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April 13 - Financial Storm Brewing

April 13, 2023



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The world seems to be abandoning the $USD as the US imitates a dumpster fire.




Top US Banks to Reveal $521 Billion Deposit Drop, Most in Decade

Deposits at JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo & Co. and Bank of America Corp. are expected to have tumbled $521 billion from a year earlier, the biggest drop in a decade, according to analysts’ estimates. The decline — which includes a $61 billion slide in just the first quarter — comes as a late influx of cash following a crisis at regional lenders failed to offset the steady drain of customers to products offering higher rates.


The federal deficit topped $1 trillion in the first six months of fiscal 2023 (October through March), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today.

This was despite the fact that federal tax revenues in the first six months of this fiscal year were $2,048,196,000,000, which was the second-highest in the nation’s history (when compared to the inflation-adjusted numbers for the tax revenues collected in the first six months of previous fiscal years).

From February to March, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement, the fiscal 2023 federal deficit increased by $378,077,000,000, climbing from $722,627,000,000 to $1,100,704,000,000.


Republican Leader Calls for Urgent Vote on ‘Strong’ Debt Limit Bill in April


Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.), who chairs the Republican Study Committee (RSC), set the end-of-month deadline for a vote on the bill in a Wednesday letter to his GOP colleagues (pdf).

“Passage of a strong debt limit bill before the end of the April legislative session must be the chamber’s top priority,” Hern wrote. “We must work night and day to get it passed to show the American people we can be trusted and force the Senate and White House to answer for their dereliction of duty.”

Hern’s appeal to the RSC’s 176 members comes amid a debt ceiling deadlock between House Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and President Joe Biden, as the United States inches closer to a possible debt default.

  How Much Money Do Pediatricians Really Make From Vaccines?

Our kids are pawns in a racket.

Vaccines are the worst time bomb Pharma has ever foisted on us. These are more lethal than the demonic psych drugs, which spawn murder, suicide, addiction, and early death.




Coping with our stressful times


Nothing can affect you

Viewers--"I blamed others for years.  I realized I was my biggest enemy.  My thoughts drove me nuts for a long time.  Letting go was possibly the best thing ever

"This is life changing for anyone who is conscious and follows these principles

"The Buddhas, Jesus and the other great teachers and enlightened ones have been telling us this for millennia, beautiful.

"Jesus said let not your mind be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Thank you.

"Intelligence is Biological. Wisdom is Spiritual !!


The confidential Pfizer documents that the FDA have been forced to publish by court order reveal that 82% to 97% of women who were mistakenly exposed to the mRNA Covid-19 injection either suffered a miscarriage or suffered having to witness the death of their newborn child upon giving birth.

But Pfizer falsely claimed – “There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy”.

Mark Trozzi MMD--Here is my short video announcing the Winnipeg hearings into the government response to covid-19. The experts list is exceptional!


soros-lawlessnes.pngMillions of COVID-19 doses to expire this year in Canada. How will they be used?

Feds' failure to manage COVID-19 vaccine oversupply could amount to $1 billion in waste

A fall booster shot campaign for the general population is “likely,” said Dr. Matthew Miller, director of the DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research at McMaster University.





Insights Into Pfizer's Lipid Nanotechnologies


Lipid nanoparticles are highly-advanced biotechnologies. Each lipid nanoparticle is designed to adsorb to cells inside the human body and reprogram them using mRNA.

 The lipid nanoparticles are both delivery devices for penetration into cells and mRNA (editing software). The mRNA are the instructions or computer codes that program the lipid nanoparticles. The mRNA injections do not contain a biological virus or portion of a biological virus. There is truly nothing about Pfizer’s mRNA technology that meets the FDA’s definition of a vaccine


oak_zoo.pngLions and tigers and bears (and many other animals) are "dying suddenly" in zoos worldwide
See how many of those creatures have died "unexpectedly" since January, 2023, after they were "vaccinated" (for no reason)

 Eric Peters--“The Market is Moving”

 The bum’s rush toward a battery-powered future is as much about the “market moving” as Deliverance is a love story.

That there is no market for these battery-powered devices is of course precisely why it is necessary for the apparatchik class – the bureaucrats and office-holders who live outside its discipline – to countermand the market’s inclinations. If that were not pravda, then the “proposed rules” (as they are blandly styled) that will serve to out-regulate cars that aren’t battery-powered devices would be as unnecessary as “proposing rules” requiring that people sleep on mattresses rather than the floor.

But they are very necessary – when your intent is to force people to sleep on the floor.


Europe abandons electric car mandates



Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at