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Nov 6 - Deep State S-elects Trump; How I Knew it Would

November 6, 2024

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When the Secret Service helped DJT stage this psyop, I knew that Trump would win. 

The upside down flag is a common Masonic symbol; this was not a coincidence.  

Other "Tells" include liberal stalwarts SNL and the Washington Post failing to endorse Harris. And YouTube allowing outspoken Conservative videos. 

Trump was reinstated to lead the USA into WW3. Gold and oil were down today because people think Trump will stop the "endless foreign wars." But Trump is a Cabalist Jew. He is following a fanatical script that requires the destruction of the old Order. He is leading the Masonic Zionist faction (Nazis, NATO, Israel, Ukraine) against the Masonic Communist faction (Russia, Iran, China, BRICS) in a repeat of WW2. 

Israel is in deep trouble. Netanyahu just fired his Defence Minister Gallant because Gallant balked. Similarly Wagner chief Progozhin balked when he realized there was an occult agenda that prioritized killing Slavs over winning the war. 

Nevertheless I am elated that Trump has won. I much prefer the Zionist method of execution (a blinding white nuclear flash) to the Communist form of execution, the slow destruction of the soul, plandemic and police state. The first is over in a second while the latter lasts for generations.

I am surprised the election was as close as it was. Americans truly are brain-dead to give Harris 67 million votes compared to Trump's 72 million. 

They had to have an honest election to restore credibility and make the goyim die for their country again.

Our corrupt predecessors gave our national credit cards to a Jewish supremacist doomsday cult.

Chabad credits Trump win to prayers at Rebbe's grave

Quote: "Followers of Jewish Hasidic movement say president-elect approached visit to revered New York gravesite with deep respect; 'Prayers at the Rebbe's grave don't go unanswered'."

(Are Americans getting a reprieve because Netanyahu needs Trump to save his ass?)

Reader asks: "Hi Henry. As Trump was elected on a non-interventionist and quasi-isolationist platform,
along with his explicit vow to "prevent WWIII"
and make a deal with Putin over Ukraine,
how do you believe that he will be able to rally
the country to actually fight WWIII against
Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, et al? Please advise."

Reply: They usually resort to a false flag.

 Does Pearl Harbor ring a bell? 
Oct 7? 
USS Maine? 
USS Lusitania? 
History repeats itself because they follow the same script.

Ukraine Announces First Direct Clashes With North Korean Troops

Rothschild biographer gets on the Trump bandwagon.

Niall Ferguson: The Resurrection of Donald J. Trump

"Trump's victory is a blow to political lawfare, critical race theory, woke campuses, legacy media, and Hollywood. It's also a win for a new generation of builders like Elon Musk."


Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose

Marion Koopmans is a virologist from the Dutch government who worked at the World Health Organization and the notorious Wuhan biolab. She stated on national television that for several years the WHO has had a plan for 10 years of pandemics - from 2020 to 2030.



WARPSPEED STOPPED The TYRANNY. The original plan with the pandemic was to have at least 10 years of lockdowns, due to ongoing virus variants.

During these years all dissenting and unvaccinated people would be rounded up in FEMA CAMPS. Why didn't that happen?

Trudeau tokenism blows up in his face 

Despite having no political experience, Celina Caesar Chauvannes, left, was appointed Trudeau's parliamentary secretary within a couple of months.

"It was the central office, it was his principal secretaries: Gerry Butts, Katie Telford, that were primarily running the show. I don't think I'm the only one who would say this. I think that when (former finance minister) Bill Morneau left, he said the same thing," she said.

"Tokenism is very disenfranchising, very dehumanizing.... I'm not allowed to speak to media, I'm not allowed to speak in the house, I'm not being sent anywhere. What kind of trip does that play on your mind? What does that do to the mind of a person when they know that the only thing that they're there for is like, 'omg, look at this I'm Black,' and, 'omg, look at these (gesturing to her breasts), I'm a woman.'" Overall, she said she felt, "duped and betrayed," by the Liberal government.

At one point she told him, "If I'm here to fill any gender or racial gap within your cabinet, then I don't want this role."

Reader- "As of right now, Reuters has Harris at 66,777,699
and Trump at 71,660,703 popular votes. 
Where are the other 14,491,225 Biden voters? 
Did they all die or stay home and not vote? 
Why has no one addressed this? 
Makow- The 15-20 million missing votes were fabricated in 2020.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Nov 6 - Deep State S-elects Trump; How I Knew it Would "

George said (November 7, 2024):

A few people may realize the dog and pony show are distractions. It’s humorous, satisfying, and sad, to watch the left meltdown over a Trump win. These people are beyond delusional. They are mentally ill (as many of your posts contend) and are children of the satanically possessed world.

I am glad Trump won. I never believed the polls showing the race were a tossup. I would rather be slow boiled than burned at the stake. Your post today is spot on.

Perhaps in the near future the Christian Zionists will wake up and realize Netanyahu has led Israel to ruin and the destruction of Amalek, Ezekial CH 37 and all the Gog and Magog rhetoric will not happen soon. Bibi has fired his defense minister, which means things are going badly for Bibi. He’s a cornered animal and unhinged people do crazy things. A lot can happen between now and January 20th. I pray we can dodge the bullet of WW3 or 4 or at least postpone it.

Jennifer said (November 7, 2024):

Watching these democratic women act like crazy-emotional-wreaks, freaking out over losing the election —makes me feel that women should not have the right to vote—because they cannot handle it.

When the US Congress and House debated if women should have the right to vote 100 years ago —the dissenters were worried about the exact things that are happening now, which is women having emotional melt-downs, women acting out on their husbands, children and friends, women becoming unhinged.

They were right—women in general are not built for the stress and pressure of politics.

Karen said (November 6, 2024):

There is one thing that has bothered me since Trump's shot heard around the world. And that is Rev. 13:3. The beast with the head wound that was healed. So, maybe it was staged. It's still symbolic.

What's really worrisome if one pays attention is what follows:

AI says:
In the Bible, the wounded beast in Revelation has the following powers:
War against the saints: The beast is given the power to make war against and conquer the saints.

Divine power: The beast claims divine power and tries to replace God.

Christine replies: "There is one thing that has bothered me since Trump's shot heard around the world. AndRev. 13:3. The beast with the head wound that was healed."

The Bible interprets itself: As Moses wrote, noone is allowed to add anything to the Word of God.

All terms/symbols in Revelation are explained in the Scriptures: They mean what the Bible says they mean.

Mountains/heads are kingdoms, not physical human heads.

The 7th mountain was the wicked southern Kingdom of Judah. Revelation 12 shows Herod and Rome, waiting to kill the child Messiah.

Revelation 13 is showing the rise of the little horn of Daniel at the commencement of the Holy Roman Empire (Rome stage 2).

At that point, the Papacy gained temporal power. and lands

Roman Catholicism and the Papacy are false fronts for the kabbalists of Judaism.

With the rise of the Holy Roman Empire, the deadly wound of 70AD was healed.

Authority over nations: The beast is given authority over every nation, tribe, and tongue.

Perform great signs: The beast can perform great signs, such as making fire fall from heaven.

Deceive people: The beast deceives people into making an image of the wounded beast.

Mark people: The beast causes people to be marked on their forehead or right hand. People with the mark cannot buy or sell..

R said (November 6, 2024):

" Trump was reinstated to lead the USA into WW3."

Superb observation .

The ILLuminati Deep State wins no matter which one of their selected candidates is elected .

The USA adult public

((( whom (public) wittingly or unwittingly has for more than a hundred years , since the 1913 satanic Federal Reserve Act , intractably ignored the deceptions and pernicious intent of the satanic ILLuminati controlled Fedgov ,

whom (Fedgov) loans money WITHOUT any interest charges to the satanic ILLuminati owned Federal Reserve Bank ,

whom (Bank) in return loans that money WITH more than a/1/one Trillion with a T dollars of annual interest interest charges back to the U.S. Fedgov ,

whom (Fedgov) presumptuously makes the adult public de facto Constitutional collateral underwriters of those more than one trillion dollars of FRAUDULENT debt payments annually )))

perhaps lacks sufficient collectivized intellectual ability to avoid being culled , of too much idiocy , during apparently ineluctable periodic world wars .

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at