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Traffic mirroring through HPE Virtual Connect

Reading time5 min

In this article I'd like to describe different traffic mirroring options for HPE Virtual Connect modules. I try to answer two questions: "What options work and why?" and "How different traffic mirroring cases can be implemented?"

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Linux Switchdev the Mellanox way

Reading time7 min
This is a transcription of a talk that was presented at CSNOG 2020 — video is at the end of the page

Greetings! My name is Alexander Zubkov. I work at Qrator Labs, where we protect our customers against DDoS attacks and provide BGP analytics.

We started using Mellanox switches around 2 or 3 years ago. At the time we got acquainted with Switchdev in Linux and today I want to share with you our experience.

Datacenter TCP explained

Reading time2 min
Modern networking contains a number of improvements over the basic TCP/IP stack. One of this, particularly useful inside datacenter was developed by Microsoft Research in 2010 and called, surprisingly, DataCenter TCP (DCTCP).

DCTCP is a set of modification to TCP, targeting to fulfill two properties:
1. Improve latency for latency-sensitive small messages
2. Not to decrease the throughput for throughput-sensitive big flows
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