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Ficheiro:Seal of Borough of Queens.svg

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Ficheiro orixinal (ficheiro SVG; resolución de 313 × 321 píxeles; tamaño do ficheiro: 150 kB)


English: Seal of the Borough of Queens, which is identical to the art at the center of the Queens flag, the only exceptions being the banner at the bottom with the year 1898, the year of the borough's consolidation into the City of New York, and the crown placed at the top-center, paying honor to Catherine of Braganza for whom the borough derived its name. The wampum ring represents the Lenape people who used to collect the shells to make it on these shores, when the land was known as "Sewanacky", the "island of seashells". This feature differs from other versions which appear with a red outline; the outline is neither codified in the official design description or shown in the original artwork and appears to have been added later from the stitching of some flags. The tulip represents the Dutch settlers while the Tudor rose represents the English. This version is based on renditions by the Queens County Court and archived web material from CFW Flags and the Borough's website, with the tulip and tudor rose based on the original 1913 flag artwork. Oftentimes the tudor rose is reproduced by the Borough government erroneously with 4 petals, the product of some clerical or administrative error.
Data 2016-12-28, original c. 1913
Orixe Obra propia, based on seals present from CTW Flags and Queens County Court Seal
Autoría Simtropolitan
(Reuso deste ficheiro)
Insignia Esta imaxe representa unha bandeira, un escudo, un selo ou algunha outra insignia oficial. O uso destes símbolos está restrinxido en moitos países. Estas restricións son independentes do estado dos dereitos de autoría.


Public domain
Este arquivo está no dominio público nos Estados Unidos xa que foi publicado antes do 1 de xaneiro de 1930.

Os traballos no dominio público deben ter expirado o seu copyright nos Estados Unidos e no país de orixe para ser subidos a Commons. Se o traballo non é un traballo estadounidense, o ficheiro debe ter unha marca de dereitos de autor adicional indicando o estado do copyright do país de orixe.

PD-US-expired Public domain in the United States //

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actual14 de agosto de 2022 ás 03:03Miniatura da versión ás 03:03 do 14 de agosto de 2022313 × 321 (150 kB)Smasongarrisonslimmed down with svgomg // Editing SVG source code using c:User:Rillke/SVGedit.js
23 de xullo de 2020 ás 18:17Miniatura da versión ás 18:17 do 23 de xullo de 2020313 × 321 (338 kB)SimtropolitanTulip gradient to match original artwork
29 de decembro de 2016 ás 01:15Miniatura da versión ás 01:15 do 29 de decembro de 2016313 × 321 (291 kB)Simtropolitan{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Seal of the Borough of Queens, which is identical to the art at the center of the Queens flag, the only exceptions being the banner at the bottom with the year 1898, the year of the borough's consolidation into the...

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