Livermore Computing: HPC at LLNL
Our Machines

About Us

General information and news for our sponsors and the general public


New accounts, IdM tool guidance, access to LC systems, forms, policies

Banks and Jobs

Allocations, running jobs and job schedulers, DAT forms


Compute platform details, archival storage, file systems, zones


Consulting plus capabilities: cloud, GitLab, Green Data Oasis, Jupyter


For data management, development environment, visualization, mathematics


Tutorials and user guides on LC resources, parallel computing, and more

Updates & Events

What's new in LC including: technical bulletins, user meeting docs, training events

Contact Us

LC Hotline



8am–12pm, 1–4:45pm
B453 R1103 | Q-clearance area

*Except LLNL holidays

LC Hotline
or LivIT/4-HELP?

Which hotline should you call?


User Support

We have dedicated teams of subject area experts available:

Technical Consultants Account Specialists LC Operations (24/7)

Website Feedback

Media Contact

Jeremy Thomas Public Information Officer
LLNL Public Affairs 1-925-423-4902or 1-925-422-4599

Visit Us

Because of our security protocols at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, our visitors are asked to make prior arrangements for entry.

Additional information is available online.


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We offer a promising future of discovery science and technical innovation

From software developers and applied math researchers to hardware architects and networking experts, computing at LLNL requires a top-flight workforce with a broad skill set. Check out our internship pages or visit LLNL's careers site to see how you can be a part of the future.