i.am.ai AI Expert Roadmap Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2022
Below you find a set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a data scientist, machine learning or an AI expert. We made these charts for our new employees to make them AI Experts but we wanted to share them here to help the community.
If you are interested to become an AI EXPERT at AMAI (opens new window) in Germany, or you want to hire an AI Expert (opens new window) , please say [email protected] .
Note 👉 An interactive version with links to follow about each bullet of the list can be found at i.am.ai/roadmap (opens new window) 👈
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Disclaimer The purpose of these roadmaps is to give you an idea about the landscape and to guide you if you are confused about what to learn next and not to encourage you to pick what is hip and trendy. You should grow some understanding of why one tool would be better suited for some cases than the other and remember hip and trendy never means best suited for the job.
Introduction GIT - Version Control Papers With Code Personal Recommendation!
Available Options
Data Scientist
Big Data Engineer
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Data Engineer
Required for any path AI Expert in 2022 Choose your path Legend Semantic Versioning Keep a Changelog Fundamentals Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1
Fundamentals Fundamentals Matrices & Linear Algebra Fundamentals
Matrices & Linear Algebra Fu... Database Basics Relational vs. non-relational databases
Relational vs. non-relational databases SQL + Joins (Inner, Outer, Cross, Theta Join)
SQL + Joins (Inner, Outer, Cross, Thet... NoSQL Tabular Data Data Frames & Series%3CmxGraphModel%3E%3Croot%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%222%22%20value%3D%22Tabular%20Data%22%20style%3D%22rounded%3D1%3BwhiteSpace%3Dwrap%3Bhtml%3D1%3B%22%20vertex%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%221%22%3E%3CmxGeometry%20x%3D%22170%22%20y%3D%22350%22%20width%3D%22170%22%20height%3D%2230%22%20as%3D%22geometry%22%2F%3E%3C%2FmxCell%3E%3C%2Froot%3E%3C%2FmxGraphModel%3E
Data Frames & Series%3CmxGra... Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)
Extract, Transform, Load (ET... Reporting vs BI vs Analytics
Reporting vs BI vs Analytics Data Formats JSON XML Regular Expressions (RegEx)
Regular Expressions (RegEx) Python Basics Important libraries Virtual Environments Expressions Variables Data Structures Functions Install packages (via pip, conda or similar)
Install packages (via pip, conda or si... Codestyle, e.g. PEP8 Numpy Pandas Basics Python Programming Exploratory Data Analysis / Data Munging / - Wrangling
Exploratory Data Analysis /... Dimensionality & Numerosity... Normalization Data Scrubbing, Handling Missing Values
Data Scrubbing,... Unbiased Estimators Binning sparse values Feature Extraction Denoising Sampling Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Principal Component Analysis... CSV Awesome Public Datasets Kaggle Jupyter Notebooks / Lab Data Sources Some boxes link to additional resources
Some boxes link to additional reso... Interactive version on... Data Scientist Data Engineer Data Mining Web Scraping Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1
Data Science Roadmap Data Scientist Probability Theory Probability distribution Randomness, random variable and... Conditional probability and... (Statistical) independence
(Statistical) independence iid cdf, pdf, pmf Continuous distributions (pdf's)
Continuous distributions (pd... Cumulative distribution function (cdf)
Cumulative distribution function (cd... Probability density function (pdf)
Probability density function (pdf) Probability mass function (pmf)
Probability mass function (pmf) Normal / Gaussian Uniform (continuous) Beta Dirichlet Exponential Uniform (discrete) Discrete distributions (pmf's)
Discrete distributions (pmf'... χ2 (chi-squared) Binomial Multinomial Hypergeometric Poisson Expectation and mean Important Laws Summary statistics Estimation Hypothesis Testing Confidence Interval (CI)%3CmxGraphModel%3E%3Croot%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CUserObject%20label%3D%22Important%20Laws%22%20id%3D%222%22%3E%3CmxCell%20style%3D%22rounded%3D1%3BwhiteSpace%3Dwrap%3Bhtml%3D1%3B%22%20vertex%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%221%22%3E%3CmxGeometry%20x%3D%22360%22%20y%3D%22740%22%20width%3D%22170%22%20height%3D%2230%22%20as%3D%22geometry%22%2F%3E%3C%2FmxCell%3E%3C%2FUserObject%3E%3C%2Froot%3E%3C%2FmxGraphModel%3E
Confidence Interval (CI)%3Cm... Monte Carlo Method Geometric Variance and standard deviation (... Covariance and correlation Median, quartile Interquartile range Percentile / quantile Mode Law of large numbers (LLN)
Law of large numbers (LLN) Central limit theorem (CLT)
Central limit theorem (CL... Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (ML... Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)
Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) p-Value Chi2 test F-test t-test Statistics Chart Suggestions thought starter
Chart Suggestions thought st... Python Matplotlib plotnine (like ggplot in R)
plotnine (like ggplot in... Vega-Lite D3.js Tableau Dash
Visualization Machine Learning Web Dashboards BI PowerBI seaborn ipyvolume (3D data) streamlit Bokeh Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1
Machine Learning Roadmap Machine Learning Concepts, Inputs & Attributes
Concepts, Inputs & Attributes General Categorical Variables Ordinal Variables Numerical Variables Cost functions and gradient descent
Cost functions and... Overfitting / Underfitting
Overfitting / Underfitting Training, validation and test data
Training, validation... Precision vs Recall Bias & Variance Lift Supervised Learning Methods Unsupervised Learning Ensemble Learning Reinforcement Learning Regression Classification Classification Rate Decision Trees Naïve Bayes Classifiers Linear Regression Poisson Regression K-Nearest Neighbour SVM Clustering Association Rule Learning
Association Rule Learning Dimensionality Reduction Hierarchical Clustering K-Means Clustering DBSCAN Fuzzy C-Means Mean Shift Agglomerative Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Boosting Bagging Stacking Q-Learning Sentiment Analysis Collaborative Filtering Tagging Prediction Use Cases Tools scikit-learn Deep Learning Important libraries spacy (NLP) Apriori Algorithm ECLAT algorithm FP Trees Random Projection NMF T-SNE UMAP HDBSCAN OPTICS Gaussian Mixture Models Logistic Regression Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1
Deep Learning Roadmap Deep Learning Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap
Deep Learning Papers Reading... Papers Papers with code Papers with code - state of the art
Papers with code - state of... Understanding Neural Networks
Understanding... Neural Networks Feedforward neural network
Feedforward neural network Autoencoder Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Convolutional Neural Network... Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
Generative Adversarial Netwo... Architectures
Important Libraries Tools PyTorch
keep exploring and stay up-to-date keep exploring and s... Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Recurrent Neural Network... LSTM GRU Tensorflow Loss Functions Activation Functions Weight Initialization Vanishing / Exploding Gradient Problem
Vanishing / Exploding... Pooling Transformer Encoder Decoder Attention Siamese Network Residual Connections Optimizers Training Learning Rate Schedule Batch Normalization Batch Size Effects Regularization Multitask Learning Transfer Learning Curriculum Learning SGD Momentum Adam AdaGrad AdaDelta Nadam RMSProp Early Stopping Dropout Parameter Penalties Data Augmentation Adversarial Training Tensorboard MLFlow Distillation Model optimization (advanced)
Model optimiza... Neural Architecture Search (NAS)
Neural Architecture... Quantization Awesome Deep Learning Huggingface Transformers Evolving Architectures / NEAT
Evolving Architectures / NEAT Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1
Data Engineer Roadmap Data Engineer Summary of Data Formats Data Discovery Data Source & Acquisition
Data Source & Acquisition Data Integration Data Fusion Transformation & Enrichment
Transformation & Enrichment OpenRefine Data Survey How much Data Using ETL Data Lake vs Data Warehouse
Data Lake vs Data Warehouse Dockerize your Python Application
Dockerize your Python Applic...
keep exploring and stay up-to-date keep exploring and st... Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1
Big Data Engineer Roadmap Big Data Engineer Architectural Patterns & Best Practices (video)
Architectural Patterns & Bes... Horizontal vs vertical scaling
Horizontal vs vertical scali... Map Reduce Data Replication Job & Task Tracker Name & Data Nodes Check the Awesome Big Data List
Check the Awesome Big Data L... Hadoop (large data) Spark (in memory) HDFS Loading data with Sqoop and Pig Big Data Architectures Principles Tools RAPIDS (on GPU) Flume , Scribe: For Unstruct DataFlume, Scribe: For Unstruct... Data Warehouse with Hive Elastic (EKL) Stack Avro Flink MLFlow Kafka & KSQL Databases Storm: Hadoop Realtime to get data (e.g. logging), search, analyze and visualize it in realtime
to get data (e.g. logging),... Cassandra MongoDB, Neo4j Scalability ZooKeeper Kubernetes Cloud Services AWS SageMaker Google ML Engine Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio
Microsoft Azure...
keep exploring and stay up-to-date keep exploring and st... Awesome Production ML Dask Numba Onnx OpenVino Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1
🚦 Wrap Up If you think any of the roadmaps can be improved, please do open a PR with any updates and submit any issues. Also, we will continue to improve this, so you might want to watch/star this repository to revisit.
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Last Updated: 2/10/2022, 12:36:44 PM