Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)
Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)

Wydarzenia mające miejsce w 1953 roku:

Uniwersum 3D[]

Uniwersum HD[]

Los Santos Panic (V)


  1. Fragment audycji radiowej Heartland Values with Nurse Bob:
    Nurse Bob: Well, you're just gonna have to get happy in the same nappy you just got crappy in, I'm totally trained, I'm 45!
  2. Informacje z poradnika BradyGames do Grand Theft Auto: Vice City:
    A 33-year-old, high-strung lawyer, Ken has been trying to cultivate his relationship with his mob "friends" up North since 1978.
  3. Informacje z oficjalnej strony Grand Theft Auto III (link):
    Liberty City's Gateway To The World. Where we meet new friends and prodigal sons. Francis International has proudly served all of Liberty City's transportation needs since 1953.
  4. Informacje z kartoteki policji LCPD.