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  • en Geoffrey K. Pullum; William A. Ladusaw (1996). University of Chicago Press, ed. Phonetic Symbol Guide. ISBN 0226685365. PullumLadusaw1996. 
  • en Jeffery Lilian Hamilton (1961). Clarendon, ed. The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece. Oxford. 
  • en Kogan Leonid (2011). Walter de Gruyter, ed. In Semitic languages: an international handbook - Proto-Semitic Phonetics and Phonology. Berlin. 
  • en Thompson Edward M. (1912). Clarendon, ed. Introduction to Greek and Latin paleography. Oxford. 
  • en Woodard Roger D. (2006). Routledge, ed. Encyclopedia of ancient Greece - Alphabet. Lond. 
  • en Woodard Roger D. (2010). « Phoinikeia grammata: an alphabet for the Greek language ». In Blackwell. A companion to the ancient Greek language. Oxford. 


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