The group welcomes applications from technically excellent (first or high 2:1, or equivalent) and motivated individuals seeking to carry out research work in the field of Structural Biomechanics. It is anticipated that applications will be to undertake postgraduate studies leading to a PhD, although enquiries are welcome at undergraduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral levels.

All funded positions are filled at present, however we are interested in supporting suitable applicants in submitting funding proposals.

Interested individuals should send a curriculum vitae and cover letter to Dr Andrew Phillips, before submitting an application through the College online PhD application system. Online applications should be marked for the attention of Dr Andrew Phillips in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Further information on studying at Imperial can be found in the postgraduate prospectus.

Department PhD Scholarships

Each year the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers a number of PhD scholarship opportunities for Home/EU students. These are generally advertised in January for an October start date. Interested individuals should contact Dr Andrew Phillips in advance if considering applying for one of these scholarships.

Contact us

Dr Andrew Phillips

Imperial College London
Structural Biomechanics
Skempton Building
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ, UK

[email protected]

Creative Commons license

This work by Imperial College London, Structural Biomechanics is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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