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A short note about corporate free / open source software (FOSS), and corporate-employed maintainers. Or specifically "corporate-employed maintainers .. with bad incentives". I tried to come up with a pithy name, but that's the best I could do: CEMBIs.

I've worked professionally in FOSS for a long time. I've seen a lot of corporate approaches to FOSS participation over that time, and seen the FOSS community develop a fairly nuanced understanding of what sorts of corporate strategies are welcome or unwelcome, healthy or harmful to a project. We have articulated a lot of thoughts about (say) open core and dual licensing business models, or (say) which forms of corporate "embrace" represent a step on an "extend/extinguish" path, or (say) which forms of telemetry are appropriate and which put users at risk of surveillance.

What I haven't seen a lot of discussion of, and wish I did see, is the structure and content of relationships that exist between corporate-employed FOSS maintainers and their employers. And I think this matters because the people doing corporate FOSS aren't soul-less automata executing corporate strategy. They are people with their own motivations, incentives, a certain amount of autonomy, but (most relevant to my concerns) a set of performance-evaluation criteria they have to satisfy to remain employed and/or get promoted.

Companies incentivize lots of things, but I worry (and in many cases I either know first hand or have heard second hand) that companies often have an incentive structure that rewards novelty, especially in the form of features if not entire products. There's a good reason for this when the company is "making products to sell": this year's new-and-improved is always sellable over last year's tired old model. But it's also just a reflection of the "growth orientation" or capitalism in general: whatever activity the company accomplished last year, a common measure of health and vitality isn't consistent execution but growth of the business. Failure to grow is treated as stagnation which is treated as equivalent to death. This orientation can be embedded so deep in a company's DNA that it's the incentive structure given to everyone who works there, regardless of whether they're making products, auditing the accounts, or maintaining corporate infrastructure.

And to a large measure, that's what FOSS is. Not always, but usually: infrastructure. It's stuff that's supposed to work the same way from one day to the next. Stuff that's not supposed to be noticed because it just works. Reliably, efficiently, silently. Stuff that has a massive installed base of users relying on it, massive social and institutional inertia, and thereby massive (and sensible) built-in resistance to novelty. You don't actually want novelty in the electrical grid, the drinking water system, sewers, roads, bridges, rail lines, telecoms .. you want this stuff to be absolutely rock solid and not novel in the least. That's what maybe 90 or 95% of FOSS is like, certainly the stuff that needs reliable corporate maintainers.

For corporate-employed FOSS maintainers working at a firm with these "growth and novelty" incentives -- CEMBIs -- this leads to a real quandry. They're in a position where their job performance is very likely to be evaluated in terms of visible growth and novelty (it might be dressed up in more abstract terms like "real-world impact" or "visibility" but it still means the same thing) even though that is exactly the wrong thing for the health of the project they're maintaining. The incentives are bad. If they do the best thing for the project as infrastructure -- triage and fix bugs from the backlog, optimize performance, increase security and reliability, pay down tech debt, simplify and automate ongoing maintenance -- the bias of their organization is likely to view them as "doing nothing", or at best doing "low-value work" that only counts as "reducing fixed costs", not leading the way towards new growth. To be seen in a positive light by their employer, the CEMBI winds uphaving to do essentially anti-maintenance work: make the program "do something new and exciting", that it didn't do yesterday. Ignore maintenance of "what is", focus on "what's next".

Seeing this over and over in FOSS makes me a bit sad. I guess I've maybe been watching too many re-runs of The West Wing lately, but while I've been thinking about this subject, I keep thinking of the "Let Bartlet Be Bartlet" episode near the end of the first season, where the characters come around to the idea that maybe it'd be best to just do what they were elected to do. I keep thinking it'd be nice if employers could incentivize their employees to do what they were hired to do. To "Let Maintainers Be Maintainers". Maintaining FOSS isn't low-value work. It's essential work, stuff that you ignore at your medium and long-term peril. As a new homeowner I will make more salient analogies: it's testing the wiring for faults, testing the walls for mould, replacing the roof before it leaks. It's work that has to be done in order for FOSS to keep functioning over the long term. Software actually does "break down and wear out": requirements change; upstream and downstream platforms and libraries change incompatibly; patterns of usage change; hardware changes; new subsystems become performance bottlenecks; new bugs are discovered, some of which will be high severity security vulnerabilities, others will merely grow in importance as they're encountered more often. Software maintenance is real and important work, and if a company hires a maintainer of a project "in order to support the project", it's what that company should be incentivizing and evaluating those maintainers in terms of.

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