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Nov 11 - Demonrats Stole the 2020 Election

November 11, 2024

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The Demonrats are Communists. Communists believe the "end justifies the means." 
This translates to cheating, lying and blackmail are justified in order to win. The Protocols of Zion say the same thing. They stole 15 million votes in 2020. They are still cheating. Harris only won states that have no voter ID. Kari Lake lost in Arizona even though Trump got more votes than Harris. The US is the laughing stock of the whole world.

 Paul Craig Roberts
The 2020 President Election Was Stolen

Here are the Democrat total vote count figures for the last six elections:

2004 Kerry - 59M

2008 Obama - 69.5M

2012 Obama - 65.9M

2016 Clinton - 65.9M

2020 Biden - 81.3M

2024 Harris - 66.4M

Notice anything?

The despicable whores called "fact checkers," who prostitute themselves by telling lies for money said I am a "conspiracy theorist" for reporting the findings of experts that the Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election.  Notice, just reporting the findings of experts makes you a "conspiracy theorist."

Look at the graph showing the reported Biden vote count in 2020.  Is there a single person anywhere on Earth stupid enough to believe it?  THERE WAS ZERO ENTHUSIASM FOR BIDEN.  As Trump said, Biden campaigned from his basement.  NO ONE ATTENDED HIS RALLIES, AND HE DISCONTINUED THEM.

Remember, Biden did not campaign.  After his first few attempts, his public rallies ceased, because no one attended and the cameras could not hide the absence of people.  In contrast, every one of the numerous Trump rallies was heavily attended.  So how did Biden get 10 million more votes in 2020 than Trump just received in his high turnout landslide victory?  How did Biden get 15 million more votes than Obama? 15 million more votes than Hillary Clinton?  HE DID NOT !"
Democrat consultants who joined Team Kamala turned out to be CROOKS who deceived donors, vacuumed up all their cash and fled -


Putin - Another Jewish Puppet


Rabbi says Russia is totally owned and operated by Chabad

The same seems to apply to the USA

Trump also belongs to Chabad

Chabad is a racist criminal Jewish-supremacist cult that advocates the destruction of Christian civilization and the murder of non-Jews. The difference between Christianity and Cabalist Judaism quite simply is LOVE vs HATE. God vs. Satan. Doesn't the Gaza genocide make this obvious?

ChatGPT AI Explains Organ Harvesting And The Pandemic


REPORT: A new peer-reviewed study has called for a complete SUSPENSION of the COVID-19 injections

This news comes after the authors of the study found a shocking and horrifying increased risk of BRAIN CLOTS following COVID-19 injection.

The numbers are absolutely terrifying:

--The study found brain clots are 112,000% more likely after COVID-19 vaccination than flu vaccination.

--Moreover, when compared to all vaccines combined, COVID shots are 20,700% more likely to cause brain clots.

As such, the study's authors and other health experts demand:

--"An immediate global moratorium" on the use of COVID-19 vaccines.

--"Absolute contraindication" for women of reproductive age.

-- A full investigation into the alarming breach of safety thresholds.

--Accountability from regulators and manufacturers for ignoring these risks.

From April 2024--German Government Admits There Was No Pandemic by Dmitry Baxter

An official study showing what many of us have known for 4 years now. 

The number of cases was TBS; Total Bull Shit, as well, since the over-used, inaccurate PCR "test" was never designed to diagnose "covid"! Even the inventor of the PCR test screamed long & hard that the PCR test was useless. Dr. Cary Mullins, who mysteriously died just before the covid Hoax hit full stride. The PCR test was the very foundation for pushing the Pandemic hoax. Even a watermelon tested positive with the PCR. There is zero debate now on the effectiveness of the PCR "test". 

Video: The Mysterious Death of the Inventor of the PCR Test, Nobel Laureate Dr. Kary Mullis - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences.  

These secret German government documents obtained via a Freedom of Information request and subsequent lawsuit have blown the lid of the global elite's Covid lies and it's vitally important that as many people as possible are made aware of the truth.

More and more people all over the world are waking up and seeing the global elite for what they always have been: deranged psychopaths hell bent on destruction and domination.

Trump sure as Hell won't ask any questions; he still delusionally thinks he's the Father of the Jabs & takes full credit for them!! "Covid" mandates are still widely in effect, despite the fact that "covid" is long gone. Each successive variant is weaker, until it disappears. Flu morphs every year; today's flu is not last season's flu! So ALL flu shots are BS! It's why there IS NO vaccine for any Coronavirus! It's why the common cold can't be eliminated!!

People often embrace their considerable ignorance. 

Ellie was the 'happiest she'd ever been' until she lined up for her Covid vaccines. Now she's living a nightmare - and doctors agree the jabs are to blame
Mother left in agony by Covid vaccines 
Pain drove her to wanting to end her life 

Taxpayers Stuck With $15 Million Tab to Protect Fauci After He Retired
Up until at least late September, an agreement between two government agencies has left the American taxpayer on the hook for the costs attached to Fauci's lifestyle, which included a publicly funded chauffeur and a fully staffed U.S. Marshals security detail.


In case you haven't heard the new gaslight campaign, most Arizonans are for open borders, high inflation and communism but just from their state representatives. Oh and Kari Lake, who is in lockstep with Trump policies but more eloquent than him, oh Arizonans hate her.


G. Edward Griffin - The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking (1973)

This is a video adaptation of a filmstrip tracing the history of a small group of people who control the money systems of the world. It shows how this monopoly is protected by governments and how the group's vast wealth is derived from creating money out of nothing. We see how this group wields power through government, foundations, education and the mass media. It has aided such regimes as Russia and China, not because it is pro-Communist, but because a visible enemy and the threat of war have been useful in persuading the masses to embrace the group's ultimate goal: A world government which they expect to control from behind the scenes. They are now working to replace fear of nuclear war with fear of global pollution as the motivation for world government. It is clear that the plan revealed in this documentary presentation continues to unfold.


donald-trump-ronald-reagan-parallels-v0-rrszynjlc70e1 (1).png
Trump's victory reminds me of reagan's in 1980. Here Trump is in a Masonic handshake with Reagan.

'Worn out' Israeli reservists refuse service citing fear of 'endless' deployment: Report
Reservists in the Israeli army increasingly say they are unwilling to disrupt their lives to fight for long periods in Lebanon and Gaza

"The resource of reservists is not unlimited, and it is very difficult for people to be so absent in the midst of daily life. That is why there is a silent refusal to report for service, without protests or in a public way. They cannot be argued with, or demanded by force to come," army sources told Yedioth Ahronoth.
Owen Jones- Israeli Activists Demand SANCTIONS On Israel: "Save Us From Ourselves" They Plead - w/ Anat Matar

It's an act of real moral courage - and I'm honoured to interview one of the signatories, the Israeli academic Anat Matar about what it means. This is sobering stuff.

Here's the letter:


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has vowed he will use all the power necessary under the new Trump administration to jail Bill Gates, Dr. Antony Fauci, and Big Pharma executives who worked with media to censor the truth behind the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

The pharmaceutical elite, who thought that election fraud would carry Kamala Harris over the finish line, are now facing being exposed for perpetrating the biggest lie in U.S. history following Donald Trump's landslide presidential victory on Tuesday.

6.3 million will be dead within 5 years of their experimental mRNA booster injection and 2.6 million dead within a year of their booster or dead already - 6,300,000 Americans within five years

These numbers are horrific, but they do not capture all the morbidities and deaths caused by the experimental mRNA injections, nor do they reflect the far higher morbidities and deaths caused by the two billion AstraZeneca injections, almost all of which will be Iin India and Russia - which used AstraZeneca's technology - despite that concoction being withdrawn from use in the EU ad UK within 6 months or so of its launch and being rejected entirely by the US

Fury in Sweden at video of Syrian asylum seeker pushing a 91-year-old widow down stairs before violently mugging her as she visits husband's grave

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at