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Welcome to iDiaspora

Migrants and diaspora communities are recognized for their invaluable role in society due to their rich cultural contributions, diverse voices, and their economic contributions to the countries they live in and come from, including philanthropy, entrepreneurship, and innovations. iDiaspora provides a platform to share your voice, to gain knowledge, and to engage with the global community committed to the importance of diaspora.


Becoming a member of iDiaspora will bring you closer with diaspora and expatriate communities globally for sharing your work with others, but also finding inspiration and new opportunities. You will have access to regularly updated news, relevant resources, learning and funding opportunities.
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From research to training materials, groups around the world are creating resources for transnational communities. iDiaspora aims to bring together resources from variety of partners in one place in order to help individuals and organisations in diaspora get the information they need to effectively engage as developmental actors.
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There are many ways to give back but its not always easy to find an outlet for our efforts. iDiaspora aims to link those that want to make a difference with concrete opportunities to forge a better future.
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Calling all diaspora leaders:

What training programs does your organization need?

Take the Survey
Join the Diaspora Organizations Training Survey (DOTS) with Cécile Riallant thumbnail
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Join the Diaspora Organizations Training Survey (DOTS) with Cécile Riallant

Remittance as a source of lifeline thumbnail
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Remittance as a source of lifeline

Road Map for Engaging Diaspora in Development thumbnail
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Road Map for Engaging Diaspora in Development

We need your help!

iDiaspora is a developing platform and we need your help to continue to grow. We are looking for ideas, thoughts, and opinions to help us innovate iDiaspora.

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Diaspora engagement

Diaspora engagement has to potential to become a practice of choice for the public and private sector. We need to narrow the gaps in connectivity, knowledge and opportunity between these sectors to realize this potential. I sense iDiaspora is an important step-change in this journey and is a platform I look forward to seeing flourish.

~ Martin Russell, co-founder of the forthcoming DiasporaLab

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What's New

Martina Castiglioni

Multi-country Case Study on the Opportunities and Challenges of Engaging Diasporas in Climate Action

The objective of the case study was to assess the opportunities for and challenges in engaging United Kingdom-based Bangladeshi, Ghanaian and Jamaican diaspora communities in climate action in their respective countries of heritage.  
Daphne Henning
Event Calendar

IOM Briefing | Crisis in Sudan

IOM Briefing | Crisis in Sudan: What's Happening and How You Can Support Sudan is currently facing the world's largest humanitarian and displacement crisis globally. The situation on the ground is dire. Continued fighting in large parts of the country has destroyed the basic infrastructure and services, leaving more than 30 million people—more than half of Sudan’s population—in need of…
Martina Castiglioni
Blog Entry

Unlocking Diaspora Entrepreneurship: Why is Transnationalism Conducive to Business and Development?

Entrepreneurs are stereotypically associated with smart suits and business transactions in high-rising buildings. In contrast, migrants are largely perceived as vulnerable groups fleeing persecution and conflict. The two pictures hardly stand next to each other in our minds. However, evidence seems to prove otherwise:
Blog Entry

Humor in Diaspora Engagement: Building Connections, Resilience, and Cross-Cultural Understanding

In recent months, I have been reflecting on the book “Humor, Seriously: Why Humor is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life” by Aaker and Bagdonas. Its exploration of organizational psychology and management feels especially relevant to diaspora engagement, and I wanted to share some thoughts on how humor connects to this field.
Blog Entry

Global Diaspora Policy Alliance: New Diaspora Initiative Set to Drive Collaborative Solutions for Sustainable Development

Sal, 13 September – In a call for bold and collaborative action, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), together with the Government of Cabo Verde, has successfully launched the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance (GDPA). This new initiative, launched during the International Conference on the Future Agenda of Action for Global Diaspora Engagement, is poised to leverage the…
Annie Yunxian Jiang
Event Calendar

International Conference: Future Agenda of Action for Global Diaspora Engagement

In 2022, against the backdrop of the upcoming International Migration Forum Review (IMRF) organized in the framework of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) partnered with the Government of Ireland and
Daphne Henning

Framework for Diaspora Engagement: Somalia Case Study (Fact Sheet)

As part of Phase III of the Framework for Diaspora Engagement in Humanitarian Assistance, a series of case studies were developed on the different contexts in which the Framework has been piloted or implemented.  This Fact Sheet outlines the key points from the Somalia case study (publication pending).

iDiaspora Journal: My insights and reflections on diaspora engagement

The iDiaspora Journal: Reflections on Diaspora Engagement is a unique tool to reflect deeply on the impact and potential of global diaspora communities. Designed as a personal and introspective journey, this journal will guide readers in understanding how diasporas contribute to both their host and home societies, enhancing the global dynamism and promise of migration.

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