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Emmy Noether

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Emmy Noether
Sexo feminin
Nascentia 1882-03-23, 1882 (Erlangen)
Decesso 1935-04-14, 1935 (Bryn Mawr)
Loco de reposo Old Library[*]
Ethnicitate Judeo
Citatania Germania, Kingdom of Bavaria[*]
Educate in Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg[*], University of Göttingen[*], Heidelberg University[*]
Occupation mathematico, physico, professor universitari[*]
Obras notabile Noether's theorem[*]
Partito politic Social Democratic Party of Germany[*], Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany[*]
Conjuge sin valor
Parentes patre Max Noether[*]
Fratres/sorores Fritz Noether[*], Alfred Noether[*]
Premios Ackermann–Teubner Memorial Award[*]
Lingua anglese, francese, germano
ISNI 0000000122818450
VIAF 73918294
Commons Emmy Noether

Amalie Emmy Noether (Erlangen, Bavaria, 23 de martio 1882Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, 14 de april 1935) era un mathematico german qui faceva contributiones multo importante a algebra abstracte e physica theoretic.[1] In honor de illa plure structuras algebric porta su nomine, per exemplo le anello noetherian.


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  1. Emily Conover (12 June 2018). Emmy Noether changed the face of physics; Noether linked two important concepts in physics: conservation laws and symmetries.