Professional Staff Program
Table of Contents
Last updated: June 6, 2024
The University of Washington Professional Staff Program describes the employment conditions and policies that apply to non-academic staff whose positions meet one or more of the exemption criteria under Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 41.06.070(2)(a), are paid a salary, and are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Professional staff are exempt from the provisions of the state civil service system.
Professional staff play key roles in the University’s research, health care, administration, teaching, and public service missions. The Professional Staff Program strives to provide a supportive framework within which professional staff employees are treated equitably, serve as valued contributors to the University and its diverse programs, achieve their career goals, and fully participate in the benefits of University employment.
Statutory authority
Washington state law (RCW 28B.20.130(2)) authorizes the University of Washington to establish and administer personnel programs for non-academic staff positions exempt from coverage under the provisions of the civil service law found in chapter 41.06 RCW.
Under the authority of RCW 28B.20.130(2), the Vice President for Human Resources or their designee may also:
- Establish compensation practices or programs to recognize unique situations that affect an individual position or groups of positions;
- Authorize the establishment of separate professional staff programs or compensation elements such as those for Department of Intercollegiate Athletics contract employees, Hall Health Primary Care Center physicians, and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.
University of Washington UW APS 42.1 establishes the Professional Staff Program and provides for the communication of the program’s details through this website.
Position status
Administrative Order No. 6, Section 5 authorizes the Vice President for Human Resources or their designee to determine which positions are eligible for placement in the Professional Staff Program.
Professional staff serve solely at the will of the employing official. Professional staff do not serve a probationary period and do not attain permanent employment status. Professional staff positions can be modified or ended for any reason that does not unlawfully discriminate against the employee or violate public policy. The term “violate public policy” means that terminations may not violate policies established by the legislature or courts. For example, an employee may not be terminated in retaliation for reporting allegations of employer wrongdoing, refusing to commit an illegal act, or for performing a public duty like jury duty.
Professional staff have access to the Professional staff complaint procedure and the University’s process for resolution of complaints against university employees, which provide options for adjudicating and resolving employment related complaints.
University service
The University values professional staff participation as appointed or elected members of University committees and councils. When an employee is elected or appointed to serve on a University committee or council, such service is normally considered part of the work assignment and is not charged to time off. For overtime eligible professional staff, such service counts as time worked for the purposes of calculating overtime. Departments may approve the use of reasonable amounts of work time for an employee’s voluntary participation in other forms of University service.
The professional staff compensation system is designed to establish and maintain pay levels that attract, retain, and motivate the high caliber work force necessary to support the University’s teaching, research and public service mission. Professional staff compensation is merit-based and recognizes the relative importance of internal salary relationships and external market factors in meeting employing unit and University performance goals.
Compensation system and salary structure
The professional staff compensation system uses a broad compensation grade structure for compensating professional staff positions (see Appendix I: Professional staff salaries, below. The University may authorize adjustments to the compensation grade structure as necessary. All salary increases or special compensation adjustments require the approval of the appropriate dean or vice president and the HR Compensation office, unless otherwise specified.
Grade, job profile and salary range assignment
The HR Compensation office is responsible for assigning professional staff positions to a broad compensation grade, a narrower salary range within the grade, and a job profile.
Compensation grade assignment may be made using a variety of job content evaluation methods such as point factor systems or whole job ranking. Point factor job analysis assigns a compensation grade based on an assessment of elements such as the knowledge and experience required to perform the job, the job’s responsibilities and complexity, and the job’s importance to the University’s mission. The total points assigned to a position reflects its relationship to other professional staff positions. The factors used in the current evaluation system are summarized in Appendix II: Job evaluation factors below. In certain circumstances, and with the recommendation of the appropriate dean or vice president, the compensation grade assigned to a position may be adjusted due to external considerations that preclude the University from recruiting or retaining qualified employees for a particular position.
Salary range assignment within a grade is made using criteria such as internal equity comparisons and external job market information. Periodic salary surveys of regional and national markets provide data used to establish salary ranges.
Each job profile must be linked to one exemption criteria that permits exemption from the state civil service system. If a job profile (e.g., “manager” or “director”) is assigned to more than one grade level it means that there is a salary hierarchy for similar positions. Generic job profiles may be grouped together for comparison to job market information. At the discretion of the appointing authority or their designee, a business title may be assigned to a position that is more descriptive than the generic job profile.
Starting salary approval
Employing officials must receive Human Resources’ approval for proposed starting salaries. Approval is based on a review of internal salary relationships, external market factors, and individual qualifications. Follow the professional staff employment procedures to fill a professional staff position and establish the starting salary.
Merit Increases
Salary progression is not automatic within the Professional Staff Program; it is merit-based. Salary increases may be authorized as part of a general salary increase for eligible meritorious professional staff who have not had an event that precludes them from receiving merit. Recommendations for professional staff merit increases should consider factors of performance, market competitiveness, retention, and internal equity. All salary increases require the approval of the appropriate dean or vice president and the HR Compensation office, unless otherwise specified.
A current performance evaluation (one completed within the previous twelve months) is required to support recommendations for merit salary adjustments.
Job growth, retention and recognition salary adjustments
With the approval of the appropriate dean or vice president and the HR Compensation office, salary adjustments may be made to recognize job growth, competitive market pressures, meritorious performance, and/or equity. These adjustments include:
Promotion with salary increase: An increase in a position’s assigned compensation grade after an evaluation confirms that the position’s duties and responsibilities have increased or changed substantially.
In-grade Salary Adjustment: A salary increase within the current grade that may be approved:
- when the level of duties and responsibilities change.
- for meritorious performance resulting in an increased level of functioning.
- when market-related pressures warrant an increase.
- because a non-University employer is actively recruiting an employee or because an employee has received an actual offer of employment from a non-University employer.
- because misaligned salary relationships have produced an inequity.
Other Adjustments: A salary increase may be approved when an individual promotes to a different position having a higher compensation grade. A transfer to a different position within the same compensation grade does not require or preclude a salary adjustment.
A current performance evaluation (one completed within the previous twelve months) is required to support recommendations for in-grade or grade change salary increases.
Additional compensation
Temporary pay
Professional staff temporarily assigned increased job duties or responsibilities for a minimum of ten workdays may receive temporary pay of at least five percent over current salary. Temporary pay is paid through an allowance or additional salary plan and is not a change to base pay. Use the temporary pay process to request temporary pay approval.
One-time payment
One time payments are single, lump sum payments for service rendered or a job duty fulfilled.
Occasional and sporadic assignment – unrelated duties payment
Under exceptional circumstances, professional staff may qualify for a one-time payment for work that is not part of a position’s normal job duties, and that is typically performed outside of the employee’s home department.
Examples of work that might qualify for supplemental pay one-time payment when they are not part of an employee’s regular position are:
- Conducting statistical analysis of another unit’s research data
- Developing adjunct course curriculum
- Conducting a writing workshop
- Serving as a guest speaker for an extension class
- Direct service on a research grant or from research grant funds subject to specific grant provisions
Retention payment
A retention payment is a lump sum payment outside of an employee’s base pay that is offered as an incentive to retain a key employee in their current position in order to meet critical and priority business needs. Retention payments may be paid once every two years and cannot exceed 10% of the employee’s full-time annualized salary unless an exception is approved by the Vice President for Human Resources.
Professional staff employees are additionally eligible for project-based retention incentives in which retention payments are contingent upon successful completion of large scale and high priority project deliverables.
Recruitment incentive
A recruitment incentive payment (sometimes called a signing bonus) provides an additional lump sum payment to support the recruitment of specific positions in hard-to-fill job classifications. Recruitment incentive payments are paid up to a maximum of $10,000 unless an exception is approved by the Vice President for Human Resources.
Non-faculty teaching allowance
The Non-Faculty Teaching Allowance (NTA) is a type of temporary pay supplement that is used to compensate UW personnel who have agreed and been approved to teach a credit-bearing course, but whose primary position at UW is something other than faculty. Additional compensation for these populations is limited to one course per academic year. See Additional Compensation – Academic Personnel for applicability and processing.
Period activity pay
Period activity pay is used to pay for services with a set amount paid through equal installments over a period of time that has a specific beginning and end date. The duration covered by period activity pay typically aligns with an academic quarter. Use the period activity pay process to request approval.
Temporary pay increase
Professional staff assigned additional responsibility on an acting basis for a minimum of ten work days may receive a temporary pay increase of at least 5% over the current salary. Temporary pay increases are also an acceptable means for temporarily paying a professional staff employee for increased workload/duties at the same level, provided that temporary is at least ten work days in duration. Use the temporary pay increase process to request temporary pay increase approval.
Overtime eligibility
The HR Compensation office determines whether each professional staff position meets Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime eligibility or exemption requirements based upon the nature of the position’s duties and level of responsibility. The assignment is made when a position is established and may be revised when a position’s duties change.
Unless otherwise approved by the Vice President for Human Resources, overtime exempt professional staff do not receive overtime compensation and are not eligible for compensatory time.
Overtime compensation and compensatory time
At the employee’s request, and with supervisor approval, overtime eligible professional staff may receive compensatory time at the appropriate accrual rate in lieu of overtime compensation. See “Compensatory time accrual” and “Compensatory time use/payment” in the table below for detailed information.
Overtime compensation requirements
A position’s overtime status determines the compensation requirements that apply to it, as outlined in the following table. Managers are responsible for approving individual employee work schedules.
Professional Staff Compensation Requirements
Overtime Eligible | Overtime Exempt | |
Full-Time Schedules | Workweek consists of 40 hours worked in 7 calendar days. | Full-time schedules are assumed to be at least 40 hours; however employees are expected to work to complete job responsibilities. |
Part-Time Schedules | Any schedule that is less than full time. | Any schedule that less than full-time. Employees are expected to work beyond their normal schedule when necessary.
The manager may establish a regular work schedule, but part-time employees are expected to remain flexible to accommodate the unit’s goals and mission. |
Overtime – Payment for hours worked in excess of the regular schedule[1]
(See also Overtime for non-academic staff) |
Hours worked in excess of the regular schedule must be paid at straight time when total hours worked in the week are 40 or less. At the employee’s request, and with supervisor approval, part-time employees may receive straight time compensatory time in lieu of additional payment (up to 40 hours worked).
All hours worked over 40 are paid at time and one half the regular rate of pay. Paid leave does not count as time worked for the purposes of calculating overtime. |
Employees work to complete job responsibilities. There is no overtime pay or compensatory time accrual. |
Compensatory Time Accrual | Compensatory time may be accrued in lieu of overtime payment only by mutual agreement between the employee and manager. Compensatory time accrual may not exceed 240 hours. More information on compensatory time accrual, use, and payment for overtime eligible professional staff is provided on UWHR’s Overtime for non-academic staff webpage. | NA |
Compensatory Time Use/Payment | Compensatory time must be used or paid by June 30 of each year. | NA |
Partial Day Absences | Employees must use appropriate paid time off to cover a partial day absence. If employees do not have accrued time off, their absences will be unpaid. View UWHR’s Partial-day absence webpage for more information. | Employees are expected to work to complete their job responsibilities, which sometimes may involved working extra hours. Therefore, an occasional partial-day absence does not require the use of paid time off. Absences should not be frequent or lengthy and manager approval is required. View UWHR’s Partial-day absences webpage for more information. |
Suspended Operation (See UWHR’s Suspended operations webpage for more information) |
Employees not required to work during suspension of non-essential UW operations may telework if they are in a telework eligible position or use any of the following options for work time missed:
Employees not required to work during suspension of non-essential UW operations remain responsible for meeting work obligations despite the suspension of operations.
This may require that additional time be worked outside of normal business hours when operations resume. Additional compensation is not awarded for any such work. If a suspension of operations lasts less than one work week, employees are not required to charge leave balances for time missed. |
Suspended Operation Make- Up Time | If “make-up” hours result in the employee working more than 40 hours in a workweek (not including any approved leave), the employee must be compensated as described above in “Payment for hours worked in excess of the regular schedule.”
The amount of compensatory time earned by working make-up hours should not exceed the amount of time the employee missed during the period of suspended operations. |
NA |
[1] Irrespective of an employee’s overtime eligibility, a unit may award a maximum of six days of Discretionary Time Off to professional staff employees to recognize noteworthy achievement and work effort that have significantly contributed to the unit’s mission, goals and/or objectives. See Discretionary Time Off for complete information.
Time off and holidays
Professional staff participate in the University’s holiday schedule, accrue sick and vacation time off, receive an annual personal holiday, and are eligible to accumulate holiday credit. Overtime eligible professional staff may earn compensatory time off. Balances are maintained for the sick, vacation, personal holiday, holiday credit, and compensatory time off types. Other types of time off to which professional staff may be entitled are neither accrued nor accumulated, but constitute time away from work that may be paid (such as civil duty or bereavement leave) or unpaid (such as extended military leave). A record of time off accrual, use, and balances must be maintained for each professional staff employee in Workday.
Time off approval
Absences from work require advance supervisory approval and/or notification. Each unit employing professional staff is responsible for developing a time off and leave of absence request, approval and reporting procedures.
Regular professional staff employees who hold positions of 12 months annually are eligible to receive eleven scheduled holidays. Regular professional staff employees who hold positions for periods of less than 12 months annually are eligible to receive only those scheduled holidays that fall within their position term. If an employee’s normal schedule requires working on a holiday or a holiday falls on the employee’s regularly scheduled day off, the employee receives a day of holiday credit of up to 8 hours. Part-time employees receive holiday credit in proportion to their monthly FTE (e.g., 75% FTE = 6 hrs., 50% FTE = 4 hrs.).
Holiday credit must be used before other paid time off in the following order:
- Holiday credit
- Compensatory time off
- Discretionary time off
- Vacation time off
The balance of unused holiday credit should be used up or paid when an employee is moving from one staff position to another within the University. The balance must be used up or paid when the employee separates from University employment.
Personal holiday
Regular professional staff receive one personal holiday after completing the initial four months of employment. For employees with 12 month service periods, the personal holiday may be taken at any time in the calendar year in accordance with departmental time off request and use procedures. For professional staff with less than 12 month service periods, the personal holiday may be taken at any time during the annual service period.
The personal holiday is paid at a rate equivalent to the FTE in effect at the time the holiday is taken (e.g. 100% FTE = 8 hrs., 75% FTE = 6 hrs., 50% FTE = 4 hrs.). The personal holiday cannot be divided, except that a professional staff employee may donate all or a part of the personal holiday to another employee as shared leave in accordance with applicable policies and procedures. Any remaining personal holiday time following a shared leave donation must be taken in one block.
If not used by the end of the calendar year, the personal holiday is forfeited.
Transferring between departments or agencies
The unused personal holiday transfers with an employee who moves from one regular staff position to another regular staff position without a break in service within the University or to a regular staff position at another state agency. For more information transferring between departments or agencies, view UWHR’s Prior Washington state service credit and transfer between state agencies webpage.
Separating employees
Employees separating from the University are not paid for an unused personal holiday.
Professional staff earn vacation time off on the last day of each month. The vacation accrual rate is determined by the professional staff position’s pay grade and the employee’s length of service.
Vacation Time Off Accrual Rates for Full Time Professional Staff
Professional Staff – Grades 10 and below
Length of Service | Vacation Time Off Accrual Rate | ||
Years | Months | Hrs / Month | Days/Hrs Per Year |
1st | 0-12 | 10.00 | 15/120 |
2nd | 13-24 | 10.67 | 16/128 |
3rd | 25-36 | 11.34 | 17/136 |
4th | 37-48 | 12.00 | 18/144 |
5th | 49-60 | 12.67 | 19/152 |
6th | 61-72 | 13.34 | 20/160 |
7th | 73-84 | 14.00 | 21/168 |
8th | 85-96 | 14.67 | 22/176 |
9th | 97-108 | 16.00 | 24/192 |
10th | 109-120 | 16.67 | 25/200 |
11th | 121 & Above | 17.34 | 26/208 |
Vacation accrual rate for positions at grade 11-14
All professional staff positions at compensation grades 11-14 accrue vacation time off at the maximum rate of 17.34 hours per month (26 days per year) regardless of years of service.
Vacation accrual for part-time professional staff
Part-time employees accrue vacation on a prorated basis consistent with the professional staff position’s pay grade and the employee’s length of service. See “Joint Appointments” below for information on joint faculty/professional staff appointments.
Mid-month changes in FTE or position type
Employees whose FTE changes during a calendar month accrue vacation time off based upon the average of the highest FTE held in each pay period in the month.
Employees who move during the month into a different position type with a different vacation accrual rate accrue time off hours for the month at the higher of the two accrual rates.
Effect of Unpaid Time Off
An employee does not accrue any vacation time off during any calendar month in which they take more than 80 hours of unpaid time off, prorated for part-time employment.
Employees earn a month of service for each month they are active in the payroll system. Unpaid time off does not impact whether they receive a month of service towards a higher vacation accrual rate.
Vacation time off use
Vacation time off may be taken following the first month’s accrual. The University encourages responsible scheduling and use of vacation through the cooperative efforts of staff and their managers. Vacation planning should balance the employee’s need for time away from work with the University’s interest in ensuring that work obligations are met.
Employees follow their unit’s time off request and approval process for requesting vacation time off. Paid time off balances are charged in the following order when professional staff request vacation:
- Holiday credit
- Discretionary time off
- Compensatory time (for overtime eligible employees)
- Vacation time off
Maximum vacation accrual and payment for vacation time off
The University expects employees and managers to plan vacation time off use so that the employee’s vacation balance does not exceed 280 hours on the employee’s time off service date. If extraordinary work requirements prevent meeting this limit, employees and managers are expected to schedule the employee’s use of vacation at the earliest opportunity in order to bring the balance within the 280-hour limit. Employees may not receive payment for hours accrued above 280 instead of taking vacation. The unit’s Human Resources Consultant is available to assist managers in developing staffing plans or annual schedules to meet this goal.
Upon termination of employment, the University pays for vacation time off balances up to a maximum of 280 hours if an employee has completed at least 6 months of continuous service. For more information on payout of vacation time off, visit UWHR’s State service definitions webpage.
Transferring between departments or agencies
When a professional staff employee transfers to employment with another state agency or institution or moves to a UW staff position within the UW without a break in service accrued vacation time off balances transfer with the employee and are immediately subject to the rules and limits applicable to the new employment program or employer.
Professional staff converting to another position type
Employees who move from professional staff positions to academic (except for librarian positions) or student positions within the University will be paid for their unused vacation time off balance to a maximum of 280 hours, provided that they have completed a minimum of 6 months’ staff employment.
Faculty converting to professional staff
Faculty with 12-month appointments and at least eleven years of University service who convert to professional staff receive 208 hours of vacation time off, less any time taken as vacation during the preceding 12 months. Faculty with 12-month appointments and less than eleven (11) years of service receive a prorated vacation time off balance as determined by the Human Resources Operations Office. Faculty with less than 12-month appointments do not receive vacation time off upon converting to professional staff.
Full-time professional staff accrue sick time off at the rate of eight hours for each month of completed service. There is no overall limit on the amount of sick time off that an employee may accrue. Part-time employees accrue sick time off hours at an amount proportionate to their monthly FTE (e.g., 75% FTE = 6 hrs/mo., 50% FTE = 4 hrs/mo.). Sick time off accrues at the end of the month in which it is earned and is available for use the following month.
Mid-month changes in FTE
Employees whose FTE changes during a calendar month accrue sick time off based upon the average of the highest FTE held in each pay period in the month.
Crediting of previous Washington State employment
Employees who have previously worked for the UW or another state agency in nontemporary staff positions may be eligible to have their previous sick time off balance reinstated provided the break in service was no more than five years. For more information, visit UWHR’s Prior Washington state service credit and transfer between state of Washington employers webpage.
Effect of unpaid time off
During any calendar month in which an employee is on unpaid time off for more than 80 hours (prorated for part-time) sick time off is accrued on a prorated basis.
Sick time off accrual upon faculty conversion to professional staff
Faculty with at least eleven years of University service who convert to a professional staff position receive a sick time off balance of 480 hours less any sick time off taken during the faculty appointment’s last academic year. If the faculty appointment was less than full time, the sick time off balance is prorated. Faculty having less than eleven years of service receive a prorated balance as determined by the Human Resources Operations Office.
Sick time off use
Sick time off may be used for the following:
- Personal illness, disability or injury (including illness or disability due to pregnancy), childbirth or to recover from childbirth
- Personal preventive care such as medical, dental, or optical appointment(s)
- A family member’s illness, injury, health condition or disability, and/or preventive care such as medical, dental, or optical appointment(s)
- Absence necessitated by the death of an employee’s family member [1]
- Condolence or bereavement
- Family care emergency
- Parental Leave – see Parental leave for details
- Closure of the UW or child’s school/place of care by order of a public official for any health-related reason
- Domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking covered absences
Verification may only be requested if the employee uses or requests to use sick time off after absences of more than three consecutive scheduled work days.
Three consecutive scheduled work days — An employee who is scheduled to work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays uses sick time off (in any amount) on Wednesday and Friday of the first week and Monday of the next week. If sick time off is used again on the Wednesday of that week, the employee would have absences exceeding three days.
Corrective or disciplinary action may be taken if the employee:
- Fails to provide verification according to department policy
- Fails to provide appropriate notice of the need for sick time
- Uses sick time off for unauthorized purposes
If employees are seeking to use or have used sick time off for authorized purposes for more than three consecutive days, departments may request employees to provide verification that establishes that the use of sick time off is for an authorized purpose.
Verification must be provided within 10 calendar days of the first day the employee used sick time off to care for themselves or a family member. Employees are not required to provide any details concerning the specific nature of the health condition in order to use sick time off, unless otherwise required by law.
Annual Attendance Incentive Program
In January of each year, professional staff with a sick time off balance that exceeds 480 hours are entitled to receive monetary compensation for the previous year’s accrued unused sick time off hours at the rate of 25% of the employee’s salary. The unused sick time off hours converted to cash payment are deducted from the employee’s sick time off balance. The remaining balance cannot be less than 480 hours.
Sick time off payment at retirement or death
Employees who retire have 25% of the cash value of their full sick time off balance placed into a Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) medical expense account.
Professional staff employees who die while employed have 25% of the cash value of their full sick time off balance paid to their estate.
Transferring between departments or state agencies
An employee’s sick time off balance will transfer with an employee moving from one nontemporary staff position to another within the University, or when moving to a nontemporary staff position at another state agency. Employees who move within the University of Washington from staff positions to faculty, temporary staff, or student employment will not be paid for their sick time off balance.
Shared leave program
The Shared Leave Program permits state employees who accrue time off to aid a fellow state employee who:
- is suffering from, or who has a relative or household member who suffers from, an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition;
- is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking;
- is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy disability or for the purpose of parental leave;
- has been called to service in the uniformed services, which has caused or is likely to cause the employee to take leave without pay or terminate their employment; or
- is serving as an approved emergency worker.
An employee may apply to receive or donate accrued vacation time off, sick time off, and/or personal holiday under any of these shared leave programs:
- UW Shared Leave Program
- UW Organ Donor Shared Leave Program
- Uniformed Services Shared Leave Pool
- Veterans’ In-State Service Shared Leave Pool
- Foster Parent Shared Leave Pool
Workers’ compensation
Workers’ compensation coverage is provided to all paid employees who are injured or become ill while acting within the course and scope of their University job duties. Coverage begins automatically on the first day of employment. See Section 4 of UW APS 14.1 – University Risk Management and Insurance Program for detailed information.
[1] Note: Family member means the employee’s child or parent (including biological, adopted, foster, step, or legal guardian, or de facto parent), spouse or registered domestic partner; grandparent; grandchild; or sibling. Family member also includes individuals in the following relationships with the employee’s spouse or registered domestic partner: child, parent, or grandparent.
Employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay for any of the following reasons:
- Illness, disability, or injury (see also Disability Leave of Absence)
- Parental leave
- Educational leave
- Military leave
- Leave for government service in public interest
- Maternity and infant care
- Other reasons acceptable to the employing department
Request and approval for a unpaid leave of absence
Employees must request unpaid leaves of absence from their manager for endorsement for educational, government service, or other personal reasons. The request must identify the reason and duration of the requested leave. The request is reviewed by the appropriate dean or vice president for approval. Normally, requests for a leave of absence without pay or to extend a current leave of absence without pay should be approved only if the supervisor is reasonably certain that the employee’s position will be available upon the employee’s return. Extensions of leaves are submitted to the appropriate dean or vice president for approval.
Approved unpaid personal leaves of absence should not exceed 12 months in duration.
If the employee’s position has been eliminated, at the time the employee is available to return to active status, and if there is no other comparable vacancy in the unit, the employee will be terminated under the provisions for layoff – reduction in force.
For more information about benefits retention during a leave of absence without pay, visit UWHR’s Self-pay: Continue your insurance webpage.
An employee who needs time off from work because of a personal or family member’s [1] serious health condition, to care for a newborn, newly placed adoptive/foster child, or child in a “step” relationship, may be entitled to up to 12 workweeks of leave per calendar year under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Learn about eligibility requirements and other provisions of FMLA by visiting UWHR’s FMLA webpages. Questions regarding application of the Family and Medical Leave Act provisions should be directed to the appropriate Leave Specialist.
[1] Note: Family member means the employee’s child or parent (including biological, adopted, foster, step, or legal guardian, or de facto parent), spouse or registered domestic partner; grandparent; grandchild; or sibling. Family member also includes individuals in the following relationships with the employee’s spouse or registered domestic partner: child, parent, or grandparent.
Up to six months of parental leave may be granted to an employee with a newborn, adoptive, or foster child. For a birth parent, the parental leave period is an addition to 6-8 weeks (or as prescribed by the employee’s healthcare provider) of temporary disability leave for pregnancy and childbirth. The employee may use a combination of vacation time off, up to 18 weeks of sick time off, personal holiday, discretionary leave, holiday credit, compensatory time, and unpaid time off while on parental leave. The 18 week sick time off limit does not apply during a temporary disability leave for pregnancy and childbirth.
Parental leave must be taken during the first year after the child’s birth or placement and does not extend beyond six months, including time covered by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The employee’s supervisor may approve additional time away from work. View the FMLA pages for more information.
The University will continue to pay the employer portion of your health insurance during months of your parental leave that:
- are covered by FMLA; and/or
- are covered by PFML and you have worked for the state of Washington (including UW) for at least twelve months and for a least 1,250 hours in the previous twelve-month period.
You will still be responsible for any portion of health benefits you normally pay. If you are absent from work for a full calendar month and your leave is no longer covered by FMLA or PFML, you must remain in pay status for at least eight hours that month in order for the University to continue paying its portion of your health insurance.
To remain in pay status, you must do one of the following:
- Work at least eight hours
- Use at least eight hours of accrued time off (sick, vacation, discretionary, or compensatory time off; holiday credit; personal holiday; or shared leave) per month to maintain benefits. This is known as “interspersing.” Employees are allowed to intersperse while you are on approved disability or parental leave are encouraged to apply paid time off on the first work day of the month in order to continue benefits for that month.
Interspersing will not extend the length of your parental leave beyond the limits listed above.
If you are absent an entire calendar month without being in pay status, you will need self-pay (pay both your and the University’s portion) in order to maintain their health insurance coverage.
Under Washington state law, an employee who accrues sick time off is entitled to use any or all earned and available paid time off work (vacation, sick, personal holiday, discretionary, holiday credit, and compensatory time) to care for:
- A child of the employee who has a health condition that requires treatment or supervision;
- A spouse, parent, parent-in-law, or grandparent of the employee who has a serious health condition or an emergency condition.
For this purpose “child” means a biological, adopted or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis who is under 18, or 18 or older and incapable of self-care due to mental or physical disability.
Employees must provide as much advance notice of the need for Family Care Leave as possible. If the need for leave is due to an emergency, employees must provide notification as required by the employee’s department. In the absence of a departmental requirement, employees must notify their supervisor or department administrator before leaving the workplace. Health care provider certification may be required to support the need for leave.
Absences due to the need to take Family Care Leave may also be deducted from an employee’s Family and Medical Leave entitlement depending on the employee’s eligibility for FMLA leave, and the relationship of the family member [1] for whom leave is taken.
Family care emergency leave
A “child care emergency” is defined as an employee’s unanticipated need to care for the employee’s child due to such conditions as an unexpected absence of a regular care provider, closure of the child’s school, or any other need to care for the child that was not foreseeable.
An “elder care emergency” is defined as the unexpected absence of a regular care provider or unexpected closure of an assisted living facility.
An employee who is unable to report for or remain at work due to a family care emergency may use vacation time off, sick time off, compensatory time off, holiday credit, the personal holiday, or unpaid time off up to a maximum of three days (one day for personal holiday) of each type of time off per calendar year, unless the supervisor approves the use of additional time off.
Three days of bereavement time off are available for the death of a family member[1], including the miscarriage or stillbirth of your child. Bereavement time off is paid time away from work in addition to the employee’s accrued paid time off and is used in full day increments. An employee may also request to use additional sick time off for condolence or bereavement.
[1] Note: Family member means the employee’s child or parent (including biological, adopted, foster, step, or legal guardian, or de facto parent), spouse or registered domestic partner; grandparent; grandchild; or sibling. Family member also includes individuals in the following relationships with the employee’s spouse or registered domestic partner: child, parent, or grandparent.
Professional staff employees receive regular pay (civil duty time off) while serving on jury duty, when subpoenaed as a trial witness, or to exercise other subpoenaed civil duties. Employees on civil duty leave may retain compensation received for such service.
Professional staff employees who are called to report for active duty or to take part in active training duty in the Washington National Guard, or in the Army, Air, Marine, Navy, Coast Guard, or any organized reserve forces of the United States, receive up to 21 workdays of paid time off during the annual cycle that begins October 1 and ends September 30 of the following year. This leave is in addition to any other paid time off to which an employee is entitled.
See the UWHR’s Military Leave webpage for detailed information about military leave entitlements, including military leave without pay and re-employment rights.
Discretionary time off is paid time off work that a department or division head may award to a professional staff employee to recognize noteworthy achievement and work effort that has significantly contributed to the unit’s mission, goals and/or objectives. Up to six days (48 hours for full-time employment) of discretionary time off may be awarded per calendar year.
Authorization and record keeping
- The supervisor prepares a written request to the department/division head that explains:
- The nature and duration of the assignment for which discretionary time off is to be awarded; and,
- The number of days of discretionary time off that are recommended (maximum of six days per calendar year).
- The department/division head reviews the request and approves, denies, or modifies the discretionary time off award.
- If approved, a copy of the approval is retained in the employee’s department file to support entries made in Workday (campus) or Kronos (medical centers).
Discretionary time off use
Discretionary time off:
- may be taken in partial or full days of time off work.
- must be used before vacation time off.
- must be used by March 31 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which it was awarded. Discretionary time off from the prior calendar year that is not used by the March 31 deadline will be forfeited and deducted from the employee’s time off record. The March 31 deadline for discretionary time off use cannot be extended under any circumstances.
- has no cash value if unused and cannot be paid.
- may only be used while the employee works in the unit that awarded it. Unused discretionary time off is lost when an employee moves to a different organizational unit or when an employee leaves University employment.
- may not be donated as shared leave.
The purpose of professional leave with pay is to allow an employee to work on a project or acquire knowledge and/or experience that will enhance the individual’s future contributions to the University (e.g., gaining new technical expertise, conducting research, or reporting on an issue of significance to the employing organization or the University).
A professional staff employee is eligible to apply for a professional leave not earlier than their seventh year of service in the University’s professional staff program, or not earlier than in the seventh year after return from a previous University of Washington professional leave with pay.
- form and complete it according to the form’s instructions.
- File the application at least six months before the date the requested leave is to begin.
Review process
- The immediate supervisor reviews the application and decides whether to endorse it.
- The manager transmits the application to the appropriate dean or vice president for concurrence, and then to the HR Operations Office that serves the unit for final approval.
Evaluation of a professional leave with pay request takes into consideration how fulfillment of the plan is anticipated to enhance the value of the individual’s service to their employing unit and the University as well as the employing unit’s and employee’s ability to fulfill the plan as described.
Length of leave
Professional leave with pay may be granted for any period of time up to a maximum of nine months.
The University will provide salary support for the period of the leave as follows:
- Full salary for a leave not exceeding three months;
- Three-fourths salary for a leave greater than three months up to six months;
- Two-thirds salary for a leave greater than six months up to nine months.
If the applicant secures grant support that is designated for salary, the funds can be applied to bring the professional staff employee’s pay up to full salary during the leave. Any grant funds in excess of those necessary to achieve full salary payment, are used to reduce the University’s contribution from other fund sources.
Except in unusual circumstances, the combined compensation for an individual on professional leave may not exceed the individual’s regular salary. If the leave will be spent in a particularly high cost-of-living area or when the work to be performed requires extraordinary expense, the HR Operations Office serving the unit may approve a combined salary that exceeds the employee’s regular salary.
Other employment
An employee on professional leave with pay may not accept paid employment during the period of the leave except where the purpose of the leave is for professional practice or experience that cannot be obtained otherwise.
Supplemental employment should not carry with it responsibilities that interfere with the purpose for which the leave is granted. Salary from other employment while on professional leave will be applied in the same manner as grant support.
Agreement to return
In order to be granted professional leave the employee must agree in writing to return to their University position for a period equivalent to the length of the leave. Pursuant to RCW 28B.10.650, if the employee does not comply with this agreement, the employee is obligated to repay all remuneration received from the UW during the period of the leave.
Report of leave
Within one month of returning to work at the University, the employee must submit to the appropriate dean or vice president a summary of the activities in which the employee was engaged while on leave. The summary must provide details explaining the leave’s value to the University and to the employee’s professional development.
The University’s campuses and off-campus operations remain open during periods of inclement weather, unless an operational suspension is declared. During periods of inclement weather, employees are responsible for having alternative transportation plans should snow or other severe weather conditions disrupt normal modes of transportation. Managers may approve employee requests to work less than the regular work schedule or be absent from work during periods of inclement weather. Approved time off work due to inclement weather is charged to vacation time off, personal holiday (full day only), compensatory time, holiday credit, discretionary time off, or unpaid time off.
Employees in cyclic year positions accrue vacation and sick time off for the overall number of months they work even if the appointment begins or ends mid-month.
For example, an employee working a September 16 through June 15 schedule receives 9 months of vacation time off. The employee would receive credit in June but not September, provided that the employees is in pay status through the end of the appointment on June 15.
Professional staff participate in University sponsored medical, dental, term life, and long term disability insurance programs. Professional staff may participate in other benefit and insurance programs to meet their unique needs. See UWHR’s Benefits home page for links to other benefit programs.
Newly hired professional staff or current staff who promote or are re-classified into professional staff positions who have existing Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) accounts should contact Employee Workday Help for special enrollment options.
Disability accommodation
The University of Washington provides reasonable accommodation to qualified employees with a disability as defined under state and federal law. Professional staff can request accommodation by using the University’s Disability Accommodation Request Process. Questions regarding disability accommodations should be directed to the employing unit’s Human Resources Consultant.
Disability leave of absence
Employees who cannot perform their job duties because of a medical condition may be eligible to take disability leave. Health care provider certification may be required for a disability leave approval. Periods of disability leave may also be covered by the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act.
The University’s Disability Leave of Absence Policy describes how professional staff may use paid and unpaid leave during a disability leave of absence and the disability leave allowance (the length of time that the University authorizes an employee to remain on disability leave due to ongoing disability).
Employees must use at least 8 hours of accrued time off (sick, vacation, discretionary or compensatory time off; holiday credit; personal holiday; or shared leave) per month to maintain benefits during a leave of absence. This is known as “interspersing.” Employees are allowed to intersperse while on approved disability leave and are encouraged to apply paid time off on the first work day of the month in order to continue benefits for that month. See UWHR’s Insurance webpage for information about benefits retention during a disability leave of absence.
Disability separation
If an employee cannot be reasonably accommodated, including placement in an alternative position, the employee will be separated from University employment after the employee’s leave entitlements (disability leave, Family Medical Leave if applicable) are exhausted. The unit’s Human Resources Consultant must review all cases where disability separation is being considered.
Pregnancy Accommodation
The University of Washington provides reasonable accommodation to pregnant employees under the terms outlined in UW APS 46.7 – Reasonable Accommodation of Pregnant Employees.
Performance evaluation
The University encourages a work environment in which employees and supervisors communicate regularly about job performance. Performance feedback should include:
- the employee’s progress toward achieving unit goals and objectives;
- recognition of individual accomplishments and opportunities for growth; and;
- comments from faculty, students, clients, and peers as appropriate.
Ongoing communication helps ensure that there is a mutual understanding of job performance requirements and the employee’s success in meeting them. In addition to regular performance feedback, the Professional Staff Program requires supervisors to conduct formal performance evaluations at least annually, though employees may request evaluation more frequently.
Units schedule evaluations to best meet their needs, and the evaluation cycle is not dependent on the merit salary increase process. However, a current performance evaluation (completed within the previous 12 months) is required to support recommendations for merit salary adjustments and in-grade or grade change salary increases.
All Medical Center employee evaluations are conducted in September through December each year utilizing a standardized evaluation template in the Workday Talent Module.
Units determine the type of performance review program that will work best for them. An employee may request that the form be used to solicit performance feedback from others who have knowledge of the employee’s performance. The employee may suggest people of whom feedback will be requested. The employee shall receive a copy of the signed and completed evaluation.
Two sample formats and a feedback solicitation form are available to assist units in planning and conducting performance reviews:
Performance Evaluation - Conversation Approach - Professional Staff (PDF)
Performance Evaluation - Structured Approach - Professional Staff (MS Word)
Employment process
Professional staff positions must meet one or more of the legislatively authorized exemption criteria [LINK] as determined by the HR Compensation office under RCW 41.06.070. HR Compensation must also approve the position’s compensation grade and range.
Follow the steps in UWHR’s Hiring process guide to begin recruitment on new, replacement or temporary professional staff positions.
Joint appointments – Faculty and professional staff
Employees holding joint faculty and professional staff appointments with a combined total of half time or more accrue and are eligible to use Professional Staff Program vacation and sick time off benefits in proportion to the percentage of the professional staff position.
A special condition applies when a professional staff employee intermittently reduces their professional staff position to accept a temporary faculty appointment. In this case the vacation and sick time off accrual rate is determined by combining the percent time of the professional staff and faculty appointments to derive at a full-time equivalency for leave accrual purposes.
Multiple university positions
A full or part-time professional staff employee must receive approval from their supervisor before accepting any additional University positions.
Overtime eligible professional staff employees must be paid time and one-half overtime compensation for the combined total hours worked in multiple positions that exceed 40 hours in a workweek. The employee’s home department is required to monitor all work hours and maintain weekly timekeeping records that show all University hours worked.
Outside consulting and employment
Employees may engage in outside consulting work or part-time employment provided it does not conflict with or negatively impact their ability to fulfill their University employment obligations and it does not otherwise negatively impact the University.
Criteria for consulting activities or part-time employment
The State of Washington Ethics in Public Service Act (chapter 42.52 RCW) permits a University employee to engage in outside consulting or part-time employment provided the activities meet the criteria specified in UW APS 47.3 – Outside Consulting Activities and Part-Time Employment by Professional or Classified Staff Employees.
Advance review and approval of outside work
Advance review and approval of outside consulting or part-time employment is required whenever the activity relates to, or could conflict with, the employee’s University job responsibilities or status as a University employee. The advance approval requirement protects the University’s and the employee’s interest in minimizing participation in activities that conflict or appear to conflict with the state ethics law and/or University policies.
Review procedure
UW APS 47.3 describes the procedure for the advance review of outside consulting or part-time employment. Requests for approval of outside professional work require review and approval by the immediate supervisor, the unit head and the appropriate dean or vice president (or equivalent administrator).
Use of University facilities or equipment
Professional staff may not use University facilities or equipment for outside work (see UW APS 47.2 – Personal Use of University Facilities, Computers, and Equipment by University Employees.)
Conflict of interest
Employees are expected to maintain high standards of ethics and to avoid conflicts of interest as set forth in the University Handbook, Volume Four, Part V, Chapter 2. They are also expected to comply with the 1994 state ethics law (Chapter 42.52 RCW), and UW APS 47.3.
Temporary layoff – furlough
A temporary layoff may be required because of events at the institutional or employing unit level resulting in a temporary lack of funds or work.
An employer-initiated temporary period of unpaid time away from work of no more than 60 calendar days is called a furlough, which is a type of temporary layoff. At the conclusion of the furlough, the employee will resume the same position and FTE they held immediately prior to the furlough.
For professional staff, a temporary reduction to FTE that does not exceed 20 hours in a workweek may be an option to address a lack of work or lack of funding. A reduction of more than 20 hours per workweek is a furlough.
Furlough duration
A furlough must be for a defined period of time that is consistent with the nature of the funding or other constraints or circumstances that make the furlough necessary. When it is reasonably expected that the furlough will end in the foreseeable future, but an exact end date is not known, UW Human Resources (UWHR) may approve the furlough for a period of up to 60 calendar days.
With the approval of the vice president for UWHR or the vice president for UWHR’s designee, UWHR may approve an extension of the 60 calendar day furlough end date. Furloughs should typically not extend beyond 90 calendar days. In extreme circumstances, the vice president for Human Resources may approve the extension of a furlough beyond 90 calendar days.
If it appears that the situation giving rise to the need for a furlough will last indefinitely, an employee on furlough will be separated from the University and the position eliminated through the University’s established layoff process.
Initiating a furlough – plan preparation and HR consultation
When an employing unit determines it is necessary to furlough a professional staff employee, the unit must prepare a draft furlough plan and submit it to UW Human Resources to obtain advance approval prior to notifying impacted employees.
The draft plan must:
- Explain the nature of the temporary financial or other constraints or circumstances that require the use of furlough.
- Identify the proposed furlough start and end dates.
- Identify the impacted positions, UW NetIDs, EIDs, and names of employees holding those positions.
Please contact your Human Resources Consultant to begin the process.
Furlough notice
In general, a professional staff employee will receive at least 7 calendar days’ written notice of furlough, with more notice being given where feasible. Written notice will be signed by the employing unit’s appointing authority or designee.
Additional Considerations for Furloughs
Working during furlough is not permitted
Furloughed employees are not authorized to perform any work at all for the employing unit during the furlough period (including checking and responding to their work email and remotely accessing their workstation except for the purpose of receiving communication about the end or extension of the furlough) and may not volunteer to perform unpaid work for the employing unit.
FLSA Exemption
All furloughs of exempt staff must occur on a Monday because any exempt employee furloughed midweek becomes overtime eligible for the entire workweek. This means they must be changed into an overtime eligible job profile, record their actual hours worked and not worked (maintain a timesheet), be paid straight time for any hours required to work up to 40, and time and one-half for any hours worked over 40.
Effect of furlough on time off accrual and use
A furloughed employee’s vacation and sick time off accruals, months of service toward a higher vacation accrual rate, holiday compensation, continuous service date, and time off service date are not adjusted for periods of time spent on furlough.
During furlough, employees cannot substitute paid time off for scheduled furlough time except as noted below under employer-paid insurance.
Effect of furlough on retirement plan contributions and employer-paid insurance
UW employer-paid insurance will continue during any month in which the employee is in pay status for at least 8 hours. Employees who would be off the payroll for a full calendar month or more because of furlough will be allowed to use 8 hours of eligible paid time off in the month to ensure health care insurance continuation during furlough.
Retirement contributions will continue based on any pay received by the employee (including time off use), however a reduction in paid hours may impact the employee’s service credit accumulation. To learn more about how a retirement plan accumulates service credit, review information about your retirement plan.
Return to work from furlough
Employees on furlough are expected to return to work on the date specified in the furlough notice or as otherwise required by the employing official.
If the employing unit is able to end a furlough earlier than anticipated, they will notify the employee of the return to work date as soon as it is known. Notice of early return to work should be made verbally and confirmed by email if possible. If verbal notification is not possible, notice may be provided by email.
Ending employment
When a professional staff employee resigns from University employment, the employee should provide a minimum of two weeks of notice whenever possible.
Layoff-reduction in force
When a professional staff position is eliminated due to lack of funds, lack of work, and/or reorganization, the affected employee must receive a minimum of 30 days written notice of layoff from the appointing authority or designee. UWHR’s Layoff notification webpage explains the process employing units must follow to initiate layoff.
Corrective action and termination of employment
For University-initiated terminations that do not result from layoff or disability separation, the Appointing Authority [1] will determine how much notice is given. The employee will be notified in writing of the effective date of termination.
Termination from the University for unsatisfactory performance can be preceded by lesser corrective measures as the employing official determines are appropriate.
Reversion rights to classified service
Washington State civil service law (RCW 41.06.070) provides that a permanent classified employee who accepts a position in a position that is exempt from civil service has the right, at the conclusion of the exempt position, to “revert” to the highest class of position previously held, or to a position of similar nature and salary. An employee in an exempt position who is terminated for gross misconduct or malfeasance is not eligible for any reversion rights the employee would have otherwise had.
Professional staff employees who have reversion rights, must request to exercise them within 30 days of the termination of the exempt position.
[1] Note: The Appointing Authority is the person who has delegated authority for personnel actions. This authority typically rests at the dean or vice president level but may be delegated to another official.
Professional staff complaint procedure
The University encourages regular communication between professional staff employees and their supervisors to help avoid and resolve concerns that otherwise detract from the quality of the employee’s work life and effective operations.
Notwithstanding the responsibility employees and supervisors each have for resolving employment concerns informally, and without altering the “at will” nature of professional staff positions, the University provides a process for reviewing complaints employees may have about such matters as: working conditions, job responsibilities, performance evaluation, and corrective action.
The following procedure exclusively governs the professional staff complaint process. This procedure does not apply to complaints filed under UW APS 46.3 – Resolution of Complaints Against University Employees, where employees have additional options for resolving a complaint including the services of the Ombud.
Where a meeting is scheduled to review a complaint, the complainant may bring a person of their choice to the meeting as an observer by providing at least 24 hour’s notice of the observer’s attendance to the person who will review and respond to the complaint.
In the following process where there is a filing deadline, if the deadline falls on a day that is not a regularly scheduled work day (leave days are not part of this provision), the deadline will be the next scheduled work day.
It is a violation of University policy to retaliate in any manner against any employee who pursues resolution of an employment concern or complaint through the Professional Staff Program Complaint Procedure or through any of the processes identified in “Resolution of Complaints Against University Employees” (UW APS 46.3), or by filing a complaint through an outside agency.
The complaint must be filed in writing with the supervisor within fifteen business days of the action or incident on which it is based (count Mondays through Fridays, include official University holidays, and omit weekends. If the deadline falls on a day that is not a regularly scheduled work day, the deadline will be the next scheduled work day). The complaint must state the issue about which the complaint is being filed and the remedy or resolution that is requested.
Manager review
The manager will schedule a time to review the complaint with the employee and allow the employee an opportunity to explain the reason(s) for the complaint. Within fifteen business days after the manager’s review, the supervisor will provide the employee with a brief written decision concerning the complaint, and advise the employee of the opportunity for further internal review. If the employee does not request further review, the supervisor’s decision is final.
Vice president or dean review
If the employee is dissatisfied with the supervisor’s written decision, the employee may request a review of that decision by the appropriate vice president, dean or equivalent administrative authority, or that person’s designee. The employee must submit to the office of the reviewer a written request for review within fifteen business days after receipt of the supervisor’s decision.
The reviewer will give the employee an opportunity to explain the reason(s) for the complaint, either in person or in writing. Within fifteen business days after the review, the vice president or dean will provide the employee with a brief written decision concerning the complaint and advising the employee that judicial review may be available [1]. Upon written notice to the employee, the reviewer may extend the deadline for responding by fifteen business days. The decision at this level is final.
President review
If the supervisor to whom the complainant reports is a vice president, dean, or equivalent senior officer, the employee may request a review of the supervisor’s decision by the President or the President’s designee . The employee must submit to the office of the President a written request for review within fifteen business days after receipt of the supervisor’s written decision. (Review by the President is not available unless the supervisor is a vice president, dean, or equivalent senior officer)
The President or designee will give the employee an opportunity to explain the reason(s) for the complaint, either in person or in writing. Within fifteen business days after the President’s or designee’s review, the President or designee will provide the employee with a brief written decision concerning the complaint and advising the employee that judicial review may be available [1]. Upon written notice to the employee, the dean or vice president may extend the deadline for responding by fifteen business days. The decision at this level is final.
[1] The term “judicial review may be available” means that following receipt of the notice of final action regarding the employee’s complaint, the employee may have recourse to the courts if the employee remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaint. Legal advice may be necessary to determine whether grounds may exist for judicial review.
Temporary professional staff positions
Except for those specifically excluded in policy, the employment conditions and policies of the Professional Staff Program extend to salaried professional staff temporary positions (PSTP – Salaried) which typically do not exceed more than 12 months in duration. Hourly professional staff temporary positions (PSTP – Hourly) are not covered by the provisions of the Professional Staff Program.
Appendix I: Professional staff salaries
Professional Staff Monthly and Annual Salaries
(Except Research Scientists/Engineers)
Effective March 1, 2024
Grade | Monthly | Annual | ||||
Minimum | Maximum | Minimum | Maximum | |||
5 | $3,801 | $6,768 | Each job profile in grades 5-10 has a specific market range minimum and maximum used to set hiring salaries and promotional adjustments.* | $45,612 | $81,212 | |
6 | $3,941 | $8,525 | $47,292 | $102,302 | ||
7 | $4,736 | $10,739 | $56,832 | $128,868 | ||
8 | $5,382 | $13,528 | $64,584 | $162,333 | ||
9 | $6,418 | $17,041 | $77,016 | $204,489 | ||
10 | $7,250 | $21,466 | $87,000 | $257,592 | ||
11 | $7,950 | $27,040 | $95,400 | $324,485 | ||
12 | $10,437 | $34,062 | $125,244 | $408,749 | ||
13 | $12,918 | $37,693 | $155,016 | $452,316 | ||
14 | $14,816 | $99,999 | $177,792 | $1,199,988 |
* Hiring Officials may contact their Employment Specialist for information about recruiting ranges or may contact Compensation for guidance to adjust a current employee’s salary. Employees with salary questions or concerns should discuss them with their supervisor/manager.
Research Scientist/Engineer Monthly and Annual Salaries**
Effective March 1, 2024
Grade | Monthly | Annual | |||
Minimum | Maximum | Minimum | Maximum | ||
10 | $8,681 | $18,383 | $104,172 | $220,596 | |
11 | $10,079 | $23,122 | $120,948 | $277,464 | |
12 | $12,408 | $28,469 | $148,896 | $341,628 |
** As of 2024 Grades 5 through 9 of the Research Scientist/Engineer (RSE) series are now represented by UAW and are no longer covered by the Professional Staff Program. The remaining three RSE job profile grades are shown in this table.
Professional Staff Pharmacist Monthly and Annual Salaries***
Effective March 1, 2024
Grade | Monthly | Annual | |||
Minimum | Maximum | Minimum | Maximum | ||
9 | $12,500 | $17,500 | $150,000 | $210,000 | |
10 | $14,800 | $24,000 | $177,600 | $288,000 |
***Professional staff pharmacist positions require a doctoral pharmacy degree (PharmD) and perform duties that meet a civil service exemption.
Appendix II: Job evaluation factors
These factors are evaluated to determine a position’s compensation grade assignment.
A. Entry qualifications:
- Minimum number of years formal education.
- Years of relevant work experience.
B. Job content:
Difficulty of thinking and problem solving
- How specifically is direction given to incumbent.
- Degree incumbent’s work typically monitored.
- Degree incumbent can obtain authoritative advice.
- Degree established rules, instruction, and/or procedures apply.
- Degree precedents apply to job duties.
- Degree of freedom in selecting methods used.
- Degree incumbent schedules own work.
- Time it typically takes to determine effectiveness of work.
- Degree of problem-solving involving integration of information/recommendations.
- Degree of decision making involving theoretical/subjective judgments.
- Extent of resourceful development/application of new approaches, etc.
Personal interaction
- (a) Institutional officers (regents, President, vice presidents); (b) Deans, assistant vice presidents, heads of major administrative/academic departments.
- (a) Faculty and/or staff; (b) Students and/or patients.
- General public.
Supervision exercised
- Responsibility for personnel staffing.
- Number of staff.
- Number of separate functional areas.
Working conditions
- Externally imposed deadlines.
- Responding to questions on immediate basis.
- Irregular work week.
C. Responsibility and impact on end results:
- How influential is the position within the institution?
- Likely effect resulting from type of errors?
- Impact on the fiscal affairs of the institution?
- Importance of impact on the end results of institution?