The best place to find new music on the web. Every day, thousands of people around the world write about music they love — and it all ends up here.
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Your Top Songs 2020 playlist.
} else if(msg.args.type=="complete") {
var str;
if(msg.args.total_found == 1) {
str = 'Found ' + msg.args.total_found + ' release on Bandcamp.';
if(msg.args.playlist_total>100) { str += " We searched using the first 100 tracks in this playlist."; }
} else if(msg.args.total_found > 1) {
str = 'Found ' + msg.args.total_found + ' releases on Bandcamp.';
if(msg.args.playlist_total>100) { str += " We searched using the first 100 tracks in this playlist."; }
} else {
$('#status-text').html('We couldn\’t find exact matches for tracks in your playlist, though they may be available on Bandcamp. If you think something went wrong with the search,
get in touch and we\’ll take a look.');