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Help JW.

Will you join JW to drive California into the Future?

    Giving Back To Our Community.

    A Proven Leader For Our Community.

    Be A Volunteer

    Supporting our community is an important part to what JW does.

    Growing our Community Together

    JW is a teamster truck driver. He knows about the hard work it takes to keep our community moving forward and prosperous. As your Elected State Assembly Member JW will represent our community.

    Giving Back

    JW knows the road ahead will come with it's challenges, he's not afraid to tackle the tough curves on the road.

    Meet JW Paine

    JW's Vision & Mission

    The Real Impact on Californians

    JW understands how California has been impacted.
    Rising inflation and out-of-control spending by Sacramento Democrats has forced our children and the next generation to take on the cost burden. It’s more important now more than ever to take back California.

    JW Walks The Talk

    As a truck driver, it's more important NOW than ever that we have leadership who walks the talk solving REAL issues in our community like supply chain crisis. As someone who is on the front lines JW knows what it takes to get the job done.

    JW In Our Community

    As a local leader with Christian values JW knows how our community will be impacted for years to come. JW stands up for what is right for our community.


    California Voters


    Voters in San Benito, Monterey, and Santa Cruz.


    Our Local Counties


    Your Voice

    What REAL Voters Are Saying...

    What happened to the California? We need real leadership representing our California State Assembly. I support JW for State Assembly.  

    – Jerold Smith