Ice Age Wiki
Squint exercising
Physical Attributes
Kingdom Mammalia
Species Palaeolagus
Eye Color Varying
Fur Color Varying
Skin Color Usually pink noses
Diet Herbivore

"We're bunnies. Okay? We're soft. We're cute. We're cuddly. We got button noses and fluffy tails. Handcrafted by nature to make everyone go "aww". And you found a way to make the whole animal kingdom hate us in one day!"
Clint to Squint.[src]

Rabbits are mammals that are related to hares.


Herbivorous mammals, rabbits usually congregate in family groups and are well known for their prolific breeding. Long ears and large feet with which to escape possible predators are usual traits of rabbits, along with whiskers, which are used to detect food or surroundings, and large incisors, used to cut tough vegetable matter.


Small mammals that were extant since ancient times, rabbits were around during the days of the ice ages. One notable rabbit was Squint, a member of the ape captain Gutt's piratical crew. Squint's family, costisting in his mother and his brother Clint, lived in Switchback Cove.

Another rabbit, Teddy, was 326 years old and still alive, since he lived in Geotopia, namely the inside of the asteroid that killed most of the dinosaurs, which consisted of crystals that granted the animals eternal youth.

Behind the Scenes[]

Because of the time periods set in the fourth and fifth Ice Age films the rabbits that have been featured in the film series could be Palaeolagus an extinct species that has many similarities to modern day rabbits.


Wiki-wordmark has a collection of images and media related to Rabbit/Gallery.

Known Rabbits[]

Animal Species
AardvarkArmadilloBadgerBaptornisBatBeaverBirdBlue-footed boobyBoarBrontotheriumChalicothereCondorDiatrymaDodoDung BeetleElephant sealElkGazelleGiant Butterfly GigantopithecusGlyptodonGround slothHyraxMacraucheniaMammothMini-slothMolehogMusk OxPalaeotheriumPenguinPiranhaPlatybelodonProcoptodonNarwhalNeanderthalOpossumRabbitRatReindeerSaber-tooth tigerSaber-tooth squirrelSharkSirenSpiderVultureWeaselWhale