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November 26 - Occupied

November 26, 2024


Reader-  "This film premiered today. I hope you can take the time to watch it. I was greatly impressed by its clarity, editing and cogency. The public needs to wake up to the great dangers we now all face. We must stop these satanic psychopaths on every level and strata they exert control."

Please send links and comments to [email protected]

Stew Peters "Occupied" Premieres Nov. 25, 2024, Film Exposing Jewish Zionist Takeover of America 

"Western civilization has been infected by a parasitic invasion of foreign ideals and values that have been introduced into our culture by a strange and morally degenerate people whose ultimate goal is world domination. Their poisonous tentacles now strangle every leading position and institution in the land, leading to the normalization of disgusting societal practices such as usury, transgenderism, pedophilia, communism, and the destruction of the nuclear family. 

The rule of law is absent because the flow of information and money are completely controlled by one small group of people. 

America is no longer a sovereign nation, dual citizens control our government. We've been occupied.  It's time for humanity to unite against our common enemy. "

Makow Disclaimer-  While Peters' exposure of ZOG is valid, he does not realize that Hitler himself was a Zionist agent.  Organized Jewry only allows us to choose Communism (Left) and Zionism (Right) both of which are Masonic, Satanic and authoritarian. We can defend freedom and patriotism without embracing Nazism, and all that represents. That's a sure defeat.
I hope Peters' next film will be on the role of Organized Jewry's shiksa bitch, Freemasonry.

From another reader--"Watched it Henry, and yes, it's a good compilation of many of Israel's crimes.  But about 3/4's in there's Hitler praise and that was a red flag for me, not just because of his crimes (however exaggerated they may be in terms of numbers), but mostly because of his "National Socialism."  On the Internet lately I have been noticing that there are many voices out there calling for "a benevolent dictator" (oxymoron) to get us out of the mess, and also promoting National Socialism.  The assets and resources of a nation can be shared among its people without it being a dictatorial socialism, but a true Republic, if you will.  When I hear those pushing Hitler and National Socialism I think of my birth-right of freedom, my sovereignty as AN INDIVIDUAL, and I cringe at such proposals. We all want a way out, but not into something that compromises our life-given rights. NO HIERARCHY. NO SUPREMACY.  Not from Aryans, not from Jews, not from ANY group that thinks it's above anyone else.  So based on these points, for me, the documentary is a fail."

U.S.-led NATO now openly discussing 'preemptive precision strikes' on Russian territory

U.S. also considering giving Ukraine nuclear weapons as the Western military alliance is now in a mad dash to start World War III with Russia and China before Donald Trump takes office.

The New York Times also raised the specter over the weekend of the West putting tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, a further taunt of the Putin regime.

France and Britain are discussing sending troops to Ukraine if Trump takes office and pulls the plug on the Ukraine gravy train.
For starters, Russia hasn't attacked any of these insane globalists. Not one of the 32 members of NATO has been attacked by Russia."


Biden kneels to Israeli president.jpg
Biden kneels to Israeli President

Douglas Macgregor Reveals: Biden's SHOCKING Plot To Send NUKES To Ukraine! The World Is In CHAOS

"NATO is not a defensive alliance. They illegally bombed Yugoslavia (direct violation of the UN Charter). We must never forget what they did to Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria etc. NATO needs to understand that playing Russian roulette with a nuclear superpower is never a good idea.
Germany suggests turning metro stations into bomb shelters
People will also be encouraged to convert their own basements into fortified bunkers, a government spokesman has said

Germany emerged from the Cold War with more than 2,000 such bunkers, although around three quarters of these have since been decommissioned. Germany's current network of 579 bunkers has space to accommodate around 480,000 people, a fraction of the country's population of 84 million, Reuters reported.

The so-called "bunker plan" was agreed in June, the official said. However, Monday's press conference came just after the US and France both confirmed that they gave Ukraine permission to use ATACMS and SCALP-EG missiles to conduct long-range strikes on internationally-recognized Russian territory.

Trump Announces 25% Tariff on All Products From Mexico and Canada Until Illegal Alien Invasion is Stopped, Will Impose Additional Tariff on China Over Fentanyl

Trump said that Mexico and Canada have all the power to stop the illegal alien invasion and the tariff will remain in place until the flow of Fentanyl and illegals stops.

Canada??  WTF is he talking about?  No migrants coming from Canada.

BREAKING: Elon Musk's X Corp. Objects To Sale or Transfer of Accounts Maintained By Alex Jones or InfoWars In Court Filing


BREAKING: O'Keefe Media Group: NIH Chief Confesses COVID Health Initiatives Were Completely Made Up... "I Probably Shouldn't Be Saying This Out Loud" (VIDEO)

"I don't even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don't," Raja Cholan said, adding, "We're all going to learn [about the dangers of the Covid vaccine] when it's too late."
Raja Cholan said the 'six feet of social distancing' rule "wasn't based on any real evidence that it did anything - it was completely made up."


'Silver Bullet' - Dr. Mike Yeadon's Address to Northern Ireland Parliament
"I really think if you watched it you would be glad you did, though a little shocked..."

I'm afraid they've been injected too. So big picture, what happens, I think from the research I've done, and of course, I'm an expert in research and development, not in politics, but I believe that very wealthy people, the kind of people who run foundations with names, have planned, as have their antecedents for a couple of generations, to take over the world, to remove the freedoms of ordinary people like us that they regard as useless eaters. They don't want us around anymore.

"This Bloke Is A DISGRACE". Brits Want Keir Starmer Out Of Office

Over 2 million people have signed an online petition calling for a new general election, with Parliament scheduled to discuss it this week. Talk's International Editor Isabel Oakeshott joins Jeremy Kyle to discuss this further.

Again- Trump, Netanyahu and Putin are all members of the Satanic cult Chabad

Here the Chabad rebbe Schneerson reminds Netanyahuthat he must destroy Western society to fulfill Jewish prophecy.


40,000 Gazans slaughtered and they are mourning one Chabad "rabbi". In Judaism rabbis are "scholars" not religious exemplars.

'The whole world is shaken': Chabad rabbi murdered in UAE laid to rest in Israel
Zvi Kogan buried at the Mount of Olives after emotional ceremony; he 'was innocent, and that's how he arrives in heaven,' father says

From 2017

In 1943, prominent American anthropologist Ernest Hooton wrote an an article headlined "Breed War Strain Out of Germans" for New York Daily newspaper. The concept was an "outbreeding" plan to "destroy German nationalism and ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities."

The Harvard University professor's proposal called for genetically transforming the German nation by encouraging mating of German women with non-German men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers; and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany, with non-German women. Ten to 12 million German men would be assigned to forced labor under Allied supervision in countries outside of Germany to rebuild their economies.

Until the late 1970s, Canada owned its own central bank and paid little to no interest to foreigners. But in 1974, then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (Justin Trudeau's father) committed an astonishing act of treason - on his own account, without even the knowledge of his own cabinet or Parliament - and committed Canada to foregoing its financial birthright to print its own currency and from then on borrowing from the European Jewish bankers. The result is that in the past 30 or 40 years (1974 through 2010)  little Canada has paid these bankers more than $1.1 trillion in interest for borrowing its own money. 



Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "November 26 - Occupied"

JC said (November 27, 2024):

Concerning World War II, I think Alexandr Solzhenitsyn said it best. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were NOT Russians. They hated Russians. And they hated Christians. Driven by ethnic [and religious] hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russian Christians without a shred of human remorse. They had previously attempted to establish Communism in Spain during the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939. It was only German intervention that prevented a communist takeover in Spain. The communists had openly stated their goal of conquering all of Europe. I'm reasonably sure that the Germans knew of their plan and of their hideous record in Russia. Germany was fighting a communist takeover of Europe. World War II was actually a war fought to make the world safe for Communism.

Was Hitler a complete asshole, as you suggest? Complete assholes don't fight the moral corruption of the Weimar Republic. Complete assholes don't reject the Rothschild economic system. Complete assholes don't attempt to prevent a communist takeover of Europe. We've had over 70 years of completely one-sided anti-Hitler propaganda; we've never heard the other side at all.

As Solzhenitsyn said this is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators. On the surface, I have come to the conclusion that Hitler is the most stigmatized and slandered man who has ever existed. I'm not saying that the Nazis were saints; but, IMO, and compared to the communists, they were nothing. Did the Holocaust ever happen? What little research I've done on the subject leads me to the conclusion that it's problematic, or at least overstated.

Thanks JC

Hitler was an agent of the Jewish bankers he condemned. Our reality is a charade.


Z said (November 26, 2024):

This is in response to your latest post about France & Britain potentially sending troops to Ukraine.

This war (Russia-Ukraine) has all the hallmarks of an event that was planned by both Zionist controlled sides to manafacture the collapse of the Russian Federation and Ukraine & usher in the final iteration of the Illuminati Zionist World Order.

To be led by the Anti-Christ himself. For that they first need to destroy the Slavic Eastern European race. The only European race that has not succumbed to multicultural globolhomo yet.

Europe is key for their project. It is the centre of all rational, scientific & intellectual progress over the last 2000 years. Without subduing the European Nations completley the Zionists cannot rule the world.

Putin is a controlled agent just like Kosher Zelensky. They both work for the same team.

Ask your readers why Putin did not launch a full scale invasion of Ukraine in 2014 when it's army was in complete dissaray and lacked modern weapons but decided to invade when Zio Zelensky already managed to order large quantities of Javelin Anti Tank Missiles from Zionist First Trump?

And when the Ukranian Armed Forces had alot more Anti Russian Nationslists in it's ranks. Nobody can be this stupid. There is a reason why Igor Strelkov Girkin ( The Russian Ultra Nationalist who led the Donbass uprising in 2014) is in a Russian prison right now. He exposed the treachery of Putin and is now paying for it.

Now you mut also ask why the Russian govt is openly wanting migrants to flood into their country whilst they send their young to die for another Zionist psy op?

The same applies to Ukraine. Whatever the outcome of this war both Ukraine and Russia will end up losing alot of their native male populations & eventually be replaced by those from the 3rd world.

Both Moscow & Kyiv will look like Baltimore & the Zionist cabal will laugh all the way to the Rotschild funded Supreme court in Jerusalem (The future world capital) thanks to the work of their agents Putin & Zelensky.

Brenda said (November 26, 2024):

China, USA, Europe, Canada all run by the same people, I wonder what side Peter's is on? Does he do this to upset the people into war? God runs the show!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at