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Below-- March 6- Parallels between Trump and Hitler are Valid (scroll down)

How the Rothschilds Became Satanists

March 6, 2025

This book covers the Priestcraft from Sumeria to present, and establishes a common thread from Babylon to the Ba'al cult to the Freemasons. It also provides data on the Hospitallers, Knights Templar, and UN overseers: Knights of Malta. It covers the Sabbatean-Frankists, the Jesuits, and their connection with the Perfektiblisten AKA, the Illuminati. What role do BlackRock, Black Cube, and Kaaba and the Black Stone play? The Dome of the Rock and the Zionist End Times obsession?

Rothschild and the Jesuits merged with Jacob Frank; this all happened in Frankfort.

We gave our national credit card to Satanists who destroy us on our own dime.

From April 21, 2024
Excerpts by ML

"...Jacob Frank concluded that the only way to a new society or world order, was through the inversion of every moral law, and the total destruction of the present institutions and cultures.  He declared it the duty of every Frankist to partake in ritual sacrifice, child killing, flesh eating, blood drinking, incest, sodomy, and passing around wives and children like party favors.  
Any of this sound familiar?  Do these themes not pop up surrounding celebrities, and Deletes, my term for "elites?"  Would it surprise you then that Mayer Rothschild converted to Frankism, and is that influence not apparent now that you have learned some of the core responsibilities of a Frankist?" 202

The "great work" appears to be one of destruction, and was not America dedicated to this GREAT WORK, according to the Freemasons and Manly Hall?  Is that not what the truncated pyramid on the Great Seal means?  That is a work space!  The great work is ONE OF DESTRUCTION!  Some of the secret societies who founded America wanted it to have the emblem of the Phoenix, so that, once destroyed, it could "rise from the ashes."  

"This is worth repeating:  Frankfort was the birthplace of both the Illuminati and the Rothschild empire.  When Jacob Frank entered the city, the alliance between the two had already begun.  Weishaupt provided the conspiratorial resources of the Jesuit Order, while the Rothschilds contributed the money.  What was missing was a means to spread the agenda of the Illuminati and that the Frankists added with their network of agents throughout the Christian and Islamic worlds." 205

"...Rothschild reemerges as a convert to Frankism, and the plan the three endeavor to set in motion adopts the strategies and philosophies of both the Jesuit order and Sabbatean-Frankism"....

"The understanding needed here is that at the core, they're one in the same Frankist movement, galvanized since 1776"....

"What I'm saying is their plan for bringing about the conditions necessary for the End of Days Redemption is being utilized and followed to usher in a One World Government"....

"At the very top it appears that this plague that the world is suffering from is Roman in origin, that is to say, the Roman Empire never left, it just rebranded itself as a religion and has used proxy and powers and infiltrated governments, along with their agents, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, etc and their acquired territories to take over the world.  We in America, as an insolvent country brought to bankruptcy in 1933 by Rothschilds central banking, are one of those conquered and controlled territories.  We have been under an illusion, a sort of live-action Jesuit theater that makes us believe we still have a government, and that we are somehow free"....

We should all question why most other monarchies were hunted into extinction by communist radical assassins in the 18-1900's save the British Royal Family.  Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild agent sent to destroy America, put together the means for the Bolshevik Revolution, one of the most horrific events to take place in recent history.  Who were the Bolsheviks?  Communists, yes, but where did that idea of communism really come from?  The Jesuits had set up the first Communist commune in Paraguay, known as the Reductions of Paraquay from the early 1600's until their expulsion in 1767." 206

See how it all fits together?  And that is why the world's worst dictators (like Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Anthony Fauci) were all educated by the Jesuits!  And Constantine never became a Christian.  He was still a sun-worshiper, and that is what the core belief system of the Catholic Church is.  It only donned a thin veneer of Christianity, to fool the masses...And that is why the Catholic Church forged the Donation of Constantine, to take unto herself some form of legitimacy in her claim to own the whole earth, saying that it had been bequeathed to her by the last emperor of Rome!  Her desecration of Christ is almost complete!  She substitutes HERSELF in the place that is rightfully and spiritually HIS and negates or invalidates His Own Word, whenever and wherever possible.  

The true Vicar of Christ is not the papacy; it's the HOLY SPIRIT of God, That One Who leads us into all truth, and is TOTALLY THE SPIRIT OF GOD.  Jesus said it was to our advantage that He go away; that He would send us another Comforter who would be with us always!  

The True Church of Jesus Christ is not a physical entity!  It's a SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP of like-minded people who KNOW THE LORD and LOVE HIS WAYS.  Christ is Our Head, not the Pope!  He is the Chief Cornerstone, and we are the lively stones of His people who are all being built together into an eternal spiritual temple of praise to God Most High, Who gave us His Son to be our propitiation from all sin.  That is why we will be worshiping Him for ALL ETERNITY for the salvation and the new birth that He created for us on His cross.    


Amazon Review- 

5.0 out of 5 stars Nazism was a Sabbatean-Frankist Jewish creation, and Adolf Hitler ...
Reviewed in the United States on September 16, 2014
Nazism was a Sabbatean-Frankist Jewish creation, and Adolf Hitler a Sabbatean-Frankist Crypto-Jew, conceived during an orgy after the celebration party in honour of Sabbatai Sevi's 262nd birthday. See To Eliminate The Opiate Volume 2 by Rabbi Marvin Antelman, Chief Justice of the Supreme Rabbinic Court of America from 1974 to 2004. Antelman will show you that Zionism, Communism and Nazism came out of one and the same source: Sabbateanism. The leading Sabbateans, the Rothschilds, financed Hitler, and own now 80% of the land in Israel, according to the Jewish historian Simon Schama. So, it's not strange at all to compare what happens in Israel today with what the crypto-Jewish Nazis have done in Europe. Certainly not if you know about Theodor Herzl's plan to let increase anti-Semitism to such heights, that the European elite would be very helpful in creating a Jewish State. See also Hennecke Kardel's Adolf Hitler, Founder of Israel.

On YouTube you can find Eustace Mullins' video Only One Political Party Today: The Nazis, in which Mullins explains his vision on Hitler, Holocaust, World War Two, and the founding of Israel

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below- Zionists Sent Assimilated Jews to Gas Chamber (scroll down)

March 6 - Parallels Between Trump and Hitler Are Valid

Please send links and comments to [email protected]

I like what Trump is doing domestically and roll my eyes whenever Libtards make this comparison. 

But the Illuminati use the same dog-eared Playbook. Trump is like a trainer preparing a fighter for war. He is preparing the goyim for a major culling. WW3 is a repeat of WW2, Fascists (Zionists, Nazis, NATO) vs Communists (Russia, Iran, China, BRICS) the two factions of Jewish Freemasonry.

Similarities between Trump and Hitler 

Both are crypto Jews

Both are Rothschild agents

Both saved their countries from Communism

Both are funded by Zionists 

Both promote and carry out genocide

Hitler demanded Lebensraum. Trump wants to annex Canada and Greenland. 

Hitler was Time Man of the Year in 1938. Trump in 2024.

Both are mandated with starting a world war. Hitler was a Traitor.

Trump is ending the war in Ukraine so the US can focus its resources of Greater Israel 

Left--Putin, Trump and Netanyahu all belong to Chabad which is dedicated to the extermination of Christians. 
The leaders of radical Islam (Hamas etc.) Iran, Israel, the US and Russia are all Freemasons! Freemasons embedded
on both sides initiate world wars to destroy Christian civilization and kill goyim.


Air Force Recruitment Soars to 15-Year High, Officials Say

Need i say more?

"Americans are excited to serve their Country again! The next generation of the American warfighter will be joining the greatest fighting force the world has ever known!" Hegseth wrote in a post on X.

Trump tells Hamas 'You are DEAD' as he warns terror group 'I am sending Israel everything it needs to finish the job' in Gaza

President Donald Trump has put out another dire threat to Hamas, after the White House confirmed direct talks with the group as part an of an effort to finally secure the release of American hostages and bodies of the deceased. 

'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return all of the dead bodies of the people you murdered, or it is OVER for you,' Trump wrote on his Truth Social site.

'Only sick and twisted people keep bodies, and you are sick and twisted! I am sending Israel everything it needs to finish the job, not a single Hamas member will be safe if you don't do as I say. I have just met with your former Hostages whose lives you have destroyed. This is your last warning!'

Hamas says they won't release remaining hostages unless they get a permanent cease fire. Who is the terrorist?

Jim Stone thinks Trump is playing stupid- "Hamas never took hostages without Israeli approval and funding, plus a few Mossad agents, the Israeli black op REALLY WORKED.
Israel creates the problem, stirs the pot, and gets served up FREE BOMBS. If Trump is this ignorant, Israel is going to take the terror ruse far beyond the bank.


As in Epstein was a Mossad agent. Trump transparency a farce. He is blackmailed by Mossad.

Pam Bondi says "ISRAELI national security" information will be redacted from Epstein files


Ex-CDC Director: 'Long Covid' Is 'mRNA Vaccine Injury'
American virologist Dr. Robert R. Redfield, has admitted that reports of "so-called Long Covid" are actually a cover-up for global surges of "mRNA vaccine injury."
Lioness of Judah Ministry


A snowball's chance in hell?

EXCLUSIVE: GOP Lawmakers Unveil Bill To 'End The Fed'

Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee and Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie will reintroduce legislation Wednesday afternoon to abolish the Federal Reserve.

The bill, titled the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, would dissolve the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and each Federal Reserve bank with a one-year timeframe. The bill would also repeal the 1913-era legislation that created the central bank to oversee U.S. monetary policy, according to the bill text shared exclusively with the Daily Caller News Foundation


If Trump Won't Sic DOGE on the Federal Reserve, What Is the Point? - Global ResearchGlobal Research
Presidents come and go.

Some die in office; some retire into the lap of luxury and build monuments to their own greatness using public money; some get shot in the head by magic bullets.

So where is DOGE?
The Department of Education and even USAID are low-hanging fruit compared to the Fed.

When the dust settles, if DOGE never takes on the Fed, failing to do so might turn out worse than useless if the public is led to believe the essential corruption infesting the government has been rooted out when, in fact, only the leaves of the putrid tree have been pruned.

"Everyone go back to sleep now, we cut out the child-tranny budget items," the sirens will sing as they try to lull the MAGA base back into complacency, satiated by the anti-DEI culture war slop the multinational bankers are always happy to dole out if it means they slip the noose yet again.

The money machine and the interests that run it are, in the final analysis, the fount from which spring the child trannyism and the endless wars and the biomedical terror that have defined the early part of this century. Those are merely the downstream manifestations of an unaccountable and rapacious permanent shadow-state with an endless cash supply at its fingertips.

Vaccines stole the credit


Thomas Stone- Trump and the global order transformation

"Regardless of how global geopolitical circumstances unfold, the plan is still intact. The world is to be divided up into at least three blocs; Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia, and I can't help but continue referring to George Orwell's, 1984, in this regard.

We can deliberate for hours, trying to figure out the globalist's strategy here in the states. The Democrat's communist planks were, and still are, so over-the-top that a kayfabe politician like Donald Trump can swoop in with an extremely popular set of objectives and seem like a breath of fresh air.

I have to admit, much of the stuff that Donald Trump says make sense. And that's the problem."

Good Podcast on Climate Change Lies 


Over 100 US intelligence staff fired over sexually explicit chats

A spokesperson for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said on X Tuesday that Gabbard had sent a memo directing all intelligence agencies to identify the employees who participated in the "'obscene, pornographic, and sexually explicit' chatrooms'" by Friday.

Antisemitism is resistance to Masonic Jewish hegemony

HHS Head RFK Jr Declares 'Anti-Semitism' Is 'Comparable to History's Most Deadly Plagues'


lockboot (1).jpg
(Thanks for the memories!)

Candace Owens: Moms Says the Measles, Mumps Rubella (MMR) Triple Vaccine Is the Worst


The Israeli government is preparing a "hell plan" for the Gaza Strip that would involve cutting all electricity and water to the territory on top of the blocking of food, fuel, and all other goods that was announced by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli broadcaster Kan has reported.

According to The Guardian, the Kan report said that the "hell plan" would also involve forcing Palestinians in northern Gaza to move to the south to prepare for a resumption of the bombing campaign. Other Israeli media reports say Israel is preparing for a full-scale resumption of what international organizations have condemned as a genocidal war if Hamas doesn't accept Israel's terms.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below- Elon Musk & The Elephant in the Room (scroll down)

Zionists Sent Assimilated Jews to Gas Chamber

March 5, 2025

1942-street-scene-jewish-ghetto-footage-077912564_iconl (1).png
Judenpolezei served the Nazis

The Rothschilds by J. Volker, published about 2015, supports the view that
satanist Jews (Freemasons) were on both sides of WW2 and deliberately
sacrificed assimilated Jews in the Holocaust in order to justify the 
establishment of the State of Israel. My latest collection, Illuminati 4, 
demonstrates that Satanists start world wars as an excuse to exterminate non-Satanists, 
especially Christians and assimilated Jews. They're planning WW3 for this purpose.
Excerpts pp. 56-62

"In the infamous Ghettos of Warsaw, Vilna, etc., the racially-classified "Jews" were kept under control by actual religiously practicing Jews through the Judenpolezei (Jewish-Police). These policemen bore the Zionist flag Herzl had created (the prototype of today's flag of Israel) on their armbands, and placed the gold Star of David on the shirts of their countrymen. They assisted in rounding up and beating the assimilated Jews of the occupied countries in preparation for the Holocaust. 

In the course of the war, Jewish collaborators were employed through the Judenraaten (Jewish-Council). In Palestine, the Jewish terrorist group Lehi kept close contact with the Nazi government and the Italian Fascists as well. 

The German Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz filed the "Ankara Report" stating Lehi would "actively take part in the war on Germany's side" in return for Germany's recognition of a "historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich". 

When the Holocaust commenced, the camp guards appointed unassimilated Jews to the Funktionshäftling (prisonerfunctionary), the "Kapos", to assist in managing forced labor and so forth. And most importantly, as if echoing Herzl's directions verbatim, it was written in the "Final Solution" devised by the Nazi official Reinhard Heydrich: The essential point is the expulsion of the Jews from the living space of the German people. In carrying out these efforts, an increased and planned acceleration of the emigration of the Jews from Reich territory was started, as the only possible present solution. The Jews themselves, or their Jewish political organizations, financed the emigration. (59) 

What follows? Exactly as Herzl said: only four years after the end of the war, with the narrative of the slaughter of the "Jews" fresh in people's minds, the State of Israel was proclaimed. The four men who played a major role in this declaration and subsequent United Nations recognition were: 

Harry Truman, the President of the United States. He was also a Shriner Freemason, a member of the Belton Masonic Lodge. He founded the Grandview Masonic Lodge, where he served as Master, and while serving as a Senator, he was appointed Grandmaster of the Missouri Grand Lodge. In 1945, just four years prior to helping found Israel, he was appointed Sovereign Grand Inspector of the Masonic Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction in Washington D.C. All of this information comes from the US Congress itself. (60) 

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He was also a member of the Studholme Masonic Lodge, according to Business Insider. (61) 

Chaim Weizmann, the First President of Israel. As we have already said, Weizmann was given a testimonial dinner by 150 Master Masons, according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency. (31) 

Israel Brodie, the Chief Rabbi of Britain who was appointed through the United Synagogue that had been created by Nathan Mayer a century prior. Brodie was a Grand Chaplain of the Masonic United Grand Lodge of England (62). 

For what it's worth, the World War itself was Masons against Masons: not only were Churchill and Truman Masons, but Franklin Roosevelt as well - he was a member of Architect Lodge, No. 519 (as were his sons), and he was a Grand Master in the Order of DeMolay (a Masonic youth group) (64). (Makow- Stalin was also a Freemason.)

Meanwhile, the Italian Fascists were no different - Gabriele d'Annunzio (the founder of the Fascist ideology), Achille Starace (the Secretary of the Fascist Party), and Francesco Giunta (Starace's successor), among many others, were Masons, and in the case of the Nazis, the National Socialist Party itself was created out of a merger of various organizations, most prominently the Thule Society, a Masonic organization created by the Freemason and aristocrat Rudolf von Sebottendorf (63). 

The "Aryanism" of the Nazis, too, was based on the "Theozoology" of von Sebottendorf's ally, George von Liebenfels, who derived his ideology from Helen Blavatsky's Masonic (among other things) "Theosophy". 

We will not get into those ties in detail here, but I have done so in Freemasonry: The World-Historic Cartel, if the reader is curious.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below- March 3 - RFK Jr. Orchestrates New Vaccine $care (scroll down)

Elon Musk & The Elephant in the Room

March 4, 2025

Elon Musk is a hero but he can't step on the Fed's toes.

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."  Henry David Thoreau

By Henry Makow PhD

In a podcast with Joe Rogan, Elon Musk described the US Treasury as a ship taking water from a million holes and sinking into bankruptcy. 

What he didn't say was that this is the deliberate program of the Soros-funded Communist-Jewish Democratic Party to loot and destroy the US. 

The Demonrats set up thousands of NGO's, provided lavish funding and received kickbacks. This is how they all got rich. 

Anyone who supports the Demonrats is being paid one way or another.

Musk: "An NGO is a loophole that allows people to do things that would be illegal if the government did them. It is a graft machine that allows them to hack the system. They pay themselves enormous salaries."

One of his first reforms is to force the Treasury Dept. to identify the recipients and purpose of their billion dollar grants Yes, billions of dollars flow out of the US Treasury every hour with no accounting whatever! "They are untraceable blank cheques."

Payments continue even after the programs have ended."Someone forgot to turn off the spigot."

$12 Billion were allocated to submarines that were never built. No one could explain where the money went.

elephant-jew (1).jpg
Musk says most of the opposition is coming from the legacy media who represent people losing their freebies. "The vampires are outing themselves."

They make up false stories about DOGE cutting air traffic controllers and baby food. "Most of the media is Left-slanted. They are living in an alternate reality."

"No one's talking about ending the graft."

Musk and Rogan discuss the delays in release of the Epstein and JFK Files without mentioning the cause--they implicate Israel. 

Israel has been ripping off the US taxpayers but Musk doesn't have a problem with that.

The looting of the US government is part of the larger pattern. See it in the context of the 2008 credit crunch and the Ukraine War boondoggle. 

According to this logic, Fort Knox is empty, or was until they refilled it.

Musk describes the US fiscal situation as "dire." 

The US is a house infested with termites teetering on collapse.

 I like Musk who fears being assassinated.  He was prompted to take action because the country is going down the drain. How can we not support him?

At the same time, he is not striking at the root. The privately-owned Fed's ability to create money as a debt to itself is an irresistible incentive to squander on war and waste because it increases debt & interest paid to the bankers. 

Musk needs to demand the abolition of the Fed.

I doubt he will.

Related- A $20 Billion Slush Fund--Paid by You to Progressive Nonprofits
It appears the billions didn't revitalize anything--except the coffers of a range of environmental nonprofits associated with former Obama and Biden administration officials.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Elon Musk & The Elephant in the Room "

Gina said (March 4, 2025):

Just like what the other commenter said, he is playing a role to gain the support of the sheeple. DOGE is a psyop.

As for me, I don’t support anyone whose ultimate goal is to put a microchip in your brains.

Remember that he owns Neuralink. He is a full-blown Satanist!

Insider said (March 4, 2025):

"This Is Really Gonna Get Me Assassinated": Musk Issues Warning Over Exposing DC Corruption

{ What a bunch of BULLSHIT !!!!! }
{ He was raised to play this part, now he want's to play the I'm going to die card !!!!! }

Below- Mike Stone - Zalensky Was Ambushed (scroll down)

March 3 - RFK Jr. Orchestrates New Vaccine $care

March 3, 2025

 left, Chabad Rebbe Schneerson gazes proudly at his proteges, RFK Jr. & Shmuley Boteach.

Less than a month after his confirmation, RFK Jr. is starting to look like Anthony Fauci

The MAHA movement is in an existential crisis right now as RFK Jr. just penned an op-ed in Fox News that parroted all the typical measles lies pushed by Big Pharma and the vaccine industry.

Has Sec. Kennedy already been captured by the vaccine industry? Or is there something else afoot here?


ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR.: "Measles outbreak is call to action for all of us
MMR vaccine is crucial to avoiding potentially deadly disease"

"As the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I am deeply concerned about the recent measles outbreak. This situation has escalated rapidly, with the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) reporting 146 confirmed cases since late January 2025, primarily in the South Plains region. Tragically, this outbreak has claimed the life of a school-aged child, the first measles-related fatality in the United States in over a decade."

OMG, one death!!!

COL. Douglas Macgregor : Egypt Ready for War with Israel

Reader--"The central problem with Judaism is this: They have NEVER understood the meaning of 70AD. All of the prophets warned of what was coming to the rebels of Judah.
But the kabbalists think those prophecies have still not yet been fulfilled. They WANT the Zionist state to be attacked. They WANT 2/3 of the population of the Zionist state to be killed. Because then the "holy remnant" will be saved by the arrival of their non-existent Moschiach."


Queer Harmer is considering sanctioning Israeli Extremist Ministers


James Perloff writes: Henry, you mentioned The Shadows of Power. Interesting enough, I just published a video, "Why I Decided Not to Update The Shadows of Power."

Makow- The purpose of the JBS is to remove Jewish supremacism from the dialogue. 

Helena- Move On & most Communist NGO's are Soros' Fronts

"Unraveling the Billionaire Club of Dark Money means acknowledging it exists as the  Shadow Government, and disabling it from election interference.

The sheer willingness for these companies to lie, commit fraud, manipulate outcomes, for the sake of winning is based on who sits behind the throne.  Who pulls Soros' strings?  Bloomberg's?  Netanyahu?


Kevin Barrett- Trump's "Finish the Genocide" Plan: The Ugly American on Steroids

"It is safe to say that in the whole history of Ugly Americans, there has never been one as ugly as Donald J. Trump. And in America's 75 ugly years of world domination, featuring the murder of roughly 60 million people in CIA and military interventions, never have uglier words escaped the blood-dripping foam-flecked mouth of a US leader than Trump's lunatic babbling about finishing the Gaza genocide."


Russian President Vladimir Putin: "2020 Election Victory Stolen" From President Trump - Acknowledges Ukraine War Never Would Have Happened Under Trump 


Jaw-dropping corruption in the US: Trump's billionaire crypto czar is heavily invested in a fund whose top 5 holdings are the 5 in the US government Crypto Strategic Reserve.

Mere hours before Trump announced it, someone bought $200 million in Ethereum & Bitcoin on 50X LEVERAGE

Trump's Crypto Strategic Reserve Sparks Conflict Of Interest For Crypto Czar

Several commentators pointed out that the five cryptocurrencies in the proposed reserve align conspicuously with the top five holdings of Bitwise Asset Management's Bitwise 10 Crypto Index Fund.

Hunter Horsley, CEO of Bitwise, noted on his account that the fund's leading allocations are indeed BTC, ETH, SOL, XRP, and ADA.

Critics have particularly taken aim at David Sacks, Trump's so-called "Crypto Czar," who, via his venture capital firm Craft Ventures, invested in Bitwise Asset Management as early as 2017. Pointing to the rapid rise in value across the selected cryptocurrencies, some observers have framed it as "jaw-dropping corruption" that favors a handful of well-connected investors.
Do you believe this?

White House AI and crypto czar David Sacks confirmed that he does not hold any crypto assets, having sold everything prior to US President Donald Trump's inauguration.

"I sold all my cryptocurrency (including BTC, ETH, and SOL) prior to the start of the administration," Sacks said on X on March 2.


Treacherous Turks

Turkey and Iran trade barbs over Syria, Israel and regional influence
Turkish top diplomat slams Iran's costly interventions in Syria and Iraq; Tehran fires back, accusing Ankara of ignoring US and Israeli influence while defending its role in 'supporting Palestinian resistance' and 'regional stability'

Israel scrambles to defuse tensions with Thailand over behavior of its tourists
Orna Sagiv and Thai Deputy Prime Minister Anutin Charnvirakul visited Pai meet to debunk conspiracy theories about Israeli settlements and call for mutual cultural understanding

"Earlier in the week, Rabbi Wilhelm opened the Pai Chabad center to local media to counter conspiracy theories circulating in Thailand. These claims suggested that 30,000 Israelis had settled in Pai, believing it to be the "Promised Land," and that the Chabad center was laying the groundwork for their settlement. Some reports even alleged that Israelis were digging tunnels in Pai to stockpile weapons.  

"These theories gained traction on social media, including from pro-Palestinian sources and were eventually picked up by major Thai news outlets," Wilhelm said. He clarified that while around 30,000 Israelis had visited Pai in 2024, only a few hundred were in the town at any given time.  

Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim may have severed ties with Elon Musk's Starlink, his company America Movil reportedly announced, opting to invest $22 billion in its own telecommunications infrastructure over the next three years. 

"Slim's decision to cancel collaborations with Starlink across Latin America came after Musk retweeted a post that implied Slim had connections to organized crime. The fallout will cost Musk an estimated $7 billion and his main partner in 25 countries.
Elon Musk shared a post on his social network stating that Slim could have ties to criminal groups, and five minutes later, Carlos Slim canceled all business collaborations with Starlink in Latin America, which made Musk lose 7 billion US dollars.

An hour later, Slim announced that he would transfer his projects for the next 5 years with Starlink, an investment of 22 billion dollars, to companies in China and Europe.

More than money, Musk lost his main partner in 25 countries, in addition to giving up all that territory to companies of his competition and, most seriously, causing the USA to continue losing commercial presence and giving it to China.



Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "March 3 - RFK Jr. Orchestrates New Vaccine $care "

JC said (March 4, 2025):

Trump's daughter and son in law are members of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. Tulsi Gabbard, Director of National Intelligence, is a "Noahide establishment face, attending Noahide-pushing Rabbi Boteach's galas since 2014."

And now RFKjr. appears to be sucking up to Boteach, and big pharma, pushing the measles is a deadly disease b.s. Like Wilson and FDR, Trump campaigned as anti-war, as he supplies Israel with billions and billions in military aid and tells the Israelis "to finish the job." It's all very depressing.

Below- March 2 - Trump Cuts US/Ukraine Spending While Sending $4 B to Israhell (scroll down)

Mike Stone- Zelensky Was Ambushed


"Why did Zelensky "refuse" to accept the deal that had already been worked out? 
My guess is that what we saw at the White House was an attempt to turn braindead 
Americans against Zelensky and against the war. Remember, 
there are millions of low IQ liberal White women, feminized men, porn addicts, 
and cuckservatives who still support the war that the Ukraine started with Russia. 
By showing Zelensky as petulant and ungrateful - and dressed like a peasant, to boot! 
- the Trump administration can proceed with what they had planned to do all along, 
only with far less resistance."

by Mike Stone

Did you watch the meeting between Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and Volodymyr Zelensky that took place last week at the White House? 

Did it strike you as genuine? The first time I saw it, I thought it was. Now, after watching it several times, I'm convinced it's not. In fact, it appears to be as real as the fake Donald Trump assassination attempt that took place in Pennsylvania last summer. And, remember, I literally wrote the book on that one.

For starters, why did the meeting take place in public? Have you EVER seen a meeting like this take place with dozens of media people in the room?

Even better, let's apply one of the best methods available for determining whether an event is real or not, our "12 Telltale Signs of a Fake Shooting."  

There are at least three matches from our list of 12 Telltale Signs that apply here. The first is non-stop media coverage. Any time you see the entire mainstream media parroting the exact same story, you can be certain you are watching is a scripted event. In this case, we have both the mainstream and alternative media in lockstep in portraying this event as Zelensky "disrespected" America. 

Another telltale sign of a fake event is Go Fund Me accounts immediately set up for the "victims." That's one of the ways in which the crisis actors are paid off. We can see a variation of that here with Kier Starmer, the communist Prime Minister of the UK, pledging to give Zelensky over two billion pounds only one day after Zelensky's meeting with Trump.

In addition, over a dozen more Communist world leaders posed with Zelensky for a photo op. Funny, how they all managed to fly to the UK on such short notice. In fact, it looks like Canada's Trudeau was there too. Doesn't it take time to coordinate security details before a country's president flies overseas? An objective observer would conclude that this meeting in the UK was planned ahead of time, even though Zelensky was scheduled to remain in the United States several more days.

A third Telltale Sign from our list is the use of current or former actors in key roles. Ask yourself, why is it that almost everyone involved with Sandy Hook was a current or former actor? Why were the two principles of the Pulse Nightclub event an actor and a game show contestant? Why was the fake Pizzagate shooter an actor? Why was the main face of the Parkland hoax a person who worked on air for CNN? Well, both Trump and Zelensky are former actors. Or did you forget that?

It's also worth noting that someone at the meeting, I don't know who the person was, actually brought what looks like a WBC Championship belt. Some say it's a championship belt from professional wrestling. (See the image below.) Why would someone bring that to a meeting at the White House? It looks like a wink and a nod to how fake the whole thing was.

image9 (1).JPG
(Trump, Zelensky, Netanyahu & Putin are all members of Chabad)

What We Do Know

Negotiations to end the war began in earnest in February when Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Yury Ushakov, a top policy aide, met with Secretary of State Marco Rubio in Saudi Arabia, where they discussed a three-point peace plan to end the war: an immediate ceasefire, fair elections in the Ukraine, and a final peace agreement.

Russia actually offered Zelensky a peace plan in 2022 that was very favorable to the Ukraine and very unfavorable to Russia. And Zelensky was going to take the deal - until the disheveled slob Boris Johnson flew to Kiev and ordered him not to accept it. That deal would have saved over a million Ukrainian lives. It would have given Russia only a fraction of the territory they now hold. It was a face-saving solution that would have kept Zelensky in power. Boris Johnson torpedoed it.

As part of the three-point deal worked out by Russia and the United States, 50% of the revenue derived from Ukrainian mineral rights was to go to the U.S. to help pay back the $350 billion in financial aid given to them by the corrupt and fake Joe Biden administration. The Ukraine would NOT be allowed to join NATO. And the Ukraine would concede territory to Russia (much more territory than what Russia was willing to settle for in 2022).

Why did Zelensky "refuse" to accept the deal that had already been worked out? My guess is that what we saw at the White House was an attempt to turn braindead Americans against Zelensky and against the war. Remember, there are millions of low IQ liberal White women, feminized men, porn addicts, and cuckservatives who still support the war that the Ukraine started with Russia. By showing Zelensky as petulant and ungrateful - and dressed like a peasant, to boot! - the Trump administration can proceed with what they had planned to do all along, only with far less resistance.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013)

December 7, 2024

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013) Red=Jewish  Green= Gay  Blue = Non-white


Cheating in Early Votes is Off the Charts

October 31, 2024


Here we are, only two weeks into early voting
 to select the next president, and already 
the cheating is off the charts.

By Mike Stone

Ballots in Wisconsin, Virginia, and other states have either obscured or purposely misspelled Donald Trump's name. Is that to make those ballots unreadable by the rigged voting machines? Are they fake ballots? 

Three counties in Pennsylvania have been busted for fraudulent mail ballot request forms. And those are just the ones who have been caught.

In other parts of Pennsylvania, American citizens, waiting in line for hours to vote, have been forced to watch as van loads of non-English speaking illegal aliens are escorted inside of the polling precinct ahead of them to cast their own votes.

Voting lines in Republican counties have been shut down early:

A Pennsylvania GOP committeewoman was handcuffed and arrested for telling frustrated citizens to stay in line and vote:

And an ABC news station aired a "test result" showing Harris winning Pennsylvania by a margin of 52%-47%:

Jerome Corsi writes that the Georgia State Board of Elections creates illegal voter IDs by the thousands:

In Texas, half-a-dozen arrests have already taken place for people charged with "vote flipping," while "ballot mules" in Pennsylvania have also been arrested.

And bear in mind, this is just the opening salvo. 

Cheating is the only way the Democrats can win. They know it. We know it. They know that we know it. Yet they continue to do it, in part, because they know the American people will take it. And because they just can't help themselves. Cheating, lying, and stealing elections is in their nature. Remember the story of the scorpion and the frog?

Democrats are especially prone to cheat in this election, because Donald Trump is leading in every poll, and not by a little, but by a lot. Add "Garbagegate" and Trump working the fry cooker at McDonald's to the mix and the Dems are in full-out panic mode.

Who's ultimately behind all the cheating? In this five minute video, an Israeli company brags about rigging presidential elections for money. They are only one team out of many doing this.

How many of these companies have been hired to help steal the 2024 presidential election?

Get your popcorn ready. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man

Reply from Savvy Granny

August 18, 2024

Martin Armstrong - the UN's Goal is Communist Tyranny 17.8. 2024

Reply from Savvy Granny

Well it certainly is. 

However, the UN is just the transitional decoy, the bogey 'supranational order' (Protocols of Zion 5.11). Its task is masonry, that is building the international entity which will complete the projected world order. And its task is destruction  - the global depop, the destruction of nations through its climate dicta, immigration dicta, PHEICdemics, bioweapons, overseeing the communist tyranny of its regime-changed member nations. 

The completed world order will be the Judaic Anti-Christ World Soviet (JAWS) under Noachide Law with all the 'smart goy masons' executed - the ones who were instrumental in the bogey 5.11. They got the Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum script  in the destruction.

Remember the French Revolution, [which alone we call 'Great' in some translations]for the secrets of its preparation are well known to us. It was entirely the work of our hands. (Protocols of Sion III.14)

The Supreme Soviet may have been dissolved Dec 1991, so it is no longer the base of the Great Revolution - the permanent world-wide revolution [now in its global, communist totalitarian phase].

Before it was dissolved the Supreme Soviet elected Gorbachev to its praesidium and he promptly took up residence at the Praesidio in San Francisco as the supremo of the UN - the one who dictates to the Secretary General. Under the Gorbachev  Praesidium, UN Agenda 21 was adopted 1992 and he also founded the Earth Charter Commission with Maurice Strong 1997. The EC was founded 2000 for the destruction of the Western societies and economies .

The Khazarian dynastic families of the Central Banking Cartel [the owners of this Money Trust] own the Revolution, own the UN and all its multi-lateral partners as well as the manufactured billionaires which are both Zionist (Western) and Communist (Eastern Bloc) assets of the Revolution.

The WEF founded by Schwab 1971 officially with Henry Kissinger (unofficially).  Its counterpart for the JAWS Eurasian Agenda is the SPIEF founded by Henry Kissinger (unofficially) 1997. The SPIEF was instrumental in establishing the Eurasian Economic Union for the Communist / Islamic Bloc 2014. Along with the EU(ssr) and the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board - these are the chief 'multi-lateral' partners of the UN which handle its international operations over the captured / subverted member nations to serve UN Agenda and Earth Charter Dicta.