Grass Name | Grass Species | Grass Type | NSC Content |
Traffic |
Flood |
Drought |
Frost |
Shade |
Growth Rate |
Quality |
Palatablity |
Endophytes Present |
Cyanide Potential |
Oxalates |
Alfalfa | Medicago sativa | legume | -- | high | moderate | very high | moderate | moderate | -- | very high | very high | n | n | low |
Annual ryegrass | Lolium multiflorum | cool | high | moderate | moderate to high | low | moderate | moderate | bunch | high | high | y | n | low |
Bahiagrass | Paspalum notatum | warm | low | high | moderate to high | moderate to high | very high | very high | sod | moderate | very high | n | n | high |
Bermudagrass | Cynodon dactylon | warm | low | high | low to moderate | high | low | very high | sod | moderate | very high | y | n | very high |
Creeping Red Fescue | Festuca rubra | warm | low | high | moderate | low | high | moderate | -- | low to moderate | moderate | n | n | low |
Dallisgrass | Paspalum dilatatum | warm | low | high | moderate to high | very high | very high | very high | sod | moderate | very high | y | n | very high |
Eastern Gamagrass | Tripsacum dactyloides | warm | low | moderate | low to moderate | very high | low | moderate | bunch | moderate to high | very high | n | n | low |
Kentucky bluegrass | Poa pratensis | cool | medium | high | moderate | moderate | high | low to moderate | sod | moderate | moderate to high | n | n | low |
Meadow Fescue | Festuca pratensis | warm | low | low to moderate | high | moderate | low | moderate | -- | low to moderate | moderate | n | n | low |
Orchardgrass | Dactylis glomerata | cool | modera | moderate | moderate | moderate | low | moderate | bunch | high | high | n | n | low |
Perennial ryegrass | Lolium perenne | cool | high | moderate to high | -- | low | moderate to high | -- | bunch | high | very high | y | n | -- |
Reed Canarygrass | Phalaris arundinacea | cool | modera | low to moderate | moderate to high | moderate | high | moderate | sod | low to moderate | low to moderate | n | n | low |
Smooth Bromegrass | Bromus inermis | cool | modera | moderate | moderate to high | high | high | moderate | sod | moderate to high | high | n | n | low |
Tall fescue | Festuca arundinacea | cool | medium | high | very high | moderate to high | moderate | high | bunch | low to moderate | low to moderate | y | n | low |
Teff | Eragrostis Tef | warm | low | low to moderate | high | moderate | low to moderate | low to moderate | -- | low to moderate | moderate to high | n | n | low |
Timothy | Phleum pratense | cool | high | low to moderate | moderate to high | low | moderate to high | low to moderate | bunch | very high | moderate to high | n | n | low |