Tech NewsApple
Apple Quarterly Revenues Over $10 Billion for First Time Ever
You wouldn’t know there’s a recession by Apple’s earnings report from this past quarter: Revenues were over $10 billion for the first time ever and they sold the most iPods ever. Updated. Update: From the Q&A: Tim Cook on iPhone competition: “We like competition as long as they don’t off our IP. And we’re going … Continued
Tech NewsApple
LogMeIn App Allows Remote Access of Your PC or Mac via the iPhone or iPod Touch
LogMeIn has taken their awesome remote access desktop app and ported it to the iPhone and iPod Touch—allowing one click control of your PC or Mac from anywhere. The guys at TUAW gave the LogMeIn Ignition app a thorough test and discovered that it was stable and worked exceedingly well on Wi-Fi and 3G. You … Continued
By Sean Fallon -
Tech NewsApple
Giz Explains: Why the Windows 7 Taskbar Beats Mac OS X’s Dock
Yeah, I said it. The Windows 7 taskbar is the most important Windows UI change since Windows 95, and it will dramatically change the way you use Windows. And it’s better than the Mac’s Dock. That’s because the “superbar”—as the taskbar is known by developers—jerks taskbar functionality in a new direction. It’s no longer merely … Continued
Tech NewsApple
We Now Interrupt Pandora Radio For This Brief Message, Every So Often
Everybody’s favorite web- and iPhone-streaming internet radio service Pandora is now getting brief 15-second audio commercials sprinkled into its free playlists. The campaign, which started yesterday for a targeted segment of pandora listeners, brings a 15-second audio spot for the Fox show “Lie to Me” (yay!) after you stream 10 songs, and then again after … Continued
By John Mahoney -
Tech NewsApple
SEC Examining Apple on Steve Jobs’ Health Disclosures
The storm after Gizmodo uncovered the real state of Steve Jobs’ health keeps growing. Now the SEC is examining Apple’s behavior to “ensure investors weren’t misled,” Bloomberg reports: https://gizmodo.com/steve-jobs-health-declining-rapidly-reason-for-macworl-5120687 U.S. regulators are examining Apple Inc.’s disclosures about Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs’s health problems to ensure investors weren’t misled, a person familiar with the matter … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsApple
iShelf Brings Cover Flow to Real Life, Makes Profound Statement About Something or Other
Designer Li Jianye’s real-life Cover Flow shelf is just like the actual Cover Flow, except for the fact that it can’t move, only holds five albums and doesn’t let you play music. In other worlds, it’s better to view the iShelf as an artistic statement about digital music or interface usability, or something, because that’s … Continued
By John Herrman -
Tech NewsApple
White MacBooks Upgraded, Nearly Match Unibody Specs
Despite all the fanfare about the new, upgraded unibody MacBooks, the old (polybody?) MacBooks are still on sale for $999. Thankfully, Apple has updated the base specs on our sad, white friend. The upgrades aren’t trivial either—now the old-style MacBook almost matches the unibody model, spec for spec. The processor is updated to the newer … Continued
By John Herrman -
Tech NewsApple
Apple Counters Secondhand Sales With Discount Refurbished in China
Apple’s set up an online refurbished discount store in China, lowering prices by up to 22% in order to combat secondhand non-Apple-approved sales going on in the country already. The refurbs, based on the Reuters writeup, don’t seem all that great. A $44 iPod shuffle and a $2047 iMac seems like normal price to us. … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
The Next Gadget Gods
This past year, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs began to focus on priorities other than tech. Who will fill their winged sandals and become the new Gadget Gods? These next gods will, like their predecessors, be people whose professional and private lives, and even personal appearance, are of equal importance to hordes of obsessed nerds. … Continued
Tech NewsApple
Clippy Adds Copy and Paste to Jailbroken iPhones
It’s not App Store approved, but for those in the audience who’ve jailbroken their iPhones, the Clippy add-on offers some reasonable functionality to copy and paste across apps. Clippy works by adding copy and paste buttons to the iPhone’s keyboard which can be activated on any editable text (emails and SMS). To begin copying, you … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsApple
Obama Inspired Shirts From FastMac: One Day Sale For $4.44
In celebration of the inauguration of our 44th President, FastMac is selling four Obama-themed t-shirts (today only) for $4.44. The designs include two shirts inspired by the now famous Shepard Fairey “HOPE” poster, and two others entitled “Obamac” and “OS X, Software We Can Believe In.” Head on over to FastMac now if you want … Continued
By Sean Fallon -
Tech NewsApple
Obama Wallpapers Inaugurate Your iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, or Palm
I have to say that some of these Obama wallpapers—created to celebrate the Presidential Inauguration—are incredibly naff, but others are actually quite cool looking. And hey, one day is one day. [GX-5] https://gizmodo.com/lego-obama-presidential-inauguration-brings-hope-to-bri-5135183
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsApple
The SniPod Touch: When Apps Go Deadly
This official US Army M110 Sniper Rifle has all the necessary accouterments: long barrel, scope, and an iPod touch. You see, that iPod is running the program BulletFlight, available now from the App Store for $12. BulletFlight is essentially a ballistics calculator that turns environmental factors like windspeed and distance into simple “click” adjustments on … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsApple
CBS’s ‘Worst Week’ Mistakes iPod for iPhone, Sends Nerdier Viewers into Convulsions
‘Worst Week’ is apparently some kind of adapted British show about a guy whose life sucks, or something. I don’t know. All I do know is that this guy’s iPhone is not an iPhone. To add insult to injury, the person on the other end of the line has an actual iPhone, assuming that he … Continued
By John Herrman -
Tech NewsApple
Ustream’s iPhone Viewer App Now Live In Time For the Inauguration
That Ustream viewer app we talked about is now live in the iPhone App Store, free for your downloading pleasure. Get it now to avoid disappointment tomorrow morning. [App Store] https://gizmodo.com/ustreams-upcoming-iphone-app-lets-you-watch-obama-inaug-5133177
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
When Coworkers’ Pranks Get Scary: Guy’s Desk Gets Plastered by Big Brother Steve Jobs
One day late last summer, Flickr member jpegsrock returned to work from his vacation to find his cubicle just a little different, courtesy of his loving coworkers. Apparently the unofficial Apple junkie of his office, jpegsrock’s coworkers thought it would be apt to welcome him back in an appropriate manner-by smearing Steve Jobs’ mug all … Continued
By Erica Ho -
Tech NewsApple
Tron For iPhone’s Multitouch Multiplayer Mode is Awesome: Four Hands, One iPhone
A well-implemented Tron for iPhone is cool enough on its own, but most impressive is this version’s incredibly cool approach to multiplayer: a vertical splitscreen puts both players’ hands in the game at once. Updated Credit goes to Japanese devs Pankaku, who have several other nice-looking music apps. The game’s called Light Bike, and it’s … Continued
By John Mahoney -
Tech NewsApple
Matte Screen Options for 15-Inch Superglossy MacBook Pro
Superpros who want 17 inches of MacBook Pro can get a matte screen from Apple for $50. Apple annoyingly hoses people who want a portable notebook. But they’ve got a couple aftermarket options. TechRestore replaces the entire screen and LCD panel—overnight, even—for $199. It comes with a one-year warranty. Here’s how it works: We remove … Continued
Tech NewsApple
Apple Desktop Keyboard with iPhone Dock Concept Makes Perfect Sense
I want this. An Apple Keyboard that would allow me to connect my iPhone and use the screen as a control surface capable of showing buttons and small apps, like the Asus Eee Keyboard. https://gizmodo.com/eee-keyboard-an-entire-touchscreen-home-theater-pc-5124985 If you are not envious about the Asus Eee Keyboard-the 21st Century Commodore 64 with side-touchscreen instead of function keys-I … Continued
By Jesus Diaz