Men Who Get Women
June 10, 2024

"So long as the love, even the smallest, of man toward woman is not destroyed, so long is his mind in bondage as the calf that drinks milk is to his mother." -Buddha
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Like a Zen Koan, men who get women don't need them and don't want them. They aren't pretending. They don't want them and they don't need them.
Test this formula in reverse. Are women attracted to men who adore them? Temporarily maybe. But ultimately, women don't want to be idealized. They want to be seen and loved for whom they really are. A real woman is somewhat passive by nature. She looks to her husband to give her purpose. She doesn't want to be HIS purpose.
This wisdom has come too late to help me. In spite of being bright and relatively successful, I squandered my romantic life as the poster boy for needy. I was programmed by the mass media and education to regard sex and love, especially sex, as the prerequisite for my personal development. I was taught that these were the highest experiences life had to offer. In other words, I was inducted into an occult secular religion which required .... a woman.
Popular occulture programmed me for failure. It taught me to idealize attractive women, to worship the "goddess" within, to "need" them to validate me. At the same time, women were programmed to think they were more unique and important than they really were.
In heterosexuality, women empower their husbands by exchanging their worldly power for his power expressed as love. (Men want power; women want love. Marriage is an exchange of the two. See my book "Cruel Hoax.") A woman does not respect a man she can control.
Attractive women were rarely portrayed in a negative light in movies or on TV. On the contrary, the rule was sex appeal = moral superiority. If an unattractive person was cast, the chances were s/he was a bad guy. (All of this is still true.) No wonder I pursued chimeras. No wonder my marriages were built on delusions.
Let's see this in a larger context: the modern world is not dedicated to realizing the intentions of the mysterious Intelligence that created the universe. We don't discern the inherent natural and moral laws that ensure our healthy development.
When I was young and full of religious zeal, I considered becoming a monk. I decided against it comparing myself to a hamburger cooked on only one side. As long as I craved feminine love and sex, I wasn't ready. But now I'm 74, happily married after three unsuccessful tries. Having put in countless hours of lovemaking and studying the female, I believe that sex and romance are mostly a matter of hormones and mental programming. Anonymous sex is a facsimile for love; pursuing an elusive goal by imitating the act of love. It is dehumanizing and degrading. Its normalization is a sign of our satanic possession.
Love grows over time when a man and woman trust each other for companionship and support. The other kind of love is worship, and that is reserved for God alone.
David S said (July 1, 2018):
Well done. I circulated your article, "Men That Get Women."
Your confession that the understanding came too late for you added evidence of authenticity that is refreshingly unlike what is usually found in the bravado-ridden manosphere. This state of deprivation is true for me as well. I (b. 1957) was ruined by the bad ideas of the times and I did not figure it out for myself only later and with the help of others. My reward now comes from aiming for Heaven by tending my soul in thought & action as well as trying to alert others.