AdBlock Detection ScriptThe IAB Tech Lab’s AdBlock Detection Script helps site owners better communicate with their site visitors about ad blocking and gain a more consistent understanding of the scope of ad blocker usage. |
Open Source InitiativeIAB Tech Lab believes that the next generation of standards will evelove as code. We are enthusiastic about supporting the industry in this regard and facilitating the governance management of relevant open source projects that will support evolution, deployment and adoption of standards via code development, as well as foster innovation while identifying and developing new foundational technologies in support of the advertising industry needs. |
SKAdNetwork ID ListIAB Tech Lab has a tool for managing and maintaining SKAdNetwork ID list. Advertisers, DSPs, and networks can register their SKAdNetwork IDs and IAB Tech Lab will publish a list of all registered IDs that can be downloaded by app developers and publishers. |
Spiders & BotsThe IAB has enlisted The Alliance for Audited Media to perform evaluation and management services associated with maintaining and publishing the industry Spider and Robot list, the use of which is required for compliance to the IAB’s Client Side Counting (CSC) Measurement Guidelines for “double pass” filtering. |
Tech Lab CodebankAll IAB Tech Lab’s public and private/closed GitHub repositories are hosted here. If you are interested in a repository or have general questions, please email [email protected]. |
Tech Lab Tools PortalAll of IAB Tech Lab’s tools are available here. If you have general questions or need help, please email [email protected]. |
VAST Tag ValidatorThe VAST Tag Validator enables developers and ad operations to validate the structure and content of their VAST tags against VAST specifications |