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Sept 15 - Satanists Advance World War

September 15, 2024

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As the world teeters on the brink of world war, remember that all world wars 
are orchestrated by globalists (Freemasons on both sides) to kill the goyim and assimilated Jews.
Satanism is the worship of death and disease. Satanism destroys its own adherents, which now includes most countries.

I994 article by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson: "Slav, Russian, can be destroyed but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers."

Rurik Skywalker accuses Putin of dithering in order to increase the number of Ukrainian and Russia deaths. This may have been why Wagner Chief Prighozhin mutinied. 

Skywalker--"Every serious non-shill military person knows that Putin and the Kremlin could have won the war in a month, and they still can win the war in a month simply by blowing the Ukraine bridges and rail lines across the Dnieper River which would prevent nearly all Ukraine-NATO supplies and reinforcements from reaching the battle lines.
But they don't do this because Putin's significantly Jewish oligarchs, work as partners with Zelensky, the CIA, NATO, and Ukraine's significantly Jewish oligarchs.
A longer war, means more profit in both NATO and Russia.  A longer war, more hundreds of thousands of dead white man Slavs
Putin is an agent working slowly toward white man Russia destruction as much as NATO
When Putin welcomes 'traditional values' people to Russia, he doesn't mean whites. He means the even 'more traditional' Muslims and Africans

An excellent summary of where we stand

A Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away.

Reader- "I was in Jasper a few weeks ago. I stopped by to see things with my own eyes. I saw incinerated single homes, but the trees around them and neighbouring homes were intact. I saw a gas station completely devastated, but the propane tanks were still unexploded on the shelves. There's an A&W restaurant across the narrow street from that gas station, which is untouched--not even burned, or partially damaged, or at least smoked. The traffic lights are still operating and untouched, too. The surrounding forests in the town area burned down, with a vast amount of pine-beetle-infested trees and relics that the communist useless Parks Canada never wanted to cut down. Those sick trees burn like tinder, but they were purposely left there. Parks Canada openly sabotaged requests for cutting them down because of some environmental fanatics planted in the globalist-satanic "Government of Canada" led by a narcissist idiot child puppet, Trudeau (Castro). The province of AB has no emergency firefighting units, never mind the useless "federal" sources. They all (including Danielle Smith) congratulated them as "heroes." What fucking heroes when the city burned down, at least 50% of it?!  Nobody wants to talk about the causes of those huge "firewalls", nor have they ever wanted to. It all goes to the "Climate change" hoax drawer. Eventually, they told people who lost everything there that they were "welcome" to return. Pure and cynical satanism, spiced up with DEW technology.


Venezuelan Gangs Have Diplomatic Immunity - Shake Down Truckers in CO

Instant Fires in Calif.

Kabala is a card carrying Commie


CONFIRMED: NANO BOTS IN VACCINES! - New Study Proves What We've Been Warning About For Years!

Frome Jaime-

"Dear  Dr Henry Makow:

    The  USA is ruled by traitors,  it has been giving  billions of dollars to enemy politicians  of many countries. for many years.   Most of the immigrants entering USA are part of a plan to steal money from  USA and destroy it  and exterminate white people.    YOu  kow all that, but some things are not known by 99,99% of people.   For example,  the ruler of Mexico,  LOpez OBrador, is a communist and a crypto Jew.  O I am sure he is descendant of  ancient Khazarians  from Spain,  his  grandfather  was Spanish, and Spain had  many Sephardite families in some zones.  Sephardites  were Khazarians  that migrated to Europe  and adolpted  Jewish religion,  but they are fake Jews.  The grand son of LOpez Obrador,  (known as  "AMLO") that was born in USA  about 3 or 4 years ago, was named  Solomon.     LOpez  hates Spain, why?  I think it is because Spain expelled Sephardites  in 1492.   Many Sephardites  came to America in ships  of Christopher Columbus and stablished in current Mexico, so  now the genetic ancestry of millions of  Mexicans is a mixture of ancient Aztecs  and  Khazarians.

 Khazarians  way of life  was looting countries.   That explains why many Mexicans try to steal money from USA.   But  people like the stupid BIll Clinton,  used  billions of dollars to rescue Mexico in 1993,  why? because CLinton  seems to be also  a Jewish, s according to many articles on INternet.  Several Mexican presidents have  been Jewish,  and always enemies of American white people.  The crypto Jew   AMLo in his speeches  tells Mexicans that   USA stole   big territories  from Mexico,  this way he increases the hatred of Mexicans against USA.  AMLO is  a friend of countries like  CUba, Venezuela,  Russia,  NIcaragua,  and all the  political leaders that are enemies of USA. He admires  Fidel  Castro  Chavez, Marx and all communist people. He also admires  FD Roosevelt, because the Jew Roosevelt was a traitor, acting  against USA.    AMLO is friend of   George Soros, enemy of USA (the friend of my enemy of also my enemy)  so  AMLO is also enemy of USA; then why do  American politicians  LOVE  AMLO and other  Mexican Presidents and  give  billions of dollars to Mexico  every year?  SOme information on INternet says   several American Presidents  have given Mexico  ONE trillion dollars  in  las decades.    AMLO promotes the narcotraffic  of fentanyl and other drugs that kill  thousands of Americans,  but USA does NOTHING against  AMLO, It seems  USA fears AMLO or  PROTECTS AMLO, why? AMLO is now ending his term  as President but  he  gave the  Presidency to  another Jew,  a woman, and  in the staff of AMLO there were  and are many Jews.  Mexico is now  a country  very close to be communist.  Then, why is USA a friend of AMLO and his team?

Marketing mojo Alissa Heinerscheid takes "a leave of absence." Libtard Jews think they can invert reality. Make beer drinkers identify with trannies.

Bud Light boycott likely cost Anheuser-Busch InBev over $1 billion in lost sales

Bud Light loses more ground, slipping to No. 3 in America


It took 50,000 gallons of water to put out Tesla Semi fire in California, US agency says

California firefighters had to douse a flaming battery in a Tesla Semi with about 50,000 gallons (190,000 liters) of water to extinguish flames after a crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said Thursday.

In addition to the huge amount of water, firefighters used an aircraft to drop fire retardant on the "immediate area" of the electric truck as a precautionary measure, the agency said in a preliminary report.

Firefighters said previously that the battery reached temperatures of 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit (540 Celsius) while it was in flames.

The 10 planks of communism and the 45 communist goals in 1963
 Attali on 'Migration' - " In his futuristic tome, A Brief History of the Future (2006) Illuminati banking insider, Jacques Attali, spoke of third-world hordes engulfing the West. 'Ever more numerous masses will hurl themselves at the gates of the West. They already number hundreds of thousands every month; that figure will increase to millions, then tens of millions.' The United States will be the most popular destination and 'In twenty years, the Hispanic and African-American populations will almost constitute a majority in the United States.'  Attali also foresaw a surveillance state where "our iPhones send data to the NSA," and Christianity is pitted against Islam. Clearly, Attali was no clairvoyant. He had access to the blueprint. He helped write it."

A Brief History of the Future, PDF

Attali - 1979 on Health Passports

The Real Globalist 'Mastermind' Behind the Great Reset: 'Prophet' Jacques Attali - 

"In his book the "21st Century Dictionary," published in 1998, Jacques Attali describes a future pandemic to establish a world police force that eventually becomes a planetary power. He highlights specific terms, including the word "Epidemic." In addition, Attali states, "we will take planetary measures of containment, which will briefly question nomadism and democracy." Other terms described by Attali include "Genetic Therapy," "Gene Therapy with Nanotechnologies" and, "Panic,"......"Attali, a regular on political talk show in France, predicted in 2014 that World War III would start with Ukraine. The video ends with former French President Nicolas Sarkozy warns, "we will proceed together toward a new world order, and nobody, and I do mean nobody, will be able to oppose it." 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Sept 15 - Satanists Advance World War "

Antonio said (September 15, 2024):

Attali wants migrants in the United States and Europe but none in Israel (he proclaims himself Jewish), this beautiful country is protected by 6 meter high walls and armed guards at the borders.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at