Godeferd
- Sergei Chernyshenko and Maxym Bondarenko
- Rudie Kunnen, Herman Clercx and Bernard Geurts
- Bernard J. Geurts, Darryl Holm, Arek Kuczaj
- Darryl Holm
- Chris Keylock
- Shigeo Kida
- Khurom Kiyani and David McComb
- Beat Lüthi, Søren Ott, Jacob Berg and Jakob Mann
- F. Nicolleau
- Koji Ohkitani
- Aurore Naso, Misha Chertkov, Boris Shraiman and Alain Pumir
- James J. Riley
- Robert Rubinstein
- Kai Schneider
- R.E. Seoud and J. C. Vassilicos
- Joel Sommeria
- Edriss S. Titi
- Arkady Tsinober
Recent Papers
Cafiero G. & Vassilicos J.C., Non-equilibrium turbulence scalings and self-similarity in turbulent planar jets, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 475, 20190038 --> PDF, Web Link
Alves Portela F., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Turbulence dissipation and the role of coherent structures in the near wake of a square prism, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 124609 --> PDF, Web Link
Başbuğ S., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Reduced mixing time in stirred vessels by means of irregular impellers, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 084502 --> PDF, Web Link
Yasuda T. & Vassilicos J.C., Spatio-temporal intermittency of the turbulent energy cascade, J. Fluid Mechanics, 853, 235--252 --> PDF, Web Link
Zheng S., Bruce P.J.K., Graham J.M.R. & Vassilicos J.C., Weakly sheared turbulent flows generated by multiscale inhomogeneous grids, J. Fluid Mechanics, 848, 788--820 --> PDF, Web Link