Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)
Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)

Wydarzenia mające miejsce w 1625 roku:

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  1. Fragment programu telewizyjnego A History of Liberty City:
    In 1625, right after the colony was founded, the first ship of slaves arrived to give the hard-working, morally upstanding, non-hypocritical Americans newly free from tyranny of Europe, time to focus on important things in life, like yelling at their women for buying too much shit in the strip mall.
  2. Fragment programu telewizyjnego A History of Liberty City:
    They choosen the slender island in the bay, witch they called Algonquin. (…)That year, all the local indigenous tribes were brought together and paid for what would be the greatest real estate deal in the history of the world. Fourteen thousand acres of prime downtown real estate for some spare change, a porno magazine and front-row tickets for a game of cricket.