Rui Seabra

Rui Seabra at

Well, after fixing all these weird bugs that people notice, has now become an effectively effortless blog tool :)

Why µ-blog or blog when one can µ-blog AND blog on the same platform?

Thanks @evan & all

Christopher Allan Webber, [email protected], Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Deceased. Please use '[email protected]'. likes this.

4slam, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Karsten Gerloff shared this.

@ruiseabra For now, i can't say i'm pretty satisfied with the current incarnation of I suppose other ideas like groups and the naming of people is still missing. I propose that the new is neither µ-blogging, nor blogging strictu senso, but something in between. What about middle-blogging ? Or mid-blogging ? 8-)

Hilton Garcia Fernandes at 2013-07-13T13:46:22Z