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File:Wappen Main-Tauber-Kreis.svg

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De Wikipedia

Original file ((file SVG, nominalmen 477 × 490 pixeles, mesura de file: 3 KB))

Ti file es de Wikimedia Commons e posse esser usat per altri projectes. Li descrition in su págine de descrition es monstrat in infra.

coat of arms
Deutsch: des Main-Tauber-Kreises
tincture (BW)
Date 13 decembre 2011
recreated Perhelion (1st version: Cymaphore )
Fonte Own work using:
(Reusant ti-ci file)
Public domain
This file depicts the coat of arms of a German Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts (corporation governed by public law). According to § 5 Abs. 1 of the German Copyright law, official works like coats of arms are in the public domain. Note: The usage of coats of arms is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the copyright status of the depiction shown here.
Wappen Deutschlands
Wappen Deutschlands
Other versions
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
Dieses Wappen wurde mit Inkscape erstellt.
This coat of arms was improved or created by the Wikigraphists of the Graphic Lab (de)


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Coat of arms of Main-Tauber-Kreis

Items portrayed in this file

depicts anglesi

inception anglesi

13 decembre 2011

data size anglesi

3,343 byte

media type anglesi


checksum anglesi


Versiones del file

Clacca a un date/témpore por vider ti version.

Version deMiniaturaDimensionesUsatorComentarie
actual21:45, 13 marte 2012Miniatura del version de 21:45, 13 marte 2012477 × 490 (3 KB)Perhelionfix viewbox
21:39, 13 marte 2012Miniatura del version de 21:39, 13 marte 2012596 × 612 (3 KB)Perheliontincture and form after Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg
17:05, 14 decembre 2011Miniatura del version de 17:05, 14 decembre 2011333 × 358 (5 KB)Perhelionborder thick, small fix
20:53, 13 decembre 2011Miniatura del version de 20:53, 13 decembre 2011333 × 358 (5 KB)Perhelionfix
20:49, 13 decembre 2011Miniatura del version de 20:49, 13 decembre 2011333 × 358 (5 KB)Perhelionstandardisiert
20:31, 13 decembre 2011Miniatura del version de 20:31, 13 decembre 2011333 × 358 (5 KB)Perhelionimproved version
14:04, 13 decembre 2011Miniatura del version de 14:04, 13 decembre 2011512 × 592 (20 KB)CymaphoreGraphical fix
13:56, 13 decembre 2011Miniatura del version de 13:56, 13 decembre 2011512 × 592 (20 KB)Cymaphore{{Information |Description ={{de|1=Wappen des de:Main-Tauber-Kreises}} |Source =Self created |Author =~~~ |Date =2011-12-13 |Permission ={{PD-Coa-Germany}} |other_versions =File:Wappen_Main-Tauber-Kreis.png }} [[Categ

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