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Winter Witch (Kiszebábu) burning


Hungarian Winter Tradition

The winter witch


The winter witch is a straw, dressed in woman's clothes[1], usually in traditional or local folk costumes. The straw is a symbol to both winter and death.

The tradition


The burning of the Winter Witch is a tradition[2] to say goodbye to winter and to encourage spring[3], good harvest[4]. The effigy is burnt in main squares these days, surrounded by locals, however this used to be organized to happen outside of cities.

Each region may have their own addition to this celebration; however, it is common to write notes as symbols of worries, troubles, bad spirits or anything we want to get rid of in our lives and stick it on the witch.

The burning of the witch with the notes on is believed to free us from these thoughts; other regions focus on singing rituals during the burning of the effigy. Either way, this is a great way to bring the community together and belief that this help getting over winter and welcomes a great spring.

a note on the winter witch. Photo by SZVP - Szegedi Varoskep es Piac Facebook page


  1. fromhungarywithlove: Hungarian Folk Beliefs and Customs of Spring (angol nyelven). fromhungarywithlove, 2020. április 17. (Hozzáférés: 2022. február 20.)
  2. Kiszebáb égetés, a téltemető hagyomány | (magyar nyelven)., 2021. február 17. (Hozzáférés: 2022. február 20.)
  3. Télűző kiszebáb égetése (magyar nyelven). (Hozzáférés: 2022. február 20.)