Ice Age Wiki
"I liked you better when you were extinct!"
Manny on the Guanlong.[src]
Guanlong Model
Physical Attributes
Kingdom Reptilia
Species Dinosaur
Eye Color Varying
Skin Color Varying
Diet Carnivore

Guanlong was a species of carnivorous dinosaur.


Small in size, Guanlongs were pack hunters that worked together to bring down larger animals. Fitted with sharp teeth and claws, a small crest, a number of rattling quills atop the head and along the spine, powerful tail and speed, Guanlongs proved a formidable predator towards other dinosaurs or creatures they encountered.


A number of Guanlong had survived the comet showers that had long since wiped out the dinosaurs as a whole, escaping to a vast subterranean world where dinosaurs of all kinds lived as they had in the past.

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs[]

One such pack of Guanlong resided in the Plates of Woe, a rock formation in the back of the Lost World, where they found a herd of mammals consisting of a pair of mammoths, a pair of possums, a Saber-Tooth Tiger and with a weasel that guided them.

One of the mammoths, a female named Ellie, was pregnant and went into labor upon entering the Plates but the pack had caused the entire place to collapse when they first attempted to go after her from below. They were prevented from making a meal of her by the joint efforts of Manny and Diego.


Wiki-wordmark has a collection of images and media related to Guanlong/Gallery.


  • Its name comes from the Mandarin Chinese 冠龍(guān lóng), meaning "crowned dragon."
  • The Guanlong in the film took the role of the Velociraptors from Jurassic Park, down to being given (inaccurate) sickle toe-claws in early designs. They are technically proceratosaurs, a group of theropods that were the ancestors of later tyrannosaurs.
    • Coincidentally, both theropods were found in China and were covered in feathers, although the Guanlongs in the film were depicted having only proto-feathers.
  • The Guanlongs are depicted with quills that rattle depending on their mood, this was likely inspired by the Deinonychus design featured in the TV show Primeval, which depicts Deinonychus with quills (in place of feathers) that rattle depending on its mood, adding more Raptor influence to the Guanlongs design.
  • Although it was said to have survived the K-T extinction by going underground, Guanlong became extinct 100 million years before the K-T extinction.
    • However, it is possible that guanlong ventured into the cavern and settled in for 100 million years until other dinosaurs arrived.
Dinosaur Species