Oct 25 - Daily Mail Posts Vigano Charge Harris is Satanic
October 25, 2024

(left, Vigano knows his subject)
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Archbishop Vigano says those controlling Harris are 'people devoted to evil, united by the satanic hatred against Our Lord Jesus Christ and those who believe in Him, mainly against the Catholic faithful.'
When the Daily Mail posts this, you know Harris' goose is cooked! The Daily Mail is an Illuminati weather vane.
Now, he has published an open letter to Catholics telling them it is sinful to choose Harris over Trump.
'The choice is between a conservative president, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan,' Vigano writes. 'Voting for Donald Trump means firmly distancing ourselves from an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian and anti-human vision of society. It means stopping those who want to create a hellish dystopia that is even worse than the one announced by George Orwell,' he said.
He calls current President Joe Biden a 'a servant of this subversive elite and widely blackmailable for the scandals and crimes committed by himself personally and also by his family, beginning with his son Hunter.' Harris, he alleges, is under the control of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Sean 'Diddy' Combs and George Soros.
Vigano says those controlling Harris are 'people devoted to evil, united by the satanic hatred against Our Lord Jesus Christ and those who believe in Him, mainly against the Catholic faithful.'
He added that Catholics can truly make a difference in swinging the election to Trump. 'Vote without hesitation, and pray that Our Lord will enlighten American citizens in making their choice and grant victory to those who, at least, have no problem proclaiming that Christ is Lord.'
Makow Comment - Vigano omits the fact that Trump is also a Satanist and supports Gaza genocide. To save our freedom we must jump from the Communist fry pan into the Zionist fire.

Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden Ebba Busch:
"Islam must adapt to Swedish values. Muslims who do not integrate must leave the country. Honour killings, beheadings, stoning of women and Sharia law have no place here."
The Truth About Israel's War on Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon - the Middle East. by Peter Koenig
"Israel's wars of brutality are a misnomer - it is a Zionist-Israeli force that is slaughtering Palestinians, in a first step to control the world.
The same people are also continuously provoking Iran, to the layman it would appear, not knowing what they are doing. They want to involve the US on their behalf to go to war against Iran, a force which is not alone, a member of the BRICS, as well as allied with Russia and China. The extension of these endless harassments against Iran may indeed bring about a hot WWIII - God forbid nuclear.
Where does their apparently unlimited power come from?
They control the western world's finances and monetary system, ever since the foundation of the US Federal Reserve Act in 1913, also the work of a group of US-Zionist bankers and financiers. Therefore, they can do with the west - or think they can do - whatever they want. So far it seems to work perfectly well for them.
Proof is hidden in plain sight. Daily, weekly -- for more than a year. Yet, Netanyahu's war against Palestine, just over one year old, will be finite. But Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Sinwar's war of resistance, late Chairman of Hamas martyred on October 16, 2024 - his spirit lives on - has just started. Genuine resistance will never die nor lose.
Eradication of an entire society is not just the objective of Netanyahu. Do not get that wrong, Netanyahu is a mere useful and willing player in this atrocious endeavor. The overall and long-term goal of Zionist-Israel is much larger, way beyond Palestine - it is about control of most of the Middle East, and most of the region's energy, oil and gas. They are striving for a Greater Israel that subjugates the world - as their Bible, the Torah, tells them, the Chosen People."
See also this additional short video on the categoric and deliberate Zionist - Israeli destruction of historic and cultural sites in Southern Lebanon - the "cleaning out" of other cultures, achievements - the entire history, before the Chosen People ascended on this planet some 5000 ears ago. And the West watches and does nothing against it:

Reader--"and what a time to be alive... witnessing
from destroying God's Laws, the Traditional Family and Christianity in the West -
to genocides in the east - yes, more than one
Put on the Full Armor of God - DAILY - don't forget your Jesus Whip"
Dr. John Coleman- The Committee of 300 (1994) Full
Dr. John Coleman, being a historian in intelligence community, researched in full scope the sinister forces behind the New world order movement. This video lecture represents a culmination of his findings about secret societies which form this global movement and how it came into existence.
John Coleman (born 1935) is an author and analyst of world affairs. He has written several books and numerous papers analyzing the power structure of the world. He argues that a relatively small group of people - whom he calls 'The Committee of 300' - constitute a ruling elite who are pursuing a goal of one-world government.
Coleman's books have been influential among more well known conspiracy authors such as David Icke and Jim Marrs who quote him in their own works. Coleman researched the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is a secret Masonic order created, with support from T. E. Lawrence, Bertrand Russell and St John Philby, to "keep the Middle East backward so its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted." Coleman has also criticized the Club of Rome, the Giorgio Cini Foundation, Global 2000, the Interreligious Peace Colloquium, the Tavistock Institute, and other organizations."
Putin does not deny reports about North Korea troops
Asked by a reporter about satellite imagery showing North Korean troop movements, Putin said: "Images are a serious thing. If there are images, then they reflect something." But he said it was the West which had escalated the Ukraine crisis and said NATO officers and instructors were directly involved in the Ukraine war. "We know who is present there, from which European NATO countries, and how they carry out this work," Putin said.
Dear Europe: happy submission!
In France alone, currently, more than 410 new mosques are being built.

Schneerson reminding Satanyahu he must destroy Christian civilization in order to herald the antichrist.
Eleven muslim teachers at Quebec's Bedford elementary school have been suspended, following allegations that they used the classroom to teach the Muslim religion and that students were abused
The Occult Roots of Fascism: What you weren't taught in school (Matt Ehret lecture)
In this presentation, Matt Ehret sheds light on the origins of fascism as the 'miracle solution to the great depression' and the occult proclivities of leading occult agencies that didn't disappear after WW2 but simply rebranded themselves under a new strategy to undo the system of sovereign nation states, normalize eugenics (in the form of Transhumanism) and revive a global techno-feudal dictatorship under a post-human New Age.
Multipolarism appears to be nothing more than the consolidation of globalism
Why doesn't Vladimir Putin fire all the Globalists in the Russian government? Rurik Skywalker asks. Because Putin is a dedicated Globalist himself.
The BRICS countries' governments have been chosen to be their local satrapies, he says. "The process to "multipolarise" the world is actually the process by which the world is globalised even further, and local elites deputised to carry out the globalisation agenda in their own regions."
Ultimately, it is a "convergence" of the East's oligarchs and the West's oligarchs so they become a single global oligarchy.

The family of a Christian soldier who died fighting for Israel in Gaza has been given an ultimatum by the Israeli Defense Ministry demanding they remove the cross from his headstone at the Haifa military cemetery or have his body dug up and buried elsewhere.
The IDF's Chief Rabbi ruled that the "holiness" of the cemetery is being harmed by the cross.
GJ said (October 25, 2024):
I am very disappointed that Abp. Vigano rooted for Trump.
I'm a conservative and used to vote for Republican candidates but now I know the Left/Right Paradigm and will no longer succumb to these politicians.
Now, I'm starting to think that Vigano is just another Globalist shill.
If he has true discernment, he would at least keep his mouth shut and not take any sides, because we know that both sides are servants of satan.