Tech NewsSploid
Biker launches from 100-foot ramp, jumps off his bike using a parachute
26-year-old Brad O’Neil wanted to beat a new “Hey look I can do something really stupid that will potentially kill my neck” record, so he used a 100-foot-long, 60-foot-high ramp to jump into the air using his bike, only to jump off the bike at the highest point using a parachute. SPLOID is a new … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Badass fireworks machine-gun fires 900 shots in one minute
YouTube user iZHarms made this awesome fireworks machine-gun using with five AK-180—a type of repeating roman candles—for a total of 900 shots. If this is not the best project you can do this summer, I don’t know what is. Last year he made this mini gun: SPLOID is a new blog about awesome stuff. Join … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
I want one of these cool speeders to go to work every day
This is the work of young concept artist Seokin Chung,just out of the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. I like his style—not only the aesthetics of his designs but his rough, simple, but very effective brushwork. Seokin Chung is a freelance concept artist based in Los Angeles. Someone should hire this kid. … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Guy turns jar of warm liquid into ice just by putting his hand inside
This is like a scene from X-Men: A man puts his hand into a jar seemingly full of water. Instantly, ice starts growing around it despite the fact that the liquid is warm, expanding until all the content is solid, with the texture of ice cream. What is this sorcery? It’s something called hot ice. … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
NASA shake test for the Saturn V rocket looked ridiculous but it worked
Sometimes NASA comes up with incredibly complex solutions to extremely complex problems. Other times they come up with the simplest ones. And then there’s the case of how to test the stability of an entire Saturn V rocket, which is what you can see in this hilarious video from 1966. On October 14, 1966, a … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Fascinating view of objects’ guts as they get sanded down layer by layer
I want someone to do these stop-motion videos of objects being sanded down one layer at a time using every solid thing in existence. They are like destructive magnetic resonance scans. So cool. SPLOID is a new blog about awesome stuff. Join us on Facebook
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Final Guardians of the Galaxy trailer sets eye candy level to overload
A new and final extended trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy is out in the UK, full of Rocket Raccoon, new scene peeks, and new characters in this seemingly-ever-expanding space opera. The soundtrack—full of classics including David Bowie’s Moonage Dream—is also available for stream in Spotify. Check it out. People, these trailers keep increasing in … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
This woman is a human photocopier
I can’t help but to admire the technical prowessof Malaysian illustrator Monica Lee. Whether you are a fan of photorealistic art or not, and independently of the grid she uses to reproduce the photos, it’s impossible to ignore her skills. Her control of graphite and paper is complete, like a human photocopier. One of these … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Fall in trance with this time-lapse video of wood being planed down
Colossal caught this hypnotizing time-lapse video created by Keith Skretch, made by shaving a wood plank millimeter by millimeter and photographing every step. Hypnotizing. SPLOID is a new blog about awesome stuff. Join us on Facebook
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Couple gets their wedding photos with a tornado in the background
Why are people taking wedding photos in the middle of natural disasters? Is this becoming a new photo fad? Last week we had Josh Newton’s photos in the middle of a raging fire in Oregon. Today we got Colleen Niska’s photoshot with a tornado as the backdrop. I’m sure couples and photographers around the country … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Beautifully filmed race between two of the best aircraft fighters ever
This ad for Breitling is actually quite bad, but it’s rare to see the P-51 Mustang and the F4U Corsair—two of the most beautiful aircraft ever created—filmed with such exquisite photography. They look magnificent. Here’s their first ad, which we published in 2012: SPLOID is a new blog about awesome stuff. Join us on Facebook
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Star Wars video transforms real world airport into Imperial base
Star Wars fan Frank Wunderlich turned the German airport of Frankfurt into a base for the Imperial Navy thanks to the wonders of 3D and compositing. Despite some failures here and there, it’s a great scene full of shuttles and Imperial walkers. I’d imagine Frankfurt’s airport would have looked like that by now had the … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Video: Boeing 767 pilot avoids crash with Airbus A340 crossing runway
A Boeing 767-300 had to abort its landing at Barcelona airport when an Airbus A340 suddenly crossed the runway as it was a few feet from touch down. It would have been a disaster comparable to the accident at Los Rodeos, in Tenerife, when two 747s collided on the runway killing 583 people. This happened … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Who would win a race between Optimus Prime, a Batmobile and a DeLorean?
I don’t know who would win the race between Optimus Prime, the Batmobile and a DeLorean time machine. Probably the DeLorean, since it can travel to the future and win right away, right? This cool stop motion short by Taiwanese animator Counter656 says otherwise. SPLOID is a new blog about awesome stuff. Join us on … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Magic cube transforms into dozens of wonderful geometrical shapes
Andreas Markus Hoenigschmid is the master of solid geometry, the black magic wizard of three-dimensional space. Check out the dozens of objects he can create with his amazing transforming cubes. SPLOID is a new blog about awesome stuff. Join us on Facebook
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
All the solid surfaces in the solar system stitched in one brilliant map
As usual, xkcd wins the internet with another brilliant scientific visualization: All the solid surfaces (the planetary, moon, and asteroid crusts) in the Solar System stitched together as if it all were a seamless flat map. It’s fascinating to see it all from this simple perspective. The image excludes the dust and small rocks. SPLOID … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Fascinating graphics show who owns all the major brands in the world
All the biggest product brands in the world are owned by a handful of corporation. Food, cleaning products, banks, airlines, cars, media companies… everything is in the hands of these megacorporations. These graphics show how everything is connected. Consumer goods In the supermarket—as you can see in the graphic at the top—Mondelez, Kraft, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
This burger is illegal in one state and several countries
The Foie-ck A Duck, ladies and gentlemen:“Sous vide duck breast, encrusted in a smattering of peppercorns, smothered in a foie gras cognac cream sauce, and feathered with freshly sliced summer truffle.” I’m drooling so much right now—really, actual drool just came out of my mouth. I want this so badly. Foie gras legal status in … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
How time travel can ruin our lives
Time travel looks like fun until you actually take it to its ultimate consequences. Directed by Bo Mirosseni and written by Elisha Yaffe, Time Travel Lover is a fun little short that shows how time travel would destroy our lives if it were real. This is heavy, Doc. SPLOID is a new blog about awesome … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Optical illusion painting changes its perspective as you move around it
When I started to watch this video I thought I wasn’t looking at a painting but a high definition flat display that tracked your eyes, modifying a 3D model to give you the illusion of real depth. And then the magics finally get revealed. It’s so simple and so damn cool. It reminds me of … Continued
By Jesus Diaz