• Stereo 3D

    • IMAX

    • Plankton

    • Macro Photography

    • Fine Art

    • Special Effects

  • Stereo 3D

  • IMAX

  • Plankton

  • Fine Art

  • Special Effects

  • Macro Photography

No Time to Die

Chris and his team at Vision3 spent two years on the show, designing and supervising Daniel Craig's last Bond film and the first to be released in 3D.

Solar Crisis

Peter and team relocate to LA for a month to create the sun for Solar Crisis, a Japanese feature film.

Ealing Film Loops

From 1965, Peter and three colleagues spent 5 years travelling the length and breadth of the US capturing subjects for the Ealing Film Loops.

Bermuda Plankton 3D

Peter, Chris and team film a 3D Plankton dome experience by adapting early Nikon digital stills cameras in collaboration with Ben Stassen's nWave Productions.


Peter films an over the shoulder view of racing Scaletrix cars - but not in the way he originally intended!

On The Wing

Peter creates the most technically challenging sequence of his career, the over the shoulder view of a prehistoric dragonfly flying through a prehistoric jungle - on IMAX.

Cold War in a Country Garden

Peter was brought on to not only create the imagery of characters within tiny environments but to design the optics and hardware to capture it.


The first project for Peter and the team that were later to become Oxford Scientific Films saw them filming in Jamaica, for the BBC's first ever colour wildlife transmissions.


Peter shoots some of the most detailed deep sea images in seven weeks aboard the British Deep See Research Vessel Discovery.

Moët et Chandon

Chris was brought on to collaborate on this iconic film celebrating life's most memorable events, creating abstract visualisations of those moments.


Utilising the phenomena of total internal reflection, Peter creates an 'impossible to film sequence for Supergirl.