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The Best Celtic Mythology Books by [[Kris Hughes]]
book recommendations
typewriterdatabase.com typewriterdatabase.com
Annotated photo of Remington's Fold-A-Matic screw locations.
writingball.blogspot.com writingball.blogspot.com
The Remington De Luxe KMC by [[Richard Polt]]
writingball.blogspot.com writingball.blogspot.com
writingball.blogspot.com writingball.blogspot.com
The Italian Super-Riter by [[Richard Polt]]
munk.org munk.org
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If you need them for basic functionality, often you can find the manuals of the original manufacturers' models for rebrands (example: the Sears Tower machines which were really just rebrandings of the Smith-Corona 5 series).
Additionally, after the 1930s there really wasn't a lot of new functionality, so almost any manual will help you to get you where you need to go, though there are some small differences in locations of things like carriage locks which can be helpful to know about and whose placement moved around on various machines.
You might also notice that as typewriters were more ubiquitous in the 60s and 70s their manuals got thinner and thinner with less detail. If you do find a specific manual, you're unlikely to find very much in it.
The Davis Brothers have some history on the Commodore line which was related to some of the Sears Chevron line. Polt does have two Commodore manuals which may be close to your machine: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-manuals.html
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
On the value of typewriters
As a hobbyist, you'll easily obtain several hundred dollars worth of potential diversion and satisfaction out of your alluring typewriter by cleaning, properly oiling, and adjusting it. Then you're guaranteed to both give and receive thousands of dollars worth of happiness out of it by typing letters to family and friends. With practice, you may reap millions by writing stories, plays, poems, screenplays, and books.
Even if your scintillating typewriter sits on a shelf as home decor only to be viewed as a museum piece, you'll have gotten $50 of value for even that lowly function.
You'll only have wasted your money if your wondorous typewriter sits lonely and forgotten in a dusty attic or dank basement to rust and rot away.
Might you have gotten it for less? Perhaps, but you've saved yourself a huge amount of time and effort in such a hunt for a machine as desirous as this. You have it in front of you for writing right now.
So get to typing at once my friend! For time is money, and every moment your fingers aren't caressing its keys, you are losing value.
Congratulations on your stunning find.
reply to u/readysalted344 at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1h3jyyt/did_i_waste_my_money/
jweberle.com jweberle.com
How to Choose a Typewriter for Serious Writing by [[Jonny Eberle]] on 2024-11-24
A good overview of some of the considerations one may want to make when looking for a typewriter.
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
I'm reminded of poor online friend Jack Baty who can never seem to settle on a PKM approach, oscillating between 5 or so over the years, including publishing platforms/blogs. It's easy to reply "Don't! There's no greener grass on any side." But that also misses the point, I believe, when in the end one just wants to explore and tinker. And not get stuff done all the time. All that being said, I believe there's hope in simplicity of a Zettelkasten, but maybe that's not what is being searched for 😅
via [[Christian Tietze]] at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/22076/#Comment_22076
There's tremendous value in keeping a single zettelkasten store of knowledge. Spreading it out only dilutes things and can prevent building. Shiny object syndrome can be a problem as it's often splitting the stores of information and silo-ing them from each other. Unless the shiny object can do something radically different or has a dramatic affordance it's really only a distraction.
But still, sometime the search for either simpler or better serves other needs...
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Share with us what is happening in your ZK journey this week. November 23, 2024 by [[Will Simpson]]
Busy week coding -- but there was one delightful article that led me down a small rabbit hole of Richard P Gabriel's writing about "worse is better" from 1989/90. The hub for this idea is here: Richard P. Gabriel: "Worse Is Better", https://www.dreamsongs.com/WorseIsBetter.html And I found it via: Christine Lemmer-Webber: "How decentralized is Bluesky really?", 2024-11-22, https://dustycloud.org/blog/how-decentralized-is-bluesky/ The idea of "worse is better" got connected to Gall's Law, and loosely relates to why idealistic, big software rewrites fail so often. And why things that are imperfect but provide value proliferate.
via Christian Tietze at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/22075/#Comment_22075
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
Cal Newport vs Zettelkasten – SAD! (Clickbait) by [[Sascha Fast]] on 2024-11-28
The inner map that you develop through the Zettelkasten, on the other hand, is directly linked to the knowledge structures themselves.
This sounds a lot like Peter Ramus in the late 1500s with respect to educational reform.
He's sidelining the usefulness of mnemonic techniques in lieu of something he values more, potentially without having a full appreciation of the former.
The difference between what you work out using the Zettelkasten and the memory palace technique is that the memory palace is a pure memory technique. It uses meaningless connections and the way the brain works to gain access to information. For example, if I mentally write the date Rome was founded with the mnemonic “BC 753 Rome came to be” as a number on an egg in the kitchen fridge, the only reason for this link between the egg in the kitchen fridge of my memory palace and the year Rome was founded is that I can remember this number. You make yourself aware of what the brain otherwise does unconsciously.
The difference between what you work out using the Zettelkasten and the memory palace technique is that the memory palace is a pure memory technique. It uses meaningless connections [emphasis added] and the way the brain works to gain access to information. For example, if I mentally write the date Rome was founded with the mnemonic “BC 753 Rome came to be” as a number on an egg in the kitchen fridge, the only reason for this link between the egg in the kitchen fridge of my memory palace and the year Rome was founded is that I can remember this number.
Certainly not an attack against him, but I feel as if Sascha is making an analogistic reference to areas of mnemonics he's heard about, but hasn't actively practiced. As a result, some may come away with a misunderstanding of these practices. Even worse, they may be dissuaded from combining a more specific set of mnemonic practices with their zettelkasten practice which can provide them with even stronger memories of the ideas hiding within their zettelkasten.
There is a mistaken conflation of two different mnemonic techniques being described here. The memory palace portion associates information with well known locations which leverages our brains' ability to more easily remember places and things in them with relation to each other. There is nothing of meaningless connections here. The method works precisely because meaning is created and attributed to the association. It becomes a thing in a specific well known place to the user which provides the necessary association for our memory.
The second mnemonic technique at play is the separate, unmentioned, and misconstrued Major System (or possibly the related Person-Action-Object method) which associates the number with a visualizable object. While there is a seeming meaningless connection here, the underlying connection is all about meaning by design. The number is "translated" from something harder to remember into an object which is far easier to remember. This initial translation is more direct than one from a word in one language to another because it can be logically generated every time and thus gives a specific meaning to an otherwise more-difficult-to-remember number. As part of the practice this object is then given additional attributes (size, smell, taste, touch, etc., or ridiculous proportion or attributes like extreme violence or relationships to sex) which serve to make it even more memorable. Sascha seems break this more standard mnemonic practice by simply writing his number on the egg in the refrigerator rather than associate 753 with a more memorable object like a "golem" which might be incubating inside of my precious egg. As a result, the egg and 753 association IS meaningless to him, and I would posit will be incredibly more difficult for him to remember tomorrow much less next month. If we make the translation of 753 more visible in Sascha's process, we're more likely to see the meaning and the benefit of the mnemonic. (I can only guess that Sascha doesn't practice these techniques, so won't fault him for missing some steps, particularly given the ways in which the memory palace is viewed in the zeitgeist.)
To say that the number and the golem (here, the object which 753 was translated to—the Major System mnemonic portion) have no association is akin to saying that "zettlekasten" has no associated meaning to the words "slip box." In both translations the words/numbers are exactly the same thing. The second mnemonic is associating the golem to the egg in the refrigerator (the memory palace portion). I suspect that if you've been following along and imagining Andy Serkis gestating inside of an egg to become Golem who will go on to fight in the Roman Coliseum in your refrigerator, you're going to see Golem every time you reach for an egg in your refrigerator. Now if you've spent the ten minutes to learn the Major System to do the reverse translation, you'll think about the founding date of Rome every time you go to make an omelette. And if you haven't, then you'll just imagine the most pitiful gladiator loosing in the arena against a vicious tiger.
Naturally one can associate all their thoughts in their ZK to both the associated numbers and their home, work, or neighborhood environments so that they can mentally take their (analog or digital) zettlekasten with them anywhere they go. This is akin to what Thomas Aquinus and Raymond Llull were doing with their "knowledge management systems", though theirs may have had slightly simpler forms. Llull actually created a system which allowed him to more easily meditate on his stored memories and juxtapose them to create new ideas.
For the beginners in these areas who'd like to know more, I recommend the following as a good starting place: <br /> Kelly, Lynne. Memory Craft: Improve Your Memory Using the Most Powerful Methods from around the World. Pegasus Books, 2019.
writing.bobdoto.computer writing.bobdoto.computer
How a Collaborative Zettelkasten Might Work: A Modest Proposal for a New Kind of Collective Creativity by [[Bob Doto]]
Sounds a lot like the group wiki of the IndieWeb
Local file Local fileLayout 117
Dousa, Thomas M. “Facts and Frameworks in Paul Otlet’s and Julius Otto Kaiser’s Theories of Knowledge Organization.” Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 36, no. 2 (2010): 19–25. https://doi.org/10.1002/bult.2010.1720360208.
Stronglyinfluenced by the Comtean and Spencerian versions of positivism that he hadimbibed in his youth, Otlet was concerned with the progress of the sciences(in the widest sense of the term), believing that a holistic integration of humanknowledge into a single, well-articulated system of sciences could form theintellectual basis for the universal amelioration of human life [15, pp. 20,26–29, 354].
n stark opposition to Otlet’s insistence that an ideal KOS be impersonaland universal, Kaiser firmly held to the view that, ideally, KOSs should beconstructed to meet the needs of the particular organizations for which they arebeing created. For example, with regard to the use of card indexes in businessenterprises, he asserted that “[e]ach business, each office has its individualcharacter and individual requirements, and its individual organization. Itssystem must do justice to this individual character [11, § 76].
For Otlet, one of the major advantages of the UDC over alphabetical systemswas that “every alphabetical filing scheme has, through the arbitrariness of thechoice of words, a personal character, whereas the [U]DC has an impersonaland universal character” [6, p. 380].
alphabetical order vs. "semantic order" (by which I mean ordering ideas based on their proximity to each other in an area or sub-area of expertise)
No less important, the numerical notation served to “translateideas” into “universally understood signs,” namely numbers [13, p. 34].
Unlike Luhmann's numbers which served only as addresses, Paul Otlet's numbers were intimately linked to subject headings and became a means of using them across languages to imply similar meanings.
Otlet, by contrast, was strongly opposed to organizing information unitsby the alphabetical order of their index terms. In his view, such a mode oforganization “scatters the [subject] matter under rubrics that have beenclassed arbitrarily in the order of letters and not at all in the order of ideas”and so obscures the conceptual relationships between them [6, p. 380]
In this respect Otlet was closer to the philosophy of organization used by Niklas Luhmann.
For Kaiser, then, alphabetical order represented the interpretatively safest andmost user-friendly way of organizing information units by their subject terms.
on the guide card for each main entry term a list of the other main entry termswith which it stood in semantic relation: the latter included synonyms, broaderterms, narrower terms and related terms [8, § 415, 423]. The “logical key”served as the syndetic structure of the index, indicating a web of conceptualrelations otherwise unexpressed by the alphabetical structure of the index file.
Some of the structure in Kaiser's system was built into relationships on guide cards. While not exactly hub notes, they did provide links to other areas of the system in addition to synonyms under which materials could be found including broader terms, narrower terms, and related terms often seen in library information systems.
Given that Kaiser acknowledged the utility of indicating semantic relationsbetween index terms, why did he prefer alphabetical to classified order forfiling? The answer lies in his view of language. Kaiser considered words innatural language to be imprecise expressions of the concepts that they areintended to convey. In addition, he held that there is little agreement amongusers of a language as to the precise definition of individual terms [8, §60–61, 112]. Such semantic indeterminism, in his opinion, makes it difficultto determine precisely what the authors of documents mean by the wordsthey are using, and any attempt by an indexer to substitute preferred termsfor the author’s own words runs the risk of misinterpreting the meaning ofthe words in the original document. It was for this reason that he preferredusing index terms extracted from the document itself [8, § 114].
Kaiser touches on the issue of "coming to terms" in his card (indexing) system. He preferred using the author's terminology over the indexer's. Some of the fungibility of words and their definitions was met by the use of a "logical key" to the index which was put onto guide cards for each main entry term.
Whereas Otlet and Kaiser were in substantial agreement on both thedesirability of information analysis and its technological implementation inthe form of the card system, they parted company on the question of howindex files were to be organized. Both men favored organizing informationunits by subject, but differed as to the type of KO framework that shouldgovern file sequence: Otlet favored filing according to the classificatory orderof the UDC, whereas Kaiser favored filing according to the alphabeticalorder of the terms used to denote subjects
Compare the various organizational structures of Otlet, Kaiser, and Luhmann.
Seemingly their structures were dictated by the number of users and to some extent the memory of those users with respect to where to find various things.
Otlet as a multi-user system with no single control mechanism or person, other than the decimal organizing standard (in his case a preference for UDC), was easily flexible for larger groups. Kaiser's system was generally designed, built and managed by one person but intended for use by potentially larger numbers of people. He also advised a conservative number of indexing levels geared toward particular use-cases (that is a limited number of heading types or columns/rows from a database perspective.) Finally, Luhmann's was designed and built for use by a single person who would have a more intimate memory of a more idiosyncratic system.
Both menheld that, in an information index file, each individual card – or, in somedocumentary contexts, each sheet of loose-leaf paper (Otlet) – should serve asthe bearer of a single unit of information extracted from a document. As if toemphasize the one-to-one correspondence between card and information unit,Otlet termed this methodological tenet the “monographic principle” [3, p. 238].
In the 1950s and 1960s, information retrieval (IR) theorists drew a distinction between“document retrieval systems” and “fact retrieval systems.” The former, were intendedto retrieve, in response to a user’s query, all documents that might contain informationpertinent to answering that query, while the latter were to lead the user directly tospecific pieces of information – facts – embedded within the documents being searchedthat would answer his or her question. The idea of information analysis clearlyprovided the theoretical impetus for fact retrieval (aka question-answering) systems
card index systems wereespecially prized for the flexibility in filing that they afforded: not only couldcards bearing superannuated information be easily removed and ones bearingnew information be added, but files could be easily rearranged if needed.
For Otlet, the goal of the documentalist – who, in his view, should also be asubject specialist – is to identify information units within the document andcreate individual records for each one
to be a forerunner of facet analysis [4].
Today he [Julius Kaiser] is best known for his method of “systematic indexing,” which is considered...
via [4] Svenonius, E. (1978). Facet definition: A case study. International Classification, 5(3), 131-141.
Julius Otto Kaiser (1868–1927)
the emergence of the idea that documents could bedecomposed not only into smaller bibliographical units (as, for example, aperiodical into articles or a book into chapters), but also into yet smallerinformation units (such as, for example, the concepts or facts discussed indiscrete passages within a text) and that, once identified, these informationunits could be reconfigured in new arrangements that would facilitate theirretrieval [1, p. 223; 2, pp. 221–222].
- note taking affordances
- semantic order
- monographic principle
- open questions
- Paul Otlet
- information science
- neologisms
- updating
- August Comte
- coming to terms
- rearrangement
- card system organization
- card system affordances
- knowledge management
- knowledge organization
- Julius Kaiser
- information analysis
- information retrieval
- facet analysis
- fact retrieval systems
- zettelkasten design
- Universal Decimal Classification
- read
- zettelkasten organization
- positivism
- Niklas Luhmann
- zettelkasten
- zettelkasten numbering
- classification
- tabbed dividers
- document retrieval systems
- collaborative zettelkasten
- Herbert Spencer
- alphabetical order
- hub notes
- idea links
- atomic notes
- multi-lingual
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Brooks, Arthur C. “Three Ways to Become a Deeper Thinker.” The Atlantic, November 21, 2024. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/11/sound-of-one-hand-clapping/680699/.
why I love my wife. By myself, I am the one hand clapping, an illusion of a human. I come fully into personhood only when I am completed by the presence of my mate. She is, for me, the other hand, creating the sound that is our life.
I'm reminded of Jerry Maguire: "You complete me."
Over a few weeks, I came to comprehend that the sound of one hand clapping is an illusion. The hand’s movement mimics clapping, but the only way to make the illusion a reality is to add a second hand. The sound of one hand clapping can be imagined, but the clap doesn’t exist until another hand is present. With that realization, I recognized the koan’s question as a way to understand the Buddhist doctrine of emptiness (śūnyavāda in Sanskrit), which says that no individual thing or person has any intrinsic existence, but exists only relationally, dependent on everything else. The concept of an individual nature is, like one hand clapping, an illusion.
How does this speak to (or not) the idea of coherence in quantum mechanics?
Experiencing boredom is crucial for abstract reasoning and insight, because it helps stimulate the brain’s default-mode network, the set of brain regions that becomes active when the outside world does not impinge on our mind’s attention. Neuroscientists have shown that such activity is vital for accessing high-level meaning.
In a deep cognitive sense, boredom is productive.
Research has shown that walking naturally stimulates creative thinking and facilitates the ability to focus without being distracted.
Philosophers could become as popular as the hottest fitness influencers.
As some research shows, knotty life questions without clear answers can evoke a dark mood without any clear biological explanation. This can be particularly difficult for adolescents, pondering for the first time big questions about fate and death, emptiness and meaninglessness, guilt and condemnation.
Is this a possible reason why reading great books in youth is so useful?
Carl Jung considered this ease-of-answering test a way of understanding what matters most. “The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble,” he wrote in 1931.
quoted from The Secret Of The Golden Flower by Richard Wilhelm And Carl Jung
- open questions
- the sound of one hand clapping
- understanding
- focus
- flâneur
- problem solving
- influencers
- The Great Conversation
- Jerry Maguire
- cognitive neuroscience
- quantum mechanics
- quotes
- hemispheric lateralization
- Tibetan Buddhism
- you complete me
- existence
- Iain McGilchrist
- questions
- Great Books of the Western World
- philosophy
- adolescence
- spouses
- coherence
- attention economy
- big questions
- insoluble problems
- read
- wife
- productivity
- boredom
- analytical meditation
- meaning of life
- Carl Jung
- love
- creativity
- neuroscience
- walking
- creative thinking
- emptiness
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With respect to your spools, the side you show in the photo should go face down and the "v" cut side should face up. If you don't have one you can find a manual at https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/RoyalKHM.pdf The Royal standards from the X onward are broadly the same so manuals for the X, KH, KHM, KMM, KMG, HH, FP, Empress, and FP should all be useful too: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-manuals.html
reply to u/Pawps4895 at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1h1dcil/help_ink_ribbon_not_moving/
That ghosting effect you're seeing may be down to your typing technique. Computer keyboard typing technique is different than typewriter technique. If you're pressing hard and/or bottoming the keys out, you may not be getting your fingers out of the way and causing the key to double strike while you're lifting your finger up.
Instead, type as if they keys are hot lava. Strike and release them as quickly as possible and that ghosting should clear up. For more on technique, try: https://hypothes.is/users/chrisaldrich?q=tag%3A%22typing+technique%22
If that isn't the issue, is that ghosting happening on all the keys or just a few? Cleaning things out certainly couldn't hurt: https://boffosocko.com/2024/08/09/on-colloquial-advice-for-degreasing-cleaning-and-oiling-manual-typewriters/
- Nov 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
reply to u/SupItsBuck88 at https://old.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1h0vuek/zettelkasten_vs_commonplace_book/ on Zettelkasten vs Commonplace Book
Don't tell anyone as it's a well-kept secret, but the way most digital practitioners (especially in Obsidian) arrange their "zettelkasten" is generally closer to commonplace book practice than it is to that of Niklas Luhmann's particular practice of zettelkasten. Honestly outside of Luhmann's practice (and those who follow his example more closely) really all zettelkasten into the late 1900s were commonplace books written on index cards rather than into books or notebooks. It's certainly the case that as the practices got older, commonplaces morphed from storehouses of only sententiae to more focused databases and tools for thought, particularly after the works on historical method done by Ernst Bernheim and later by Charles Seignobos & Charles Victor Langlois in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
More modern variations and versions in English can be seen in:
- Barzun, Jacques, and Henry F. Graff. The Modern Researcher. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1957. http://archive.org/details/modernreseracher0000unse.
- Eco, Umberto. How to Write a Thesis. Translated by Caterina Mongiat Farina and Geoff Farina. 1977. Reprint, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2015. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/how-write-thesis.
See also:
- Differentiating online variations of the Commonplace Book: Digital Gardens, Wikis, Zettlekasten, Waste Books, Florilegia, and Second Brains
- Reframing and simplifying the idea of how to keep a Zettelkasten
- &c: https://boffosocko.com/research/zettelkasten-commonplace-books-and-note-taking-collection/
Generally, the more focused your needs for particular types of information and the higher need of specific outputs may drive one to adopt one form over another. At the end of the day, I would contend that the specific affordances for how each of these forms work for the vast majority of people are exactly the same. This is especially true if one is using digital methods. In practice, I find that a lot of the difference between the practices comes down to where the user wishes to put in their work: either upfront (Luhmann-artig zettelkasten) or down the road in a more laissez faire manner (commonplace book or "traditional" zettelkasten). As a result, I always recommend people experiment a bit and settle on the method(s) which is (are) more motivating and useful for their modes and styles of work. Everyone's needs, inputs, and outputs will differ, and, as a result, so will their methods.
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
Clack to the future: Typewriters are pounding out new roles in communities by [[Phaedra Trethan]]
Inspired by the discarded typewriters and the ubiquitous construction materials she saw all over Berlin, she created "Writer's Block," an art installation with rebar-caged writing implements placed in Bebelplatz, where in 1933 Nazis burned piles of books.
The store offers maintenance and repair lessons to the public (including Philadelphia school students). The shop hosts poetry nights, open mics, comedy shows and other events. It even offers typewriters to public places such as bookstores, libraries and coffeeshops to bring the machines back into the collective consciousness.
Bryan Kravitz, who specialized in IBM Selectric repairs. Rhoda wanted to learn, too. Kravitz was happy to teach him."I just put my head down, and learned how to do it," Rhoda said, and he partnered with Kravitz to open Philly Typewriter in 2017.
Bill Rhoda, co-owner and lead mechanic at Philly Typewriter.
- typewriter shop lines
- typewriter shops
- art
- typewriter culture
- read
- censorship
- Nazi censorship
- typewriter art
- Bryan Kravitz
- typewriter repair shops
- Philadelphia, PA
- typewriter shops opening
- Richard Polt
- Philly Typewriter
- writers' block
- book burning
- type in activities
- typewriter repair people
- 2017
- Sheryl Oring
- IBM repair
- Bill Rhoda
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I have never heard of anyone parting out a typewriter
reply to u/EriikE at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1gypxpa/which_parts_are_still_valuable_for_resell_on_this/lyqq28s/
Generally "parting out" is what typewriter shops do to repair machines that need replacement parts that are no longer manufactured.
The Typewriter Database has a special section for listing machines people are parting out: https://typewriterdatabase.com/typewriters.php?collection_search=Parting+Out
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Most Petite typewriters use T4430 or T4431 ribbon (1/4" wide or 6.50mm) which can be found on eBay and other sites. It generally requires original spools.
These were generally carbon/plastic based ribbon.
www.mortati.com www.mortati.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Start of an outline for a longer article on typewriter tools<br /> Suggested by reply to u/Confident_Avocado768 at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1gy25og/christmas_gift_help/
If they've been doing restoration for a while, try to find out what they already have to avoid duplication. Anyone who's done a few machines is likely to have a lifetime supply of lubricant (it really goes a long way) and is likely to have gone well beyond cotton swabs. The sort of kit you mention would be more appropriate to someone who's recently gotten their first typewriter, not someone who has restored more than a machine or two.
Chances are that you can up the level of their restoration tool bag with a small handful of inexpensive and easy to source options:
- oiler bottles for solvents/cleaning
- spring hook (push)
- spring hook (pull)
- spring hook (captive)
- wiping cloths (cotton)
- nylon, brass, and steel brushes (example; 2 or 3 sets of these are always useful)
- high quality wool mats make a great (soft) surface for working on machines (as well as for typing on). Here's some details and a link to a well-recommended one.
I've documented some of my own versions of these with links at https://boffosocko.com/2024/08/11/adding-to-my-typewriter-toolset/
Slightly more expensive tools that they may not have:
- hollow ground/precision screwdriver set ($35-150)
- Lucas Dul and others often suggest the Chapman typewriter set: https://chapmanmfg.com/products/0623-r-typewriterset
- Others recommend the slightly more ergonomic Weaver multi-bit gunsmith tool kit: https://www.bushnell.com/gunsmithing-tools/driver-and-hammer-sets/multi-bit-tool-kit/WV-849718.html
- Small air compressor ($75-$150) for cleaning out machines
If you really want to shoot the moon and they're into the older vintage machines, you could get them a new pair of keyring pliers: http://mytypewriter.com/hello-qwerty-typewriter-keyring-pliers-kit.aspx
You can also browse Lucas Dul's kit for other ideas via this presentation: https://virtualhermans.com/lucas-dul
Good luck and Merry Christmas! 🪛🛠️🎅🏼🎄
shopgoodwill.com shopgoodwill.com
Useful template for emailing about shipping typewriters
Dear TK:
Quite often typewriters are damaged beyond repair in shipping. This is particularly true of larger/heavier typewriters like this one.
Primary concerns are to prevent movement of the carriage and protecting the carriage knobs and the silver carriage return arm.
Please use an elastic band(s)/rubber band(s) to permanently hold the carriage release lever to the green carriage knob(s). The carriage release lever is the silver piece just above the green knobs on either side of the typewriter carriage (the part that would move back and forth while typing.) This should allow the carriage to move freely back and forth to the right or the left and prevent any damage to the delicate escapement mechanism inside the typewriter.
Next, to prevent damage to the carriage with respect to the heavy metal frame, use plastic wrap or bubble wrap to ensure that the carriage is roughly centered on the typewriter (or flush on the left side) and can’t move back or forth while being shipped.
Finally, ensure appropriate amounts of packing material around the carriage, the knobs, and the return lever to prevent them from being broken or damaged in shipping. In particular, make sure there isn’t any empty space (or dead space) inside the box or the machine is guaranteed to bounce around and break. The box being dropped accidentally from even a foot or two is enough to either bend or break the heavy frame or destroy the carriage. This sort of damage is often what makes what is otherwise a fully functional typewriter a useless boat anchor.
Thanks in advance for your kind assistance in helping this vintage machine reach me in its best condition!
Warmest regards, name
Video example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNISoY_7g9s Written example: https://johnlewismechanicalantiques.com/packing-instructions/
caig.com caig.com
CaiKleen™ RBR - CAIG by Caig Laboratories, Inc.
via https://reddit.com/user/k1lky/ at How can I cork my platen? And if it's the same than rubber. : r/typewriters
shifthappens.site shifthappens.site
https://shifthappens.site/typewriter/ via [[Marcin Wichary]]
www.mentalfloss.com www.mentalfloss.com
analogoffice.net analogoffice.net
"How To" Directory by [[Anna Havron]]
typewriterdatabase.com typewriterdatabase.com
Some interesting typewriter hunters:<br /> - Joe Van Cleave<br /> - Richard Polt<br /> - Michael Hoehne<br /> - Robert Messenger - Ted Munk<br /> - Ian Brumfield - Sarah Everett (aka JustMyTypewriter) - Mei Travis<br /> - Currie Russell - Otto Koponen - Marcin Wichary
mementomovi.wackyneighbor.com mementomovi.wackyneighbor.com
writingcooperative.com writingcooperative.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
George Carlin Gets Dark - Charlie Rose Interview 1996 by [[Charlie Rose]]
ᔥ @lazybear on Mastodon
"This idea goes with that one, and I never suspected it, and then to make something out of it that's bigger than the two of them"
Did #GeorgeCarlin used or knew #zettelkasten ?
19:10 -> 19:15<br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9OhMZYTS4E
artofmemory.com artofmemory.com
Gregor von Feinaigle by [[Art of Memory]] wiki
Origin of finagle? Long-standing question for me, but only bookmarking now.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
If you love the Art Deco style of the font, look for an Olivetti MP1 ICO with Simplicitas. Same feel but in a beautiful matching machine. I picked one up for $1500 fully restored from Spain. The look and feel of it is far superior to the Royal P Vougue. I've seen dozens of Vogue for sale, only two Simplicitas.
The Everest K2 occasionally comes with Simplicitas typeface. It is in the Vogue family and I prefer it to Vogue. Might be worth considering. It’s rarer than Vogue. https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/s/q7YmP7WZBN
They still have some specific use cases where they aren't obsolete. For example I've worked at several law firms and every one of them had at least one office typewriter. They are super useful when you're working with older documents and want the additions to look professional and consistent. For example I once worked on a complex stock reissue where I was working with 100 year old stock certificates. Typing on them was muuuuuch faster, easier, and cleaner with a typewriter than trying to line up the old certificates in a laser printer
www.cryptomuseum.com www.cryptomuseum.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Broad advice on the touch and feel of Olivetti's
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Throw Out Your Black Plastic Spatula by [[Zoë Schlanger]]
Lots of links to journal articles and published studies here.
optical sensors in recycling facilities can’t detect them, black-colored plastics are largely rejected from domestic-waste streams,
lifelonglearn.substack.com lifelonglearn.substack.com
Mid-November Update by [[Dan Allosso]]
stationeryfestival.com stationeryfestival.com
Represents: - Montegrappa - YStudio - Aurora Pen (Turin, Italy) fountain pens
Elite Accessories<br /> 3428 Hauck Rd, Ste K<br /> Cincinnati, OH 45241<br /> (630) 945-2710
Represents the following stationery manufacturers in the US:<br /> - Kaweco (Germany) fountain pens - Kyo No Oto (Tag Stationery) inks - Oeda Letterpress (Osaka Japan) letterpress stationery - Onishi Seisakusho (fountain pens) - Diamine Inks (Liverpool, UK)
Local file Local file
It comesafter a couple believes they have achieved a level of financial stability.
No Scrubs (Official HD Video) by [[TLC]]
TLC has ensconced the idea of not getting married or even dating if a man doesn't reach a level of financial security.
Poverty, by America
the title of the book implies an ownership of poverty (by America)... there's also an implication of authorial voice as if America is a "creator", but specifically a creator of poverty as much as it is a creator of wealth
In the framing of toxic capitalism, it's almost as if one of the things America is good at manufacturing is poverty.
If we've outsourced most of our manufacturing sector, why not also include poverty?!?
poverty is no equalizer.
Poverty is the feeling that your government is against you, not for you
Poverty is the constant fear that it will get even worse.
poverty is instability.
Poverty is pain, physical pain
Poverty is often material scarcity piled on chronic pain piled onincarceration piled on depression piled on addiction—on and on it goes.Poverty isn’t a line. It’s a tight knot of social maladies. It is connected toevery social problem we care about—crime, health, education, housing—and its persistence in American life means that millions of families aredenied safety and security and dignity in one of the richest nations in thehistory of the world.
In 2019, the medianwhite household had a net worth of $188,200, compared with $24,100 forthe median Black household. The average white household headed bysomeone with a high school diploma has more wealth than the averageBlack household headed by someone with a college degree.
scientists Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir call this “the bandwidthtax.” “Being poor,” they write, “reduces a person’s cognitive capacity morethan going a full night without sleep.” When we are preoccupied bypoverty, “we have less mind to give to the rest of life.” Poverty does not justdeprive people of security and comfort; it siphons off their brainpower, too.
Poverty is diminished life and personhood.
There is no flag forpoor rights, after all.
certainly better definitions, words, and labels might help this?
Misery (misère), the Frenchsociologist Eugène Buret once remarked, “is poverty felt morally.”
Poverty is embarrassing, shame inducing.
The criminal-legal system, Weaver has written, “trains people for adistinctive and lesser kind of citizenship.”[16]
The political scientist Vesla Weaverhas shown that those stopped (but not arrested) by the police are less likelyto vote.
Criminal justice agencies levy steep fines and fees on the poor, oftenmaking them pay for their own prosecution and incarceration.
I'm reminded of these issues in Salem, MA during the witch trials
In the latenineteenth and early twentieth centuries, cities passed “ugly laws” banning“unsightly beggars” from public places. In the first half of the twentiethcentury, vagrancy and loitering ordinances were used to expel the poor frompark benches and street corners. Today, municipal regulations still allow thepolice to arrest the homeless for being seen in public, criminalizing abjectpoverty.
Itdisappears them into jails and prisons, effectively erasing them: Theincarcerated are simply not counted in most national surveys, resulting in afalsely rosy statistical picture of American progress. Poverty measuresexclude everyone in prison and jail—not to mention those housed in psych
wards, halfway houses, and homeless shelters—which means there are millions more poor Americans than official statistics let on.
Poverty is the loss of liberty.
According to the latest national data, one in eighteenpeople in the United States lives in “deep poverty,” a subterranean level ofscarcity. Take the poverty line and cut it in half: Anything below that isconsidered deep poverty. The deep poverty line in 2020 was $6,380annually for a single person and $13,100 for a family of four. That year,almost 18 million people in America survived under these conditions. TheUnited States allows a much higher proportion of its children—over 5million of them—to endure deep poverty than any of its peer nations.
In the land of the free, you can drop all theway down, joining the ranks of the lumpenproletariat (literally the “raggedproletariat”).
Income volatility, the extent to which paychecks grow orshrink over short periods of time, has doubled since 1970.
More than3.6 million eviction filings are taped to doors or handed to occupants in anaverage year in America, which is roughly equivalent to the number offoreclosures initiated at the height of the financial crisis in 2010.
and somehow no one seems to care about this crisis that's happening on an annual basis?!
Most renting families below the poverty line now spendat least half of their income on housing, with one in four spending morethan 70 percent on rent and utility costs alone.
the federalgovernment provides housing assistance to only one in four of the familieswho qualify for it.
Thirtymillion Americans remain completely uninsured a decade after the passageof the Affordable Care Act.[4]
poverty is about money, ofcourse, but it is also a relentless piling on of problems.
working toward a definition of poverty and it's causes...
The architect of the Official PovertyMeasure—the poverty line—was a bureaucrat working at the SocialSecurity Administration named Mollie Orshansky.
Naturally, we will have to mention:<br /> The West Wing S3.E8 "The Indians in the Lobby"<br /> https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0745696/
Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson paid a visit to Appalachia and sat on therough-hewn porch of a jobless sawmill worker surrounded by children withsmall clothes and big teeth.
President Lyndon B. Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird, greet Tom Fletcher's family in Inez, Ky., in 1964. Fletcher was an unemployed saw mill worker with eight children.<br /> Bettman/Corbis via https://www.npr.org/2014/01/18/263629452/in-appalachia-poverty-is-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder
Poverty Tours: <br /> - https://texasarchive.org/2010_00054
Compare also with: - https://hypothes.is/a/ksOQmPaAEe61H7vM8pMhcg<br /> Poverty in Rural America, 1965. http://archive.org/details/0223PovertyInRuralAmerica.<br /> which was mentioned in Isenberg's White Trash (2016)
But itwill also require that each of us, in our own way, become povertyabolitionists, unwinding ourselves from our neighbors’ deprivation andrefusing to live as unwitting enemies of the poor.
how some lives are made small so thatothers may grow.
Are we—wethe secure, the insured, the housed, the college educated, the protected, thelucky—connected to all this needless suffering?
In 1890, Jacob Riis wrote about “how theother half lives,” documenting the horrid conditions of New York tenementsand photographing filthy children asleep in alleyways.
America’spoverty is not for lack of resources. We lack something else.
This is who we are: the richest country on earth, with more poverty thanany other advanced democracy.
How could there be, Iwondered, such bald scarcity amid such waste and opulence?
Dadalways griped that the railroad men in town got paid more than he did. Hecould read ancient Greek, but they had a union.
WHY IS THERE SO MUCH poverty in America?
motivating question in the book
... why there is so much hardship in this land of abundance.
We imagine that their sufferings are one thing and our life another.—LEO TOLSTOY
Poverty, by America Book Club DiscussionQuestions
Desmond, Matthew. Poverty, by America. 1st ed. New York: Crown, 2023. https://amzn.to/40Aqzlp
Annotation URL: urn:x-pdf:eefd847a2a1723651d1d863de5153292
Alternate annotation link: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?user=chrisaldrich&max=100&exactTagSearch=true&expanded=true&url=urn%3Ax-pdf%3Aeefd847a2a1723651d1d863de5153292
- identity politics
- loitering
- value of the classics
- equality
- criminalizing poverty
- naming things is hard
- witch trials
- Mollie Orshansky
- The Poverty Tours (1964)
- Dan Allosso Book Club 2024-11-09
- incarceration
- capitalism
- neologisms
- Eldar Shafir
- eviction
- erasure
- growth
- quotes
- workforce
- bandwidth tax
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- voting
- housing assistance
- empowerment
- labor market
- democracy
- definitions
- Dan Allosso Book Club
- ownership
- zoning laws
- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
- No Scrubs
- payday loan industry
- National Labor Relations Act
- work
- financial security
- lumpenproletariat
- The Great Recession
- tenements
- citizenship
- Official Poverty Measure
- class
- prisons
- hw-lumpenproletariat
- War on Poverty
- foreclosures
- criminal justice system
- toxic capitalism
- universal basic income (UBI)
- deconcentrating poverty
- authorship
- welfare system
- deep poverty
- housing market
- American poverty
- Vesla Weaver
- wordnik
- unions
- Sendhil Mullainathan
- banking sector
- household wealth
- Eugène Buret
- income volatility
- homelessness
- poverty
- Office of Management and Budget's (OMB)
- open questions
- References
- wages
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
- creators
- suffering
- poverty abolitionism
- wage stagnation
- life
- child poverty
- means-tested transfer programs
- embarrassment
- ugly laws
- food stamps
- Democrats
- authorial voice
- buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) companies
- health insurance
- economics
- equity
- Leo Tolstoy
- landlords
- neighborhoods
- opportunity hoarding
- flags
- Ronald Reagan
- economic insecurity
- sleep deprivation
- instability
- vagrancy
- poor rights
- 1890
- minimum wage
- unemployment insurance
- American manufacturing
- racial disparities
- policing
- Social Security Administration
- rich vs. poor
- marriage
- mortgages
- 2019
- taxing the poor
- welfare
- naming affordances
- cognitive capacity
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Poverty, by America
- policy
- opportunity
- opportunity commodification
- sociology
- morality
- poverty measures
- Jacob Riis
- How the Other Half Lives
- classical education
- Matthew Desmond
- taxes
- Affordable Care Act (ACA) (2010)
- Kentucky
- poverty prevention
- Black Americans
- shame
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
It's the story of convenience seen everywhere. Could you clean your machine with household items like isopropyl alcohol and a Q-tip? Sure. Are mineral spirits better solvents in combination with compressed air for doing this? Definitely.
People will tend toward the least common denominator for doing what is cheapest and easiest for their time, location, expediency, availability of materials, level of knowledge, and experience.
The trade off may be long term life of the typewriter with respect to risk of rust, corrosion, or other potential issues.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I was able to buy replacement toothed belts from an industrial seller via eBay by measurement. Actual Gates belts. Mine fit a Smith Corona electric 6TE and the part number is 3M315 but once you know the width and length it’s a matter of translating it into a Gates part number.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
It only means, your caps lock key is a tiny bit sticky. If you want to, give a drop of barbecue igniting fluid to the hinge. This will flush the grime out.
Suggestion to use "barbecue igniting fluid"! 🤣
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
And this is where you see how the condition of a machine comes into play when pricing is being considered. A $700 machine has had several hours of cleaning and potential reconditioning, parts, repairs, oiling, and adjusting done. At $700 and given it's age, I'd also want to ask if they've replaced the platen. Compare this with a dirty, old machine that's going to need those same hours of work, attention, parts, and new rubber, to bring it up to par and it's definitely not going to fetch the same price.
And this is exactly what is wrong with 95% of the market: most buyers and sellers have no idea what they've got, much less the condition it's in or the work that it takes to bring these back to life for another 50-75 years. Thus they price their dirty, and rough machines at the same prices as the repair shops thinking they're going to make a mint. Apparently they're all hoping some sucker who doesn't know better will buy it.
Remember: Dante has a special circle of hell for those who buy typewriters for pennies on the dollar and flip them on eBay without doing any work on them.
Hi friends! I received a vintage teal blue SCM Smith Corona "Skyriter" typewriter. It is awesome, but it does not have the original spools. I ordered an expensive original ribbon from eBay, but it was totally dried out. Then I ordered an inexpensive "universal" (2") spool from Amazon that didn't fit in my machine. Does anyone have recommendations of new, small spool (1 5/8") ribbons that tend to be reliably inky? I am located in Canada and getting tired of paying import costs on stuff that doesn't work. Thanks in advance!
reply to u/actualwoey at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1gqhied/recommendations_for_reliable_new_small_spool_1_58/
You could see if a local repair shop is parting out a machine or has spools that would work for you. iirc the Corona Zephyr, Skyriter, and the later versions of the Corsair all used that smaller spool size, usually described as 1 5/8" or 1 2/3". https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-repair.html Once you've got the correct sized spools, you can wind your Amazon ribbon onto them, but you'll likely have to trim it down to fit. (2" spools usually have 16 yards of ribbon while the 1 5/8" accommodate about 12 yards.)
If you can't come up with original metal spools to respool your 1/2" ribbon onto, you can try https://www.ribbonsunlimited.com/category-s/12779.htm which will sell you both in one go.
Some other ribbon options: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-faq.html#q1. I've had good luck buying bulk ribbon from both Baco Ribbon and Fine Line.
I've heard some have successfully re-juvenated old ribbon by spraying it (unspooled into a box) with WD-40 or glycerine to re-wet it and then respooling it.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
actual posted reply to https://old.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1gpx62s/is_a_zettelkasten_a_largely_unknown_form_of/
Taking too narrow a definition of zettelkasten is antithetical to the combinatorial creativity inherent in one of the zettelkasten's most important affordances.
OP was right on track, perhaps without knowing why... I appreciate that you scratch some of the historical surface, but an apple/tomato analogy is flimsy and the family tree is a lot closer. Too often we're ignoring the history of ars excerpendi, commonplacing, waste books, summas, early encyclopedias, etc. from the broad swath of intellectual history. What we now call a zettelkasten evolved very closely out of all these traditions. It's definitely not something that Luhmann suddenly invented one morning while lounging in the bath.
Stroll back a bit into the history to see what folks like Pliny the Elder, Konrad Gessner, Theodor Zwinger, Laurentius Beyerlink, or even the Brothers Grimm were doing centuries back and you'll realize it's all closer to a wide variety of heirloom apples and a modern Gala or Fuji. They were all broadly using zettelkasten methods in their work. Encyclopedias and dictionaries are more like sons and daughters, or viewed in other ways, maybe even parents to the zettelkasten. Almost everyone using them has different means and methods because their needs and goals are all different.
If you dig a bit you'll find fascinating tidbits like Samuel Hartlib describing early versions of "cut and paste" in 1641: “Zwinger made his excerpta by being using [sic] of old books and tearing whole leaves out of them, otherwise it had beene impossible to have written so much if every thing should have beene written or copied out.” (Talk about the collector's fallacy turned on its head!) As nice as Obsidian's new Web Clipper is this month, it's just another tool in a long line of tools that all do the same thing for much the same reasons.
Ignoring these contributions and their closeness means that you won't be able to take advantage of the various affordances all these methods in your own slip box, whichever form it takes. How will you ever evolve it into the paper machine that students a century hence are copying and mimicking and pontificating about in their generation's version of Reddit? Why couldn't a person's slip box have some flavor of an evolving encyclopedia? Maybe it's closer to Adler's Syntopicon? Maybe something different altogether for their particular use?
Those interested in expanding their practice might try some of the following for more details:
- Blair, Ann M. Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age. Yale University Press, 2010. https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300165395/too-much-know.
- Krajewski, Markus. Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogs, 1548-1929. Translated by Peter Krapp. History and Foundations of Information Science. MIT Press, 2011. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/paper-machines.
- Wright, Alex. Cataloging the World: Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age. 1st ed. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
For deeper dives on methods, try: https://www.zotero.org/groups/4676190/tools_for_thought/tags/note%20taking%20manuals/items/F8WSEABT/item-list
cc: u/JasperMcGee u/dasduvish u/Quack_quack_22
As far as ZK goes, you have an interesting connection your going on. But its like saying apples are like tomatoes. Like, okay they are both red, juicy, and technically fruit. But I would not consider them a substitute for each other. Savory and sweetness and all that. Different uses
reply to u/Hugglebuns at https://old.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1gpx62s/is_a_zettelkasten_a_largely_unknown_form_of/lwtoopw/:
I appreciate that you scratch some of the historical surface, but your apple/tomato analogy is flimsy and the family tree is a lot closer. Too often we're ignoring the history of ars excerpendi, commonplacing, waste books, summas, and early encyclopedias from the broad swath of intellectual history. What we now call a zettelkasten evolved very closely out of all these traditions. It's definitely not something that Luhmann suddenly invented one morning while lounging in the bath.
Stroll back a bit into the history to see what folks like Pliny the Elder, Konrad Gessner, Theodor Zwinger, Laurentius Beyerlink, or even the Brothers Grimm were doing centuries back and you'll realize it's all closer to a wide variety of heirloom apples and a modern Gala or Fuji. They were all broadly using zettelkasten methods in their work. Encyclopedias and dictionaries are more like sons and daughters, or viewed in other ways, maybe even parents to the zettelkasten. Almost everyone using them has different means and methods because their needs and goals are all different.
If you dig a bit you'll find fascinating tidbits like Samuel Hartlib describing early versions of "cut and paste" in 1641: “Zwinger made his excerpta by being using [sic] of old books and tearing whole leaves out of them, otherwise it had beene impossible to have written so much if every thing should have beene written or copied out.” As nice as Obsidian's new Web Clipper is this month, it's just another tool in a long line of tools that all do the same thing for much the same reasons.
Ignoring these contributions and their closeness means that you won't be able to take advantage of the various affordances all these methods presented in your own slip box, whichever form it takes. How will you ever evolve it into the paper machine that students a century hence are copying and mimicking and pontificating about in their version of Reddit? Why couldn't a person's slip box have some flavor of an encyclopedia? Maybe it's closer to Adler's Syntopicon? Maybe something different all together for their particular use?
Try some of the following for more details: <br /> - Blair, Ann M. Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age. Yale University Press, 2010. https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300165395/too-much-know.<br /> - Krajewski, Markus. Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogs, 1548-1929. Translated by Peter Krapp. History and Foundations of Information Science. MIT Press, 2011. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/paper-machines.<br /> - Wright, Alex. Cataloging the World: Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age. 1st ed. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
For deeper dives on methods, try: https://www.zotero.org/groups/4676190/tools_for_thought/tags/note%20taking%20manuals/items/F8WSEABT/item-list
cc: u/JasperMcGee u/dasduvish u/Quack_quack_22
www.zotero.org www.zotero.org
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Winston Churchill's eccentric working habits revealed in rare papers by [[Nadia Khomami]]
susaneliamacneal.blogspot.com susaneliamacneal.blogspot.com
Mr. Churchill's Typewriters by [[Susan Elia Macneal]]
www.navy-radio.com www.navy-radio.com
Thanks to David Ring N1EA, you can download a mill font for Windows computers
A "mill" is distinguished from normal typewriters by having all caps (9 point, sans serif) and having numbers "1" and "slashed 0" on the top row. Note: Portable models were typically used elsewhere than in the radio room, but still have the same key/type layout.
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
Gerren HotRod TypewriterCoChris Aldrich this is the mat I use. It's $15 and it's soaked up 5 years of everything I do and it still looks like the day I bought it.
Gerren of the HotRod Typewriter Co. uses a 17" x 13.5" Wool Pressing mat from the Zomoneti Store on Amazon for his typewriter repair set up https://amzn.to/3CkQS4V
foursquare.com foursquare.com
david.shanske.com david.shanske.com
Going to visit Savannah Georgia next month. Anyone have any suggestions for things to do/see?
iirc, the second oldest synagogue in America is there. It's a gorgeous bit of gothic architecture that's worth a visit even if you're not a member of the tribe. The historic district is where most of the old school charm and entertainment are. Great for just walking around and seeing what you see. If you've not seen it, watch Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil to give you a flavor of some of the city, which is a central character in the movie. I'd recommend restaurants, but all the ones I liked were southern comfort food and incredibly unlikely to be kosher. I wish I had been using FourSquare/Swarm when I went in 2006 or I could give you the entire itinerary and hotels. I stayed in a different bed and breakfast every night in the historic district which wasn't bad since they were all within walking distance of each other. Definitely an experience.
Reply to David Shanske at https://david.shanske.com/2024/10/09/7986/
typewriterdatabase.com typewriterdatabase.com
After using my newspaper.com acct it appears that 79 or so you see the correction key feature and the model often called "Report Electric Correction." By 1983 ish, at least in the dealer ads that show up, they have dropped it and are full steam onto the electronic version of the Report/er.
Anything with "correction" (ie: originally used with white/black super-messy "correction" ribbons, and has the bichrome label "black, silver, white or white/red") will be very late 70's through the 80's. This *could* be 1987, and I think it probably is, because I know that correction started about 1978-9 for Brother, so it probably started around then for other manufacturers too. If someone knew for sure when those awful black/white ribbons were introduced *exactly*. you could pin it down more precisely, but right now, that's as good as we've got.
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trackbear.app trackbear.app
notebooklm.google.com notebooklm.google.com
www.platinumstitches.com www.platinumstitches.com
www.mollywhite.net www.mollywhite.netBlogroll1
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
X Is a White-Supremacist Site by [[Charlie Warzel]]
The justifications—the lure of the community, the (now-limited) ability to bear witness to news in real time, and of the reach of one’s audience of followers—feel particularly weak today. X’s cultural impact is still real, but its promotional use is nonexistent. (A recent post linking to a story of mine generated 289,000 impressions and 12,900 interactions, but only 948 link clicks—a click rate of roughly 0.00328027682 percent.) NPR, which left the platform in April 2023, reported almost negligible declines in traffic referrals after abandoning the site.
In its last report before Musk’s acquisition, in just the second half of 2021, Twitter suspended about 105,000 of the more than 5 million accounts reported for hateful conduct. In the first half of 2024, according to X, the social network received more than 66 million hateful-conduct reports, but suspended just 2,361 accounts. It’s not a perfect comparison, as the way X reports and analyzes data has changed under Musk, but the company is clearly taking action far less frequently.
According to research from the extremism expert Colin Henry, since Musk’s purchase, there’s been a decline in anti-Semitic posts on 4chan’s infamous “anything goes” forum, and a simultaneous rise in posts targeting Jewish people on X.
X is no longer a social-media site with a white-supremacy problem, but a white-supremacist site with a social-media problem.
www.peerdraft.app www.peerdraft.app
Collaboration for Obsidian – Sync, Share, and Edit anywhere
pbs.twimg.com pbs.twimg.com
Billboard that reads:
We did not come to Britain,<br /> Britain came to us.
Black History Addendum by @gregbunbury for @blackoutdoorart
www.npr.org www.npr.org
In Appalachia, Poverty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder by [[Pam Fessler]] on 2014-01-18
"We're probably one of the last few groups that it's still politically correct to make fun of," Wright says. "It's still OK to tell, you know, hillbilly, redneck jokes."
Owen Wright of the Christian Appalachian Project, one of the non-profits that helps Slone, says that outside perception can hurt the self-esteem of the people who live in Appalachia.
Many people here say they're rich in things that aren't included in any official measure of poverty. Things like family and faith. So they're understandably a bit bitter about how they're often seen from the outside.
In America, where image is everything...
www.loc.gov www.loc.gov
writingball.blogspot.com writingball.blogspot.com
The infamous Apple typewriter memo is 40 years old ... by [[Richard Polt]]
- obsolescence
- Mike Scott
- obsolete typewriters
- Apple
- typewriter history
- computers
- read
- programmed obsolescence
- Qume
- Apple Typewriter Memo
- Apple II
- Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)
- expensive typewriter
- Ken Rothmuller
- Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
- word processing
- billion dollar typewriter
- Apple Writer
texasarchive.org texasarchive.org
The Poverty Tours (1964)<br /> https://texasarchive.org/2010_00054
Sort of stunning that this film about the poverty tours starts out focused on an airplane and airline travel which would have been a terrific extravagance at the time.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Don’t lose sight of why Trump won by [[Megan McArdle]]
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
www.politicalcompass.org www.politicalcompass.org
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data by Ilia Shumailov et al.
ᔥ[[Mathew Lowry]] in AI4Communities post - MyHub Experiments Wiki (accessed:: 2024-11-06 09:43:23)
experiments.myhub.ai experiments.myhub.ai
Matthew Lowry experiment
reality check from bluseky and Nostr perspectives
While these may be somewhat useful, they're not significant enough examples in the broader space to provide the sort of data, evidence, support (or lack thereof) which I think you might be looking for....
People do not actually spend a lot of time browsing junk content,
The vast majority of people browsing social media streams via the web are doing just this: spending a lot of time browsing junk content.
While much of this "junk content" is for entertainment or some means of mental and/or emotional health, at root it becomes the opiate of the masses.
the notes you make about it as you curate it (which tells the AI exactly what you find useful about it)
My notes may give some indication about what I find useful about a thing, but certainly not exactly or even all of what I find useful.
Which is why you need to agree, as a group, on a collaborative tool everyone is comfortable with (TL:DR; it doesn’t exist for groups larger than 4), and then co-create on one platform while chatting on the other.
ensuring everyone has a say in defining its rules is essential for any village to thrive.
What about inter-village warfare? With diverging village interests from the center, how does one manage long-term survivorship?
And if your tastes don’t match the village’s, move to another village.
Easy to say, but the work involved in finding the right village and moving there is far from inconsequential. This friction is the biggest pain point.
For AI4Communities to work
What is the ultimate goal for AI4Communities? What is it supposed to do? Is it to build knowledge (only)? What space does it have for phatic communication, and why? What does it create at the end of the day? Where is it going to?
the model collapse paper now suggests that the training data created by well-managed communities could be the new currency of collective intelligence.
“Very Small Online Platforms (VSOPs)”
purposeful cognac reference?
“after greed and short-sightedness floods the commons with low-grade AI content… well-managed online communities of actual human beings [may be] the only place able to provide the sort of data tomorrow’s LLMs will need”
The value spoken of here is that of slowly building up (evolving) directed knowledge over time. The community evolves links using work and coherence into actionable information/knowledge whereas AI currently don't have an idea of leadership or direction into which to take that knowledge, so they're just creating more related information which is interpreted as "adjacent noise". Choosing a path and building off of it to create direction is where the promise lies. Of course some paths may wither and die, but the community will manage that whereas the AI would indiscriminately keep building in all directions without the value of demise within the system.
- evolution
- open questions
- low value content
- collective intelligence
- ai4communities
- opiate of the masses
- collective memory
- zettelkasten ratchet
- data ownership
- social media as entertainment
- note making
- social media
- ratchets
- beyond the pale
- Friends of the Link 2024-10-23
- curation
- direction
- artificial intelligence
- training data
- Nostr
- leadership
- communities
- switching costs
- small web
- content creation
- read
- teleology
- Friends of the Link 2024-10-16
- Very Small Online Platforms (VSOPs)
- cognac
- sense making
- doomscrolling
- Bluesky
- flow
- gardens and streams
- networks
Zettelkasten Numbering is so Damn Confusing (I Think I Can Help) by [[Zettelkasten Blah Blah Blah]]
He doesn't say it explicitly, but the Luhmann-artig zettelkasten numbers are only addresses. They don't represent hierarchies. Doing this allows a bottom up organization to emerge.
You can later create hub notes or outlines that create a "correct" or hierarchical order. This is where things become top down.
He points out that Scheper's recommendations for using the numbering for academic disciplines and putting cards in specific orders (giving them negative numbers, etc.) is a counter-productive habit with respect to Luhmann-artig practice.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Director Rian Johnson Breaks Down a Scene from 'Knives Out' by [[Vanity Fair]]
ᔥ Tainmere — 10/19/2024 8:33 AM at https://discord.com/channels/686053708261228577/979886299785863178/1297221163868491878
oh no, the marginalia rabbit hole goes deeper (second image comes from this video, it's ryan johnson explaining how they shot that scene with two cameras https://youtu.be/69GjaVWeGQM. It's came to my mind as a possible answer to the question because - to me - it really feels like it's the concept of marginalia, but applied to video)
cybercultural.com cybercultural.com
Serializing a Book Online: Lessons From My Web 2.0 Memoir by [[Richard MacManus]] 2024-10-29
I have to add that my own search traffic has been steadily increasing ever since I moved to an indie website setup.
Google AI Overviews is the main culprit and poses an existential threat to publishers.
I had hoped to somewhat emulate the success of ex-Microsoft executive Steven Sinofsky and his Substack serialization project, Hardcore Software (“personal stories and lessons from inside the rise and fall of the PC revolution”). Sinofsky’s project was an inspiration for mine, but I don’t think I’ve reached his level in terms of reader comments and reshares.
possibly due to author platform?
Speaking of Substack, I count my migration off that platform and onto an indie online publishing system as one of the successes of this project.
One of the quotes I will use to open the paperback book is this, from Herman Melville's poem 'Clarel': Come, thou who makest such hot haste To forge the future—weigh the past.
blog.ayjay.org blog.ayjay.org
Essay Idea: Moving beyond collecting: how to begin turning your bookmarks into something useful
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Smith Corona Vintage Typewriter Margin Rack Alignment Stop Adjustment by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]
www.classictypewriter.com www.classictypewriter.com
www.clicketyclacktypewriters.com www.clicketyclacktypewriters.com
www.stlpr.org www.stlpr.org
Rolla typewriter enthusiasts open store for those enchanted by the 'clickety clack' by [[Jonathan Ahl]]
Retired collector turned repair person
austinkleon.com austinkleon.com
He even kept “indexes to indexes,” as Robert D. Richardson describes in his wonderful biography, Emerson: The Mind on Fire: Indexing was a crucial method for Emerson because it allowed him to write first and organize later and because it gave him easy access to the enormous mass of specific materials in his ever-increasing pile of notebooks… Emerson spent a good deal of time methodically copying and recopying journal material, indexing, alphabetizing indexes, and eventually making indexes of indexes. When he came to write a lecture, he would work through his indexes, making a list of possible passages. He then assembled, ordered, and reordered these into the talk or lecture.
billyoppenheimer.com billyoppenheimer.com
“There is then creative reading as well as creative writing,” Emerson said. “The discerning will read…only the authentic utterances of the oracle—all the rest he rejects.”