Toxic Parts:
nitrates, oxalates
Flower Color:
  • flower color
meadows, woodlands

Time of Greatest Risk


Geographical Distribution

Lambsquarters distribution - United States

Related Species


Chenopodium album

Goosefoot, Manure Weed, Melde
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Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album ) is a rapid growing summer annual weed. It emerges throughout the summer, with peak emergence in mid- to late spring. Mature C. album plants have broadly triangle-shaped leaves with irregular, shallow-toothed margins and a white mealy coating. It's stems are smooth or hairless, grooved, and green or reddish in color. It has tiny green to gray-green flower clusters at the tips of stems and branches which eventually turn into its seeds. C. album seeds are able to remain dormant for extended periods of time. C. album is extremely hardy and thrives on many types of soil and at many pH levels. It is one of the last weeds to be killed by frost, and its presence is one of the best indicators of good soil.

Toxic components
C. album is able to generate high levels of oxalates. If horses consume large quantities of oxalates, it can cause a significant reduction in calcium update it triggers the parathyroid hormone to demineralize bone calcium stores, leading to weakened bones, increased risk of bone fractures, intermittent lameness, and stunted growth.