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June 13 - Fidelito Neuters Canadian Children to Make Way for Migrants

June 13, 2023




(Left, a reader points out that Castro's son is doing the triad claw hand sign
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Nothing earth shattering today folks
Trudeau Endorses Transgenderism For Canadian Children Of All Ages
Justin Trudeau refuses to recognize a rapidly growing parental movement opposing transgender indoctrination in Canadian public schools.
"Trans kids need to feel safe, not targeted by politicians."
Brad Salzberg--"So far out-to-lunch is this Trudeau character he must be ordering sandwiches from a take-out restaurant on planet Mars. Each and every day, our children are targeted by federally-funded LGBT indoctrination programs, backed by the Liberal government."
Alex Newman-
Teachers Unions are "Terrorist" Groups Indoctrinating Kids, Warns OK Ed Chief
Teachers union bosses and the broader education establishment declared war on Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters in recent weeks.
Speaking to lawmakers last month, he blasted the unions as “terrorist organizations” indoctrinating children. The education chief also said his predecessor had run schools “into the ground” while leaving an “absolute dumpster fire” in her wake. The unions were furious.
Mel Gibson: Hollywood Elite Trying To Kill Me for Exposing Pedophile Ring
James Woods was asked - How evil is Hollywood? His answer- Multiply your worst fears by 100.

President Trump: Sickening Child Rape Videos on Biden’s Laptop “Haven’t Been Exposed Yet”



Pictured, transgender-for-youth promoter Justin Trudeau with his pit-bull LGBT pusher, Liberal Minister of Gender, Marci Ein.
BREAKING: Burisma executive who allegedly paid Hunter and Joe Biden has 17 recordings of them as ‘insurance policy’, GOP Senator reveals
Based on the facts known to the Congress and the public, it’s clear that the Justice Department, the FBI haven’t nearly had the same laser focus on the Biden Family,” Grassley added, noting that “Special Counsel Jack Smith has used a recording against former President Trump.”
The evidence is mounting that the wildfires in Canada are not natural, but part of the geoengineering agenda.
Here are two videos that will help the public understand how these wildfires in Canada are not natural, similar to previous wildfires in California, and are part of the geoengineering agenda.


Left- CASE 1 - UK - Young mother Laura Barnes had fatal blood clots at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Her infant died at 2 months of age on July 30, 2022 of “unknown causes”.
mRNA & pregnancy - Infants who died shortly after delivery, born to mothers who were COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated during pregnancy!
Could A Farage-BoJo Alliance Succeeed In Derailing The British Political Establishment?
Today is the first day of the CPSO vs Trozzi "hearing", which is perversely presided over by the CPSO. It starts at 9 a.m. You can receive a link to witness this spectacle by emailing a request for a link to: [email protected]
We are witnessing an unrepentant CPSO continuing to persecute all good doctors who have protected people by discussing and criticizing the misrepresented forced covid injections. Here in just 1 minute Dr Charles Hoffe shows how right we have been from the start, and how guilty the CPSO continues to be. As well here is James Roguski's new article supporting Ontario and our quest to return human rights, health, and justice. Lastly, there is a short interview held last night by Bright Light News with myself.


NYC Students Kicked Out of Dorms to Make Way for Illegals
The city says that the dorms will be used to house hundreds of “families” of illegal aliens, including married couples and single women with children.
Related: NYC Parents Outraged as City Houses Illegal Aliens Inside Public Schools
As has been demonstrated time and time again at the border, US authorities have a virtually impossible task in determining if those purporting to be the parents of children they cross the border with are actually their parents.
In many cases, unaccompanied illegal alien children are being sold to adult illegals on their trek to America, to give the illegals a better chance at the VIP treatment from local and federal US authorities.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at