Dusk Mesa is an unmarked location in Horizon Zero Dawn, located to the southwest of Meridian in the Carja Sundom.
During the errand A Curious Proposal, Dusk Mesa is the site where the Oseram opportunist, Fernund, sets up his ambush for Aloy.
It is also where the Oseram bomb-maker Rasgrund escapes to after breaking out of Sunstone Rock. He turns the mesa into a dangerous obstacle course riddled with proximity traps.
There is some suggestion that the location has a historical connection to the Oseram tribe in general, relating to the dark period known as the Red Raids and possibly before that.
Text Datapoints - World[]
- #23 It's PizzaVeet!
- #25 VeetEats!
- There is a corrupted zone just north of Dusk Mesa with Scrappers and Glinthawks.
- The Dusk Mesa is also home to what is presumably a rusted carcass of a deactivated Deathbringer.