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Emergency Recording is a datapoint in Horizon Zero Dawn. It is the twenty-second datapoint in Hologram Datapoints.


CHARLES RONSON: I'm locked out of core control-- Alpha clearance overridden—What the hell is Omega clearance?
(Ted Faro appears via hologram)
TED FARO: Alpha Personnel... Sorry to alarm you, but... I need you to listen, okay? To what I'm about to say. This isn't easy. See, I've... uh... Please, stop trying to access the system, okay? See, what this is about... is... I said stop trying to access the goddamn system! What I'm trying to say is, I can't stop thinking about the ones who'll come after us. Those innocents. Those blameless men—and, and women. We're going to give them knowledge? Like it's a gift?!
SAMINA EBADJI: Ted. Ted, we've talked about this before. APOLLO has three thousand plus failsafe conditions--
TED FARO: It's not a gift, it's a disease! They're the cure, and we're going to give them the disease? Our disease?! No. We can't. And it's not too late... if we're willing to sacrifice.
SAMINA EBADJI: Ted, it doesn't need to be like this.
TED FARO: It already is, Samina. I did it three minutes ago. I've purged APOLLO. It's gone, all of it. Every copy.
CHARLES RONSON: A sacrifice? It's not a sacrifice, it's cultural obliteration, you crazy bastard—millennia of culture--
TED FARO: I'm sorry. Really, I am. But sometimes, to protect innocents... innocents have to die.
SYNTHETIC VOICE: Emergency alert. Venting atmosphere.


This datapoint is obtained and viewed automatically during the main quest The Mountain that Fell within the control room in GAIA Prime. It cannot be missed.


  • This hologram is the only time that Tanaka Naoto, Ayomide Okilo, Anders Larsen and Catalina Garcia Fernandez are seen in person, although their appearances are randomized and change each time the hologram is played. The only consistent characteristic is their genders; there are always three men and one woman.
  • After Ted Faro revealed that he purged the APOLLO archive, Samina Ebadji was noticeably moved to tears, and Patrick Brochard-Klein and Margo Shĕn went over to comfort her.

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Horizon Zero Dawn Datapoints
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Text Datapoints - Machines #01 - #02 - #03 - #04 - #05 - #06 - #07 - #08 - #09 - #10
Scanned Glyphs #01 - #02 - #03 - #04 - #05 - #06 - #07 - #08 - #09 - #10 - #11 - #12 - #13 - #14 - #15 - #16 - #17 - #18
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds Datapoints
Audio Datapoints #01 - #02 - #03 - #04 - #05 - #06 - #07 - #08 - #09 - #10 - #11 - #12 - #13 - #14 - #15 - #16 - #17 - #18 - #19 - #20 - #21 - #22 - #23 - #24 - #25
Text Datapoints - World #01 - #02 - #03 - #04 - #05 - #06 - #07 - #08 - #09 - #10 - #11 - #12 - #13
Text Datapoints - Quests #01 - #02 - #03 - #04 - #05 - #06 - #07 - #08 - #09 - #10 - #11 - #12 - #13 - #14
Hologram Datapoints #01 - #02 - #03